Showing posts with label ghost tours. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ghost tours. Show all posts

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A Personal "Ghost" Story

As far back as I can remember I have always been interested in ghosts... scary movies... the unexplained.... I think it may go back to the stories my dad used to tell me as a child... The neighborhood kids would gather up in our yard and my dad would spin tales that would scare the toughest of kids... We would scream... We would hide.. We would sleep with the lights on (I still do when the husband is not home... - Yes, My name is Kelly and I am a wimp).... Ghost stories were a huge part of my childhood... A very good memory...

Shortly after my dad's dad passed away (my grandpa) - my dad had one of his brothers out to visit us... Now this brother is a devout Catholic man... A man that does not tease about ghosts and such... Well - one night when my dad and my uncle were going through their dad's (grandpa's) belongings that were left at our home - my uncle glanced up into the kitchen and saw my grandpa looking at him and my dad... This vision startled my uncle... my dad did not see the apparitions but he believed my uncle... his brother... There are many tales in my family of relatives seeing those that had passed on... Maybe it's my Scottish/Irish bloodline... Whatever it may be - the Paranormal intrigues me...

One more tale that happened to me and my girls.. this is NOT fiction...

When my oldest was about three years old - She would tell us a tale about a elderly man that was standing in the doorway to her bedroom... She would call him the "mean man" - she thought elderly people looked mean ... She was not afraid of this man.... Every night she would add more information to this "mean man"... She would tell us he was sick... that he needed an operation on his leg and that he needed to go to the hospital.. Every night for months - she would tell my husband and I about this man... We started to get a little freaked... seriously.... So one night I was carrying my youngest up the stairs to her room... In the middle of going up the stairs - she pointed to my oldest daughter's room and asked "Whose that man?" (she was about 18 months old)... Okay - I'm getting a major case of goose bumps going up my arms... I asked her what man.... She points again and says "That man!"... This was enough to convince me something most definitely was going on... So I called a couple of my Christian friends.... What I was advised to do was to go into my daughter's room and tell this (whatever it was) to leave... In the Bible it states something about ghosts, demons, or whatever - has to leave because God is in control and if we believe God is in control the entities will not have a choice... they would have to leave...

So in the middle of the afternoon (no way was I going to do this in the dark)... I went into my daughter's room and spoke out loud and told this whatever to leave... I said out loud that God says you have to leave.. So Go.... Later that night my daughter did not speak of this "mean man"... She never spoke of him again.. Now that she is a teenager - I have told her the tale of her nightly visitor.... and now she is as intrigued as I am..

To add to our interest in the paranormal... This summer on our Mom and Daughters East Coast adventure - I have booked actual Ghost tours... Not the fake actors... But real documented tours... with Real Paranormal investigators... The tours will take place in Williamsburg, VA, Boston, MA, and Salem, MA.... I have done weeks of research into the best companies... Two of the tours are nationally rated... I think this will be fun... I bet the east coast with all that history will be a blast! I'm wondering if we'll sleep with the lights on.....

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Daughters and I - Are Going Historical Part III

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I have shared that I am going on a dream historical vacation with my two (2) favorite people in the world... my teen daughters... I told you about flying into DC and visiting Williamsburg and all the top "must sees" in DC... You can read about it here... Part I. I also shared that we will be jumping on a train to go to New York City and the exciting things we have planned... You might say - I am completely Insane in the details but I believe to have a great vacation - You MUST be greatly prepared... You can read about the 2nd leg of our journey her... Part 2...

The last leg of our journey will be in Boston! I am really looking forward to riding the train from NYC to Boston - I'm guessing the scenery will be much different than riding along the Southern California coast... I have my Ipad loaded with books to read and games to play... My girls have their Ipods loaded up as well...

My sister lives outside of Boston and she and her daughter will join us on our adventure here... This is the plan... We arrive in Boston in the late afternoon - this will be a great time to relax by the pool or see a movie..... or sleep... As you can imagine - we most likely will be exhausted from our non-stop activities in The Big Apple... The first full day - we will walk the Freedom Trail... My husband and I did this walk about 15 years ago and we really enjoyed it... I'm hoping the girls will too.. On the Freedom Trail - we will walk by the Old North Church... you know the church where Paul Revere saw two lamps in the high tower warning him that the British were coming.. Also along this walk - we will see Paul's home, Mother Goose's grave, The Famous Swan boats, different historical markers from The Revolutionary War, and The USS Constitution also known as Old Iron Sides.... There are many other things too - such as Faneuil Hall Marketplace.. Can anyone say Lobster Roll????

Our last full day in Boston - we will venture to Salem... My oldest is fired up about this one... I have booked three (3) tours... One tour we will go into the 2nd oldest cemetery in the US.. Tour two - we will go on a walk about and learn about what led to the hysteria of the Salem Witch trials - the key players and the innocent victims and our last tour will be a night.. It's called Haunted Footsteps - it's a tour of known areas with paranormal activity.... boooooo..

After Boston we will head over to my sister's home.. I have not seen her new home yet and look forward to relaxing... eating... sight-seeing....... Now the big question is this....

Do I take the train back to DC (my free airline tickets require this) Or do I fly out of Boston...

Train - 8 hours - Cost $140 for 3 tickets - Hotel room $175. Total: $315
Boston Flight - 3 one way tickets $526....

What Would You Do????


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