Showing posts with label choices. Show all posts
Showing posts with label choices. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"Mom - You Are Over Protective"

One of the battles I often have with my 14 year old daughter is that she believes I am "over-protective" and I just might be... And that's okay with me.. As a parent we know our kids... We know their maturity... their thought process (or at least we try)... We know the quality of friends they have... We know how much responsibility they can handle... We know how much "freedom" they can take and with that freedom what kind of choices they will typically make.... It is my responsibility as my daughters' mom to help lead them in the right directions... To hold them accountable when they make bad choices... To praise them when they rise to the occasion... To believe and encourage them as they mature....

If that makes me Over Protective - So Be It!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Abortion is Forever...

I saw a bumper sticker the other day - it said Adoption is another Option - it crossed the letters in the word abortion to change it to adoption... I liked that.... Today's society has become so harden towards human life..... You hear things like - a woman should have a choice about her body... she wasn't ready to be a mom yet.... Oh it's easy to get an abortion -it's almost painless...

Abortion has become another form of birth control... I remember listening to Rosie O'Donnell rant about being pro-abortion..... in the middle of her rant - I remembered the words of Ronald Reagan... "Abortion is advocated only by persons who already have been born"

I remember when I was talking to a birth mother and I asked her why she decided to put her baby up for adoption... Her answer to me was "It was too late to abort it" WOW... I think for the first time I was utterly speechless... I will say that I did not feel judgment towards her - I never thought she was a bad person... I was just shocked on how easily the words came to her lips... Many people don't realize that abortion is killing a human life...

I know Planned Parenthood would never call it a human life.... they call it (the baby) tissue removal... seriously... I remember when I was in my first year of college.. My best friend found out she was pregnant. She decided to have an abortion.. In those days - I thought she was making a good choice.. until.. I took her to her appointment - I remember walking through a line of picketers and going into the waiting room... She went back right away and I found a comfortable couch to sit on.. I did not have anything to read so I people watched.... There was one mother who brought her daughter in - the girl must have been around thirteen - when the young girl came out - the mother laughed and said "I told you it wasn't a big deal".... that moment will forever be burned into my brain... the complete disgust of it....

My friend came out when it was over - we looked at each other and we cried..... Twenty-four years later - my friend who is still a best friend today - still feels the guilt... especially when she looks at her beautiful 15 year old daughter... It's a guilt that I pray will go a way...

"The first thing I'd do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. That's the first thing that I'd do." -- Senator Barack Obama, speaking to the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, July 17, 2007

This act is the most radical abortion law yet - Freedom of Choice Act - click on the link to get more information.....

Once an abortion has been done there is no going back.....


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