Showing posts with label Amazon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazon. Show all posts

Friday, March 18, 2011

Making A little Extra Money From Blogging


There's a company that I signed up with a while back called Blogsvertise.. It's a company that pays you to blog about their clients' products.. The average payout is around $9.00 but I have also received in upwards of $50 - $100... The post is usually pretty easy to write. They give you many links that are very informative so that you can choose whether you want the task or not....

In the past month - I have turned down around 15 tasks.. Mostly because I am posting randomness and I don't want to be obligated to write a money producing post.. (call me crazy) at this time... but that doesn't mean that you might not want to... If you want to make some easy money with your blogging visit Blogsvertise

Another small way to make some extra cash is Adsense through google AND With Amazon - I earn gift cards... which is perfect for me - I love to read books through my Kindle app on my IPad.. Whenever anyone uses my Amazon link from my blog to visit Amazon and they purchase an item from Amazon - I receive a small commission.... It's that simple..

Having a Face Book page also helps drive traffic to your sites.. Would be great if you liked me on Face Book cuz I would love the traffic and of course I will return the favor!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Love Vampires

Okay - I am going to make a confession.... I love Vampires... I know crazy, isn't it? Here I am a 44 year old mother of two - a member of the leadership team at my very conservative Southern Baptist church... and here I stand confessing that I love Vampires... I don't care for the ugly vampires of old.... Only the good looking ones... or sexy ones in a sick sort of way.... Picture Brad Pitt in Interview with the Vampire - or Keifer Sutherland in The Lost Boys Or the really evil vampire in John Carpenter's Vampires

My first taste of my obsession was when I was young and George Hamilton played a vampire in Love at First Bite .... When he started dancing with Susan Saint James - to I love the night life - I love to boogie..... Are you getting any flashbacks with that? I'm telling you - I'm a nut.... I also love to read romantic suspense novels with vampires in them. My favorite books in this genre are from author Shannon Drake - they are both entertaining, romantic, and suspenseful. The first book in the series is Beneath A Blood Red Moon (Zebra romantic suspense) and the ones that follow are: When Darkness Falls, Deep Midnight, and a few more - you gotta check them out.. seriously... I won't tell anyone...

What my husband really finds amusing in my love for Buffy The Vampire Slayer - I own the entire series.... My teen is also a major fan - I know.... I'm a bad mom... but there's censorship and then there's CENSORSHIP... I think you know what I mean.. I also like supernatural - Kay Hooper and all the books that have the psychic FBI team created by super psychic FBI agent Noah Bishop.... I'm warning you if you start reading you WILL be hooked. Stealing Shadows (Shadows Trilogy), Hiding in the Shadows (Shadows Trilogy) and Out of the Shadows (Shadows Trilogy). This is the first 3 book series but she has a few series after this that include some of the same characters and new ones too...

What's Your Secret (not-so secret) obsession?

Love at First Bite - I Love The Night Life


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