Saturday 5 May 2012
It was a very busy day for little one. He was up early to have his haircut with his Ama. Papa E decided to take him to his barber shop instead of the kiddie hairshop that we usually go to. I was apprehensive at first, especially since I wasn't going with them. But remembering how well behaved he was before, I knew they'll be fine.
When they arrived, Poj saw that there were no kids there and ask Papa E if he was allowed to be there, bless him. His Ama reassured him that he was. The barbers made a fuss with Poj, were uber nice and attentive to him. They also offered him biscuits that he happily munched on. They also complimented Poj on being so well behaved during the whole process. And when they realized that Poj was quietly sat just watching Little Einsteins on his Ama's iPhone, they even thought of getting a little tv for their young customers.
I'm still getting used to the haircut, I personally think it's too short. And he keeps messing about it that it looks wonky! But he said he likes it so I guess that's what matters.
After the hair cut we went to my friend's son's birthday party. He didn't know anyone there so it took him a little while to interact with the other kids. But he did settle and played with the other kids in the end. We went straight to Poj's friend's birthday party next, yup lagari si Poj sa party! He fell asleep in the car and we thought he was going to throw tantrums when he wakes up, but he didn't. We reckon it was because he knew everyone there, kids and parents alike. He went to join the party after he woke up and had a good time with his friends. There was a brilliant magic show that he couldn't stop talking about on his way home. =)
It's a shame we can't organize a party such as this for him for his birthday.... Maybe next year....
It's a shame we can't organize a party such as this for him for his birthday.... Maybe next year....