Showing posts with label thankful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thankful. Show all posts


dear claire

Dear Claire,

Sweet baby girl. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sleeping through the night last night for the first time in a while. Please do it again tonight.

I love you,

PS - Also, can you work on not screaming as we approach your classroom door at school? I think you're scaring all the kids that are already there. Please and thank you.


you'll always remember where you were...

I'll always remember where I was when Princess Diana died (on the boat with my parents and my high school BFF, Lauren), when Osama Bin Laden was killed (at home with Bob, watching disbelievingly from our bedroom) and, of course, when the attacks of September 11 happened...

I'm writing this because, eleven years later, my memory is fading slowly. And I don't want to forget. It's important to me to remember every detail because it's the worst thing I've ever seen happen...and hopefully ever will. And because, one day, when Claire is older, I want to be able to tell her everything that happened and my perspective on the day. I want her and my future children to understand the reverence of what happened that day and how it changed the landscape of America.

This recollection doesn't even begin to cover the emotions and heartache that were felt that day. I don't think I could ever do that justice.

I was a freshman at the University of Alabama. I attended my 8 am class - math, I think. The class ended early, and I went to the Ferguson Center to study. When I entered, a group of students were huddled around the information desk watching those old televisions that teachers rolled into the classroom on carts. I heard someone say something about a bomb. A bomb! I joined the gaggle of students and watched, in shock, as the third plane hit the Pentagon, finally realizing what was happening.

I went to my 9 am Italian 101 class, thinking it would surely be cancelled. But Signora Gabriella had not heard, did not understand why we were so anxious to leave. When the class ended, I ran back to my dorm and my roommate, Katie - whose birthday coincidentally is 9/11.

I remember watching the news all day...crying...running out for gasoline b/c her family was panicking...waiting in the gas line FOREVER, only to be told that the credit card machines were down. We scrounged up enough cash to get gas and went back to the news.

In the days that followed, we watched America pull together to stand behind a common cause. I don't know how you could NOT be proud to be an American at that time.

I had met Bob already, and though he had joined the ROTC, I had no idea what an impact these events would have on my life. It occurred to me in the days following that he would probably go to war. I had no idea we would be engaged at that time.

Five years later, he flew out of Ft. Bliss, Texas to Iraq to start what would be the longest 14 months of my life. Thankfully, he returned home to me happy and healthy, and we were married 4 months later. But he'll never forget the friends he lost along the way and the friends that were changed forever. All because of the attacks of September 11.

I know some people have a problem with all the "Never Forget" symbols flying around, b/c really, how could we forget? But I also think that as time marches on...our memories slowly fade. And as strange as it may be to some of us, there are children out there that have no idea what 9/11 is...they're too young to have been a part of it and it's up to us, their parents, to educate them. For me, this is the first step in educating Claire...documenting my "story."

I didn't know anyone in the Towers...or the Pentagon...or on Flight 93. Or their families. But I think we all feel part of the story of the September 11 attacks because it changed our lives in every way imaginable. And though we might forget the details of that particular day, we will never forget the lives that were lost, the lives that were changed and the lives that will never be the same.


special moments

We've had quite a few special moments this month beginning with Claire's baptism on my birthday, May 5. Family and lots of our sweet friends came and celebrated with us - we are so thankful that they want to witness these moments with us.

With both sets of grandparents and the godparents.
Then, my 90-year old grandpa (who acts much younger than 90-years old) stopped by to visit on his road trip of the Southeast. Long story, but he and my brother spent about a month on the road visiting all of Grandpa's living siblings and my parents (his other children live near him). The highlight of the trip, I'm sure, was stopping in Nashvegas to see our house and meet his only great granddaughter.

They enjoyed lots of conversations while Grandpa was here.
Finally, just a week later, Claire got to meet her other great grandparent, Bob's grandmother. We spent the weekend with Bob's parents at the farm and got in lots of quality snuggles with Great Grandmother. We can't wait til she moves to her new home and will have a comfy rocking chair to rock Claire and all the other great grandbabies!

Not many people get to meet their great grand parents...but Claire met both in the span of two weeks! Lucky girl.


momma's day

My first official Mother's Day has come and gone. Bob and Claire celebrated me, we both celebrated our momma's, and the day went on like any other - with sweet, gentle reminders of my most precious gift: a thoughtful present from Bob and Claire (plus sleeping in til 9 am!), cards from friends and family, and a single flower from the Publix bagger.

When thinking about it, and longing for the day when I pick up my baby girl from "school" with a homemade Mother's Day card in hand, I felt I should celebrate my sweet girl on this, my first, Mother's Day.

Because although it's a day set aside to celebrate me and my fellow momma's, where would I be without my precious Claire? Not a momma of the human variety, that's for sure.

I've been a Mom for 4 1/2 months. Best 4 1/2 months of my life. Seriously. I. Love. That. Girl. She is amazing. And it's amazing that she's the best parts of me and Bob. I look at her sometimes and wonder how God could have given me something so perfect. Even when she cries, she's cute! Sometimes I'm just amazed that she's mine.

So for this one Mother's Day, I celebrate this beautiful girl. And while I'll be glad for her to celebrate me in her own ways as she gets older, I don't think I'll ever forget this sweet day.



four years of being married to this guy...

LOVE him. And her.
It's been a great four years. I can't wait for the next four...and the next four...and the next four...

I have to say, though we've only, yet already, been married four years...this past one has been the best one yet.

It was around a year ago this time that we found out we would be expecting a beautiful baby.

Through pregnancy and becoming parents, it's been fun. sweet. amazing.

It just seems to keep getting better.

I don't sing Bob's praises near enough as he deserves them, but he really is the best. He picks up the slack when I drop it and does more for Claire and I than I imagine most men even think of doing. He cooks, cleans, entertains and provides.

And he's funny.

Of course, Claire laughs at him - she laughs at everyone! But he makes me laugh too...even when I don't want to. But he also knows when he's not funny. Sorry, Bob, sometimes my sense of humor is lacking.

I dare say, he knows me as well as I know myself. And though he might not ever understand me...he tries. 
And he loves us. Can you tell?

And we love him. For forever + 3 days...


excuses, excuses

...that's all I have these days.

I've obviously fallen off the blogging wagon again, but it wasn't for lack of trying. I have several saved drafts that were only awaiting pictures...that need to be uploaded from the the laptop...that was dropped on its head by a certain husband...and hasn't made it to be fixed yet. So, I am pictureless, which made it hard to blog. I'm sure you understand.

I have much to be thankful for, and I'll just leave it at that. Maybe one day I will post my drafts (sans pictures) just for laughs, but that day is not today. Picture what you will about our Mexican vacation and my ever-expanding belly.

In the meantime, I'll leave you with this excuse, an apology and an assurance that I am alive and well. And baby girl is kicking, kicking, kicking! I am 34 weeks and R-E-A-D-Y to meet her. 


in thankfulness of heart: days 8 - 9

day 8: I am thankful for Little Debbie Christmas Tree Cakes. They're not even that good, but when I see them in the store, I can't control myself!


day 9: Today, I am thankful for this girl:

She's a sweet, sweet girl and although we struggle over who's the female head of house, I love her! she is 10 years old. 10! I still remember meeting her for the first time at Bob's apartment in college (pre Bob + Val). She ran circles around the room and chased me off the couch. She let me know pretty quickly that she was the only woman in Bob's life, and I think she'd prefer it still be that way today! Happy Birthday, Grace-dog!


in thankfulness of heart: days 5-7

day 5: I'm thankful for lazy mornings snuggling with the pups in bed. And thankful for a husband who had to get up at 5 a.m. to get to work but never makes me feel bad about sleeping in that one weekend a month.

day 6: I'm thankful that when you're pregnant, it's perfectly acceptable to eat chocolate chip cookies and ice cream for breakfast.


day 7: I'm thankful that in 3 days, I am going on VACATION! Nothing like a Monday to make you grateful for that.


in thankfulness of heart

For the month of November ,I thought I'd join the masses and think harder about what I'm thankful for in life each day. I'm shamelessly stealing this idea from Nicole - with her permission!

As you already know, I'm terrible at posting regularly. So it may be more of a random "thankfulness dump" than daily posting, but I'll try!

Day One:
I'm thankful for a husband who doesn't hesitate to get my pillow from upstairs, serve me dinner, clean up said dinner and pack my lunch for the next day. It is not under-appreciated, honey!

Day Two: I'm thankful for sudden warm days that come in the midst of rainy and cooler weather. Come on, spring!

Day Three: I'm thankful for (more than) half off Halloween candy. Get in my basket, Reese's Peanut Butter Pumpkins for 25 cents at Kroger!
Day Four: I'm thankful for Fridays that include a date night with my husband. Dinner and Wicked! 

Courtesy of TPAC
What are you thankful for?