Showing posts with label Etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Etsy. Show all posts

April 26, 2010

Just Listed!

I've spent the morning taking pictures and listing these little beauties in my Etsy Store, bit of a time consuming process.......glad it's all done.
These are my "eat" pears.....super cute and a great gift, or just keep them for yourself!
I'm not selling these to overseas customers because I don't think Customs would appreciate the whole plant material (twig) thing!
I know you have seen some of these in a previous post but I think they are worth sharing again.
So do you love pears as much as I do?
I'm going outside to sit in the sun now because it's got to be warmer than sitting in front of this computer! The kids and I might even have a picnic for morning tea!
Enjoy your day!

April 6, 2010

Black Bird Cushions

I just wanted to share a few cushions I made for my Etsy Store.
The big ones are 50cm x 35cm and the little ones are only 20cm x 20cm.
They all have a zip in the back.
The colours look great all mixed up!
I'm quite attached to these ones they look so beautiful all together.
These would go perfectly with pretty much any decor. I have just listed a couple of them in my Etsy Store......I haven't done the red ones yet, it all takes time to load them all up and my son is busting to use the computer. If you want the red ones or any combo for that matter just send me an email.
Thanks for stopping by.

February 8, 2010

Good enough to .e.a.t.

Last week I mentioned that I was going to spend the day working on something other than "owls", I had an idea I've been wanting to try but somehow I got totally sidetracked from my original plan and this is what I ended up with!
I don't know how or why I ended up making pears but I totally love them.....the only thing is I can't decide whether I like the letters stitched or not! Which one do you like better stitched or not stitched?
I might make a few more of these and list them in my Etsy Store and see how they go. Speaking of Etsy I have just listed two more owls " Oatis " and " Apple ", please note that for now that these little creatures are made to order so allow me a little time to lovingly create your order.
I'm off to cut out a few more orders! Hope you are having a great day!