Showing posts with label painting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label painting. Show all posts

Friday, 3 January 2014

Super Swopsies

You may remember that I and the Equally Lovely Denise (The Lovely Laura’s Mum) had agreed to do a swop …… I had a overwhelming desire for some bright crocheted cushion covers, as I had decided to embrace colour to add a certain je ne sais pas to my largely magnolia rooms……. and Denise rather fancied a FiddleFart work of art!!!!!!……
Bright flower and bird paintingWell,  just before Christmas we arranged the “grand hand over” …. oh my goodness, WHAT a swop! as I opened Denise’s parcel the whoops of delight just got louder and louder, not only from me but also from My Lucy ….. as each cover was revealed in all it’s glory, 
crochet cushions 3 and 4 - Copycrochet cushions 5 and 6 - Copy
I just can’t tell you how thrilled I am ……
crochet cushion 1 - Copy…… or how jealous Lucy was …..
crochet cushion 2 - Copy
…. and the backs are just as beautiful, made from a variety of cotton floral prints.
What a brilliant, brilliant swop, and I sigh every time I go into my lounge, because it looks so beautiful and bright!
Denise gets her Planet Penny cotton yarn from
The Facebook page is always well worth a look for brilliant ideas and crafty links.