Monday, March 30, 2009

Take it easy?

At Logan's appointment today there was some good news. The scab that was in his iris is now gone, but there are still a few floating red blood cells that they don't want to break open and bleed. SO that means...taking it easy a little bit longer! He also said that there was a Cataract at the top of his eye. As of now it isn't affecting his vision, but we have to have that checked regularly. The pressure in his eye also went up from 16 to 21 so we have to have that checked next Monday to make sure it's not any higher. He also has a greater risk for Glaucoma now because of the injury.
Luckily he is allowed to go back to preschool. I just need to pick him up before they go outside to play and I need to let his teacher know that he cannot play roughly at all. So we will see how class goes on Wednesday and then go from there.
is in big girl underwear! She has been such a good girl through all of this. Yes I have been sticking to potty training this whole week. We also got rid of her binkie a few nights ago. When we went to SLC last Monday I forgot it at home and figured we wouldn't get another unless there was a total freak out that night, but she did pretty good. So I figured it is well over due to get rid of it. We left it out on the table for the "Binkie Fairy" to come pick up. In return, the fairy left a Dora doll. She goes to bed great without it but she wakes up once or twice a night and then it takes about a half hour to an hour to get her back to sleep. When she had her binkie and couldn't find it she would wake me up so there isn't much difference except the time it takes to go back to sleep.
am doing pretty good. Other than I am extremely tired and can't seem to get enough zzzzzzz! I feel like I could sleep all night and day. I only have TEN weeks left so I guess I am just getting a taste of what's to come. I have also picked up some extra shifts at work because Josh hasn't worked since February. There hasn't been enough work for him to work. But the good news is that today he may have found another job that will work around his school schedule. Thanks to my dad for thinking of him when he heard about it :)
So yes I am really ready for a new month. March has been way too long. I am excited for April because my little bro comes home from his mission! A light at the end of a very dark tunnel :)

1 comment:

Des said...

I am jealous of the big girl pants! I'm afraid we will have to wait a bit longer with Ellie. She just does not want to be bothered with it right now. Congrats on the "binki fairy" too. That will make life much easier when the baby comes. Although my neighbor was telling me that their 2nd girl was totally attached to her binki and they got rid of it shortly before their 3rd came along. They would find her hiding in corners sucking on the baby's binki. So hopefully she doesn't relapse! I am excited for Dan to come home too. Can't believe it's so close! I also can't wait for that baby to get here! :)