Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Count Down

I just thought I would put a picture to show some bellie progress! I am 30 weeks today so the countdown has begun! Sad to say I weigh right now what I weighed when I delivered Logan! I am not as big as I was with him, it is just the 5 pounds I didn't loose from the other two :(

Monday, March 30, 2009

Take it easy?

At Logan's appointment today there was some good news. The scab that was in his iris is now gone, but there are still a few floating red blood cells that they don't want to break open and bleed. SO that means...taking it easy a little bit longer! He also said that there was a Cataract at the top of his eye. As of now it isn't affecting his vision, but we have to have that checked regularly. The pressure in his eye also went up from 16 to 21 so we have to have that checked next Monday to make sure it's not any higher. He also has a greater risk for Glaucoma now because of the injury.
Luckily he is allowed to go back to preschool. I just need to pick him up before they go outside to play and I need to let his teacher know that he cannot play roughly at all. So we will see how class goes on Wednesday and then go from there.
is in big girl underwear! She has been such a good girl through all of this. Yes I have been sticking to potty training this whole week. We also got rid of her binkie a few nights ago. When we went to SLC last Monday I forgot it at home and figured we wouldn't get another unless there was a total freak out that night, but she did pretty good. So I figured it is well over due to get rid of it. We left it out on the table for the "Binkie Fairy" to come pick up. In return, the fairy left a Dora doll. She goes to bed great without it but she wakes up once or twice a night and then it takes about a half hour to an hour to get her back to sleep. When she had her binkie and couldn't find it she would wake me up so there isn't much difference except the time it takes to go back to sleep.
am doing pretty good. Other than I am extremely tired and can't seem to get enough zzzzzzz! I feel like I could sleep all night and day. I only have TEN weeks left so I guess I am just getting a taste of what's to come. I have also picked up some extra shifts at work because Josh hasn't worked since February. There hasn't been enough work for him to work. But the good news is that today he may have found another job that will work around his school schedule. Thanks to my dad for thinking of him when he heard about it :)
So yes I am really ready for a new month. March has been way too long. I am excited for April because my little bro comes home from his mission! A light at the end of a very dark tunnel :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A happier boy

Just thought I would do a little update on Logan. This picture was taken today (Saturday). If you enlarge the picture you can see that there is now a separation between pupil and iris! YAY! His pupil is dilated though, that is why it is so big. Since our doctors appointment on Wednesday things have been going pretty good. Sad to say the Valium has hardly any affect on my boy. So we are trying to find things for him to do to keep him sitting. He keeps saying he feels better, but I explain to him that he has to be sitting until the doctor says he doesn't have to. Our appointment is on Monday so only two more days!! Hopefully there will be good news. When we do our routine of checking his sight everyday he says he can see out of it and it isn't "glurry", he follows my fingers with his "bad" eye. So things are looking pretty good to me! We will see on Monday though.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Our Brave Little Strong Secret Agent with an Eye Patch

Logan having Josh feed him breakfast

Where to begin? Josh decided to take Logan to Las Vegas Saturday to visit his family. They drove out to Pahrump where one of his sisters live. I had called around 9:30 to tell them goodnight and see if they were getting ready to head back to Las Vegas, they were getting close to leaving and I had already settled myself into bed when I got a call from Josh at 10:30 p.m. He asked, "What do you do when you have out of state insurance and you have to take someone to the ER?" I asked him who and what happened. He told me Logan had just got poked in the eye with the end of a plastic fishing pole and his eye is full of blood. I told him to go straight the the ER. I got online to get the phone number for the Pahrump Hospital to fax them a copy of our insurance card. When I was talking to the lady I heard my little buddy SCREAMING! They had just gotten to the ER. I texted Josh and told him to get his brother in law and give Logan a blessing. As they were waiting for him to get called back, they went into the bathroom and gave Logan a blessing. After getting called back the nurse was trying to look in Logan's eye (he actually had both of them closed) she opened the hurt one and said, "oh, you have brown eyes like me." Josh said, "um, no he has blue eyes." Turns out, the whole pupil and iris was full of blood so they looked like a brown eye instead of blue. The doctor looked at him and said he wanted an Opthamologist to look at his eye and being Pahrump, they didn't have one there. So the doctor got on the phone and called around to the hospitals in Las Vegas to find what Logan needed and ended up sending them to Sunrise Hospital. Josh, his mom, and sister got in the yukon and drove Logan there. While all this was going on I was at home freaking out...crying, praying, and texting my sister in law to see what's going on. I read my scriptures the whole 45 minutes it took to get from Pahrump to Las Vegas. Josh texted me and said they had just arrived to Sunrise and he would let me know when the doctor had looked at Logan. Of course I was not sleeping and desperatley wanted to get in my car and drive there, but I am not a night person.
They waited for about 15 minutes to see the doctor, this was about 1:00 a.m. The doctor looked at his eye and ordered a CAT scan to make sure there wasn't any leakage in the eye. I called after I recieved the text and heard Logan SCREAMING again...they had just given him an IV so that they could inject a dye to see the eye in the CAT scan. I really wanted to talk to him, but they whisked him away to get the scan. Around 1:30 a.m. I got a call from Josh saying they were finished with the CAT scan and I could talk to Logan! YAY! He told me how he was still like a statue to get a picture of his eye and I told him how mommy has to get IV's everytime I have a baby and he said he remembered after I had Raylie. I talked to him a little bit longer and then talked with Josh. He was going to call me after the results of the scan came back.
I fell asleep just after 2:00 a.m. and jerked awake at 5:00 a.m. because I hadn't heard back yet from Josh. I told myself to try and get some sleep he would call when they were done. At 6:30 a.m. I got a call from Josh saying they were discharged and headed to his moms house to get some sleep before coming home.
CAT scan verdict...Not leaking any fluids. The Opthomologist wanted Logan to be seen by a Retinologist on Monday to make sure there was no damage to the retina. He put Logan on strict bedrest with no Tylenol, Motrin, or asprin until the retinologist said that it was ok.
Well we do not have a retina specialist in St. George. They come every couple weeks from Vegas or SLC. So I got on the phone monday morning to see just by chance if they would be here soon...no luck. Vegas wouldn't take our insurance so I made an appointment with one in SLC. They could get him in at 3:00 p.m. So that meant I had an hour to get all of us ready, packed and in the car. We did it! We arrived at the doctors at 3:07 pm. The doctor wasn't able to get a good look in Logan's eye with lights because his eye is super sensitive to light and he wouldn't keep it open...so he did an Ultrasound.
Ultrasound verdict...retina looks good, just a TON of blood in the eye. So he told us that this is a serious injury. Logan needs to be bed bound watching movies or looking at books for ONE WEEK! The only time he is aloud to be up and about is when we were to take him to the eye doctor here in St. George. Ya right, how in the world do you keep an active 5 year old boy down!? He suggested Benedryl...doesn't work on Logan. So I called his Dr. and we are trying Valium. I hate to put him on that drug, but the alternative would be possible re-bleeding and permanent damage that could lead to blindness in that eye.
This picture was taken on Sunday after he got home from Vegas. You can't see very well but there isn't a lot of blue showing and the pupil isn't really visible. He has to have a steroid eye drop and an antibiotic eye drop four times a day.

If you made it to the end way to go! Needless to say we are glad the weekend is over but I think this week will be a long one! The title of the post came from Logan's mouth. Josh told Logan in the car that he was very brave through this whole ordeal and Logan said, "Yeah, I am a brave little strong secret agent with an eye patch." Thanks to Des for letting us spend the night last night! The kids had a movie party to "try" and keep Logan down. What a cutie! We love him a ton!

This picture was taken today Wednesday March 25. It is hard to get a good picture because the flash hurts his eye and he can't keep it open wide enough when thinking about it. We went to the eye doctor here in St. George today and he said his iris is extremely bruised. He said to stop doing the antibiotic drops and start doing a eye dialeter drop to constrict the blood vessels. He said it was like putting a band-aid on the eye or applyling pressure to a bleeding wound. If you enlarge the picture you might be able to see how there is a little bit of blue but then the rest is black. On the outer side of the eye you can't see the speration of the pupil and iris. That is the blood/bruise.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A little hike

We went for a little hike yesterday by our house. Some friends of ours told us about this trail and it is quite the work-out! The kids loved it! I am a little sore...everywhere. Now I know the place I can go to walk to put myself in labor in a couple months!
The trail takes you down by the Virgin River. Logan and Raylie LOVED throwing rocks into the river and stepping in the mud! We packed some sandwiches and drinks and had a little picnic on the trail.

Monday, March 9, 2009

To Share or not to Share

So there are somethings you just DON'T share! Like giving the momma a horrible cold when she is pregnant and can't take anything to make it better! Not fair! I guess we will have a discussion on what we share and what we don't :)
Sleep sounds great! That is something they can share!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Our Night

So Raylie's hair says it all. We had a rough night...when I say we I mean Logan, Raylie and me. I had just gotten to bed around 11:00 and Raylie wakes up at 12:00 she is then up off and on for the next three hours! By 3:00 she is on fire, so I go and give her the last of our liquid Motrin. Ahh she falls asleep so I get into bed, just fall asleep and Logan wakes up at 3:55! He is on fire, so I go get the chewable Motrin, which he HATES! After what feels like forever he finally chews them and I put a cold rag on his head per his request and go get back in bed. He decides that he needs a tissue, his blanket fixed, colder water...so around 6:30 I finally fall back asleep to have him come in and lay in my bed...fine with me maybe I will get some sleep! Raylie decides she wants to be awake and needs breakfast at 8:00, so I leave Logan in MY bed asleep and take care of Raylie. I call Logans preschool teacher and let her know he won't be coming today. Then I call the doctors office because they both were just in Saturday night...Raylie with ear infections and on an antibiotic and Logan was just his asthma that was causing his cough.
So I make an appointment for Logan at 10:00, I eat breakfast, get in the shower and get ready. At 9:45 Logan is still asleep, so I call and change the appointment to 11:00. Turns out I still had to WAKE him UP to go! He is diagnosed with pneumonia....and Raylie's ears are looking better.
So where is Josh one might ask? He was asleep on the couch last night because he to was seen Saturday night and is sick with Bronchitis! But he is beginning to feel much better.
Can I just run-away for awhile so I don't catch this crap?!