Thursday, May 1, 2008

What the?!

I can't believe that Jason made it another week and that he wasn't even in the bottom TWO?! I knew Brooke's time was coming, but I really liked her and I can't stand Jason so I was hoping that he would go before her! What is wrong with America! There must be a lot of dred head lovers out there!


Shauntel said...

Hey Brittany - I know, crazy, but I randomly found your blog! (It's Shauntel.) Just wanted to tell you to come visit us at our blog - And for the record, I agree with you 100%. Dreads needs to go!

Heather B said...

My theory is it's because he's single, and lots of the voters are young, teeny bopper girls. I was pretty surprised he wasn't in the bottom two either. The dreads are gross!

Des said...

I think it's rigged. It's got to be! I refuse to believe that America is so stupid! He can't sing and he looks like he's high all the time! AAAH! I'm frustrated too!

Shellie said...

I totally agree with you! I'm so tired of his half open eyes and his airy voice! DON'T VOTE FOR JASON!!!

Lewyville said...

I agree too. I will be so upset if he isn't the next to go. The other 3 deserve to be there more than Jason.

Shannon & Lindsay said...

Dred loving pot smoking ukelele players are apparently in a greater abundance than I originally thought :)

jaesi said...

I like Jason, but his voice doesnt compare to the others.....I think he is unique cause he is such a pretty boy under neath that rats nest swamp of a hair do....