Showing posts with label Carmine dye. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carmine dye. Show all posts

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Smashbox Cosmetics

Please be careful when shopping for cosmetics from Shambox. Take extra care in which varities you get as well. A lot of them contain insect coloring among other animal derived ingredients they didn't delve too much into in explaining. I've provided links for all the cosmetics below, just click on the name and it'll take you to Smashbox's website with the product info.


Thank you for contacting us. "Animals" is a term widely recognized to mean mammals. Our cosmetics are free of animal ingredients. Some vegans may also consider "insects" to be animals. Some time ago, Smashbox determined that our official interpretation of "No animal ingredients" means "No animal ingredients…insects are not animals". We have continued to use Carmine, Beeswax, and Honey in some of our cosmetic formulations. Our brushes are not cosmetics so technically are not subject to this claim, we continue to produce both synthetic and natural fiber brushes.

Our Core Item Vegan List is as follows:

, Neutral

Artificial Light Luminizing Lotion in Diffuse, Flash & Glow

Bronze Lights
in Suntan Matte & Sunkissed Matte

Camera Ready Full Coverage Foundation, All Shades

Camera Ready Full Coverage Concealer, All Shades

Compact Anti-Shine

Cream Eye Liner in Picasso
, Thunder, Caviar, Midnight Brown, Scout, Lava, Putty & Image (MIDNIGHT PURPLE variety NOT INCLUDED!!!)

Eyelights in Flash (BEAM and STROBE varieties NOT INCLUDED!!!)

Eye Shadow in Vanilla, Sand, Bliss, Platinum, Nude, Shell, Oyster, Ink, Java, Safari, Walnut, Ambient, Eye Shadow in 24K, Serpent, Lagoon, Obsidian, Blackout, Envy, Flirt, Champagne, Zoom (MINX, BRAZILIAN BRONZE, CABERNET, CINNAMON TOAST,SPELLBOUND, FIZZ, RAPTURE, FLAMINGO, HONEY, TORCH, and SIENNA varieties are NOT INCLUDED!!)

Eye Shadow Trio in, Twilight, Microfilm, Shutterspeed (CENTER STAGE, PANORAMA, HEAD SHOT, MULTI-FLASH, ON STAGE and VIEWFINDER varieties are NOT INCLUDED!!!)

Filter (Photo Finish Primer Pen)

Fusion Soft Lights, Baked Starburst

Fusion Soft Lights, Dusk (INTERMIX variety is NOT INCLUDED!!!)

Halo Hydrating Perfecting Powder, All Shades

Jet Set in Midnight Black, Dark Brown, Bronze, Navy Blue (MIDNIGHT PURPLE variety NOT INCLUDED!!!)

Lip Brilliance, Transparencies (LIGHTBOX, SKYBOX and STAGE 2 varities are NOT INCLUDED!!!)
Lip Enhancing Gloss in Starlit, Flash, 35MM, Aura, Crystal, Pop, Spark, Afterglow, Expose, Candid, Siren, Scoop, Radiant, Debut, Fame, Luxe, Surge, Hype, Pixel, Beauty, Pout, Electric (ICON and ILLUME varieties are NOT INCLUDED!!!)





Photo Finish Lipstick, All Shades

Photo Finish Foundation Primer
, All Sizes

Photo Finish Color Correcting Primer
, All Shades & Sizes

Photo Finish Bronzing Foundation Primer, All Sizes

Photo Finish UVA/UVB SPF 15 Foundation Primer, All Sizes

Primer Light, All Sizes

Waterproof Shadow Liner Duo in Cashmere & Smolder (GODDESS and SLATE varieties are NOT INCLUDED!!!)

Best Wishes,


Monday, February 9, 2009

Tropicana Pure Orange Juice

This refers only to Tropicana Pure Premium drinks which can be found on this page

To make matters clear - some of their flavors contain cochineal/carmine, the insect coloring (which I did a post on previously, which can be found here). For those of you who've decided on avoiding this ingredient, make sure you check your Tropicana for it.

Their orange juices containing Omega - 3 contains fish oil and fish gelatin which is permissible for us, alhamdulillah.


We'd be delighted to answer your questions about Tropicana Orange Juice.

With regards to animal derived ingredients being included, most of Tropicana's juice products are vegetarian/vegan. There are a few juices which contain cochineal/carmine (which will be listed in the ingredients if contained in a product) and Tropicana Healthy Heart Orange Juice containing Omega-3.

We began listing carmine, a natural color, several years ago on the ingredient labels of those juices containing this ingredient. Primarily, carmine is used in our non-refrigerated juices. However, Tropicana's packaging is clearly labeled and complies with current government regulations.

The source of Omega-3's used in Tropicana Healthy Heart Orange Juice is called MEG-3 (fish oil and fish gelatin). It contains tilapia, sardine and anchovy.

We hope this information is helpful, Lazeena. Thank you for your business and interest in our products.

Tropicana Consumer Relations

The website does not contain an ingredients list for each flavor, so you'll have to check at the supermarket, here is a list of the Tropicana Pure varieties to check for the dye in them:
  • Pulp Free
  • Some Pulp
  • High Pulp
  • Pulp Free Calcium + Vitamin D
  • High Pulp + Calcium
  • Healthy Kids
  • Antioxidant Advantage
  • Healthy Heart With Omega-3
  • Low Acid
  • Golden Grapefruit
  • Ruby Red Grapefruit
  • Ruby Red Grapefruit With Calcium
  • Orange Strawberry Banana
  • Orange Tangerine
  • Orange Pineapple
  • Grape
  • Cranberry Juice Cocktail
  • Orchard Style Apple

Am I the only one who prefers the older packaging? :

Monday, February 2, 2009

E120 / Carmine dye

E120 is a red food coloring which is derived from insects. This ingredient can be found in a lot of food. Recently, they've started using E120 in the gelatin-free Skittles produced in the UK, which has caused most Muslims up there to stop consuming them.

E120 is most common term for this substance used in ingredient labels, however they may also list it as carmine (dye) or cochineal.

Here is some information on E120:

"A deep crimson dye is extracted from the female cochineal insects. Cochineal is used to produce scarlet, orange and other red tints. The colouring comes from carminic acid. Cochineal extract's natural carminic-acid content is usually 19–22%.[5] The insects are killed by immersion in hot water (after which they are dried) or by exposure to sunlight, steam, or the heat of an oven. Each method produces a different colour which results in the varied appearance of commercial cochineal. The insects must be dried to about 30 percent of their original body weight before they can be stored without decaying.[10] It takes about 155,000 insects to make one kilogram of cochineal.

There are two principal forms of cochineal dye: cochineal extract is a colouring made from the raw dried and pulverised bodies of insects, and carmine is a more purified colouring made from the cochineal. To prepare carmine, the powdered insect bodies are boiled in ammonia or a sodium carbonate solution, the insoluble matter is removed by filtering, and alum is added to the clear salt solution of carminic acid to precipitate the red aluminium salt. Purity of colour is ensured by the absence of iron. Stannous chloride, citric acid, borax, or gelatin may be added to regulate the formation of the precipitate. For shades of purple, lime is added to the alum."

Now what is the Islamic view on E120?

Well from what can be found from within ahadeeth, locusts are the only permissible 'insect' that can be consumed, and is mentioned exactly by name.

Some scholars therefore deem ALL other insects as haram because they cannot be slaughtered in accordance to shari'ah, due to their small size and because they are 'bloodless' which means even if somehow slaughtered at the throat, the blood will not flow.

Imam Malik, rahiemahullah, has classed all other insects in the same category as locusts, making their form of slaughter by boiling, roasting, or piercing it with a stick/needle until it is dead, while saying the name of Allah over it.

Most people pose this question in regards to snails and their permissibility of consumption and this same information is brought up. However, shuyukh who present Imam Malik raheimahullah's argument also are sure to mention that the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam never ate snail, therefore assuming, perhaps because they cannot be slaghtered and do not fall under the category of locusts. Also, the Imam is the only one to hold this viewpoint.

With that its really up to you to draw your own conclusion on eating foods with E120. And even if you follow Imam Malik's route with this one, it's most definite that they are not slaughtered in accordance to shari'ah (Allah's name being recited over it). On top of that, to me it doesn't really seem that a chemical process is taking place, since some people say that when a strong chemical process takes place the substance is an entirely different thing... all that's being done is that the color is being extracted from the insects. Allah knows best!!

Personally, whether it's halal or haram, the thought of those hundreds of thousands of insects being boiled... steamed... roasted... dunked in ammonia... is soooo disgusting!!!! So I will pass on E120... which would mean passing on red M&Ms as well... which is a easy can do in my book.

Usually I like posting pictures on my entries... but I guess considering the topic I'll pass so no one pukes on their computers and then blame me.

But in case you're interested, this is someones screen-shot of an article from when the FDA finally decided that ingredients labels should include E120 specifically rather than hiding it under "artifical flavors". There is an image of the insect in the article, which can be found here