Everybody out of the plane!
Greetings fellow bloggers, citizens of the world and other interested parties! After much hemming and hawing, dithering, analysis and just a little bit o' scotch, I finally decided to get this blog underway.
Took me long enough, dammit. I have been watching, reading and following for a while now. Heard a lot of people talking about it, getting in it, but lacked a certain OOMMPHH to do it. Jeez, even my brother has (or had; I'll check) a blog. YOU HAVE BEEN SERVED. Okay, not really a threat. I am a little short on material at the moment. I have been writing a lot of fiction lately, when not doing my part at my day job, plus taking care of a wee one at home.
My goal is to get my musings on board for dissection/discussion/hooting by all, along with some links to subtopics that arise from STUFF I LIKE, OR NOT. I am interested in a lot of things, and usually have no trouble forming an opinion.
So please, bear with me. Music, food, art, writing, politics, design: If I build it, they will come. Stay tuned, and thanks.