Chart from Maire Treanor’s book “Clones Lace”, currently available from her website:
Thread Hook Irish-UK US
#10 1.50mm 10 12
#20 1.0 or 1.25mm 12 13
#40 0.75mm 13 13
#60 0.60mm 14 14
#80 0.50mm 15 15
#100 0.50 or 0.40mm 16 16
#10 1.50mm 10 12
#20 1.0 or 1.25mm 12 13
#40 0.75mm 13 13
#60 0.60mm 14 14
#80 0.50mm 15 15
#100 0.50 or 0.40mm 16 16
This is for general guidance. Always be ready to change your hook size to suit your individual tension and the motif you are making. Irish crochet, unlike many other forms of crochet, looks its best when worked to a firm tension.
“All the stitches in Irish lace must be firm and even, loose or ragged crochet makes inferior lace, wanting in crispness”, Needlecraft No 21, published by Manchester School of Embroidery. This is from the Introduction which has some useful tips on Irish crochet and is available for free download