Air Mineral Ada Tarikh Luput?

7:37:00 AM

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.
Sekarang ni, cuaca terasa panas sangat. Dalam bilik , pun boleh terasa bahangnya.
Keraplah kita minum air. Aku di sini, tak ada penapis air, jadi selalu beli berkotak-kotak air mineral untuk simpanan nak minum. Kalau nak buat air panas ke apa, pakai air paip je la.. (pokai aku). Hidup menyewa lah katakan. Bukan rumah sendiri kalau nak pasang penapis sekali pun.

Selalu aku bajet dalam dua kotak mineral yang besar dan satu kotak air mineral kecil untuk dibawa ke sekolah. Awal tahun lepas, kebetulan suami ada lawat , minta tolong belikan hehe..ada abang sado kita ambil kesempatan kan nak angkat berkotak kotak air tu.

Bila dah lama minum air, baru perasan air mineral yang aku beli ni rupanya dah expired!
Appu,..masa aku beli tu Januari 2017. Dah tiga bulan berlalu, baru aku sedar rupanya air botol aku tu tertulis Mac 2017. Sekarang ni kan dah April..

Terfikir juga.. air mineral pun ada expired date juga ke??
Aku dah terminum...ada kesan tak huhu..tak ada lak rasa cirit birit ke pening.

Aku susah hati, google la di internet haha...

Aku terbaca di

Should you worry?
Of course not. Water doesn't go bad. Having a freshness date on a bottle of water makes about as much sense as having an expiration date on sugar or salt.
There are several reasons why water bottles come with an expiration date. The main one is government bureaucracy: Water is a consumable food product, and as such, it is subject to laws requiring expiration dates on all consumables, from bologna to lemonade.
Besides that, the expiration date on bottled water has certain benefits for the manufacturer.
Although water, in and of itself, does not go bad, the plastic bottle it is contained in does "expire," and will eventually start leaching chemicals into the water. This won't necessarily render the water toxic, but it might make it taste somewhat less than "mountain spring fresh." If consumers contact drink companies to complain that water they bought several years earlier tastes bad, the bottlers can point out that it's their own fault for not drinking it by the expiration date.
Furthermore, many companies bottle water using the same machines they use to bottle sodas and other beverages which do expire and should carry an expiration date. It's easier and more efficient to simply put a stamp on all the bottles (whether needed or not) rather than dedicating a special machine just for bottled water.
Finally, expiration dates are usually only one element of a printed code that also identifies the date, bottling plant, and other information. Even though the expiration date itself is meaningless in terms of water going bad, the manufacturing information could be useful in tracking down contamination, bottling errors or product recalls.

Kesimpulannya, air minuman tu masih selamat diminum. Ada beberapa sebab mengapa ada tarikh luput pada air botol minuman. Antaranya ialah, tarikh luput tu sebenarnya nak menunjukkan kualiti air itu, dan bukan nya keselamatan. Apa -apa pun, korang boleh rujuk kepada mereka yang lebih pakar untuk kepastian ya hehe

Sumber : dan

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  1. rasanya xde masalah, maybe just nak tau mana stok baru, mana stok lama. senang untuk peiaga dan penjual.

  2. appu.. lama betul tak dgr perkataan ni..dulu saya ada kawan Sarawakian :)

    Rupanya mineral water pun ada expired. Logiknya air tu tak lah kan..tapi botol rupanya. Thanks for sharing. Nice info.

    Jemput singgah di blog saya :)


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