Showing posts with label Helmar Adhesive Sealant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Helmar Adhesive Sealant. Show all posts

Saturday, June 13, 2015

danger, danger!

This is a warning, Pinterest is a dangerous place! Not only will it suck your time right out of the day but it will cause you to create things like a mad man...things you didn't even know you wanted to make until you perused 5 million boards. 

Sooooooooo...I have this fairy board....and frankly I'm not into fairies, but I seem to be addicted to fairy houses. Miniature gardens. Building my own things out of twigs, moss and tiny charms. Currently I have glue and glitter on my fingers, because, evidently, fairies leave a trail of glitter everywhere!

I can even remember shaking my head and wondering...why would adults want to make a fairy house? I understand if they have children or, I need me one of those so I can blame wanting to entertain the kids...but instead it seems that it is me that wants for entertaining....sigh.

So this is a picture of my "work table" out on my balcony where I have hummingbirds buzzing by to offer their words of wisdom ( after all they are fairies ) and squirrels peeping over the railing to check out my progress so they can see what toys I am going to leave them in the garden to play with and lots of song birds chattering away and talking about my silliness....cocking their little heads at me in amazement because all that moss and twigs would make for fine nesting material!

oh....don't I have a birdhouse button that I could glue onto a twig for their yard....brb.....