Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Lefty Lucy - Life's Embarassing Moments

A while ago I wrote about some engineering words of wisdom in an entry called "Bumblebee - Christmas Tree". Both ChicagoLady and Alice Kay pointed out in their comments that the words Righty-Tighty had a follow on, namely, Lefty-Loosie.

Embarrassed by my inability to recall this sterling gem from college, I decided to thumb through my class notebooks and nearly killed myself inhaling all the accumulated dust. After some digging, I found the precious notebook in my library.

Here is the page scanned in for your viewing pleasure.

notebook page showing tighty righty and lefty lucy and not lefty loosie as well as other words of wisdom like Roy G Biv - lefy lucy is circled and there is a question next to it saying 'who is lucy?'

As you can see, I must of misheard Professor Brophy that day - this class being required of all the freshmen (fresh-persons?) so it was probably held in the wee morning hours of September 21, 1978, most likely the ungodly hour of 9:00 AM.

When I was reviewing my notes, cramming for the final exam, I circled "Lefty Lucy" and made a note to find out "who is Lucy?" Time was short and I guess I never did find out. So for all the years since then, I've wondered just who this Lefty Lucy was... was she sexy? was she famous? did she act in movies? did she look like this:

lucy van pelt from the cartoon peanuts standing there with a huge left hand

...but once I read ChicagoLady's comment on lefty-loosie, the lightbulb finally went on in the mush that I call my mind. Doh!!

I notice too, that I had forgotten the "Martha visits every Monday and just stays until noon" wisdom. This tells me that my notebook page is a fake. Do you know why? :)


ChicagoLady said...

Back in 1978, Pluto was still a planet, so the sentence should have ended with a "P" word, correct?

I think I might have done well in that Intro to Engineering. My mind is analytical, like my dad's.

MarmiteToasty said...

Ive only heard of 'whitie tighties' LOL


LadyStyx said...

*laffz* I do believe Chicago's correct.

Intense Guy said...

ChicagoLady is indeed correct. The phrase "Martha visits every Monday and just stays until noon" is a nmemonic that can help one remember the order of the planets in the solar system.

Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Asteroids, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

I know the asteroids are not a planet - but they are thought to be the 'remains' of one that broke up due to the gravitational forces Jupiter.

Move over Scotty - ChicagoLady is our new Chief Engineer...

Marmite - someday, someone, somewhere will blob about 'whitie-tighties'... in fact I'm sure someone has already, but even as twisted as I am, it's not going to be me. LMAO.

AliceKay said...

You lost me on this one.

Marty used to have 8 AM classes after having worked at Sheetz until midnight the night before. Needless to say, that didn't help his GPA very much.

Karla said...

*shrugs* I dunno squat!

AliceKay said...

I've heard of something called diddly squat. :p

MarmiteToasty said...

I lived in a squat when I was about 17 if that


AliceKay said...


MarmiteToasty said...

And Ive also been know to 'squat' when caught short and needing a wee whilst out in the woods LOL


AliceKay said...

Me, too. (but it's been a long time ago) LOL

Ausgrl said...

try toasty lol

Jess said...

I am now much more informed about telephone wires, after reading your post.

I use the "my very easy method just speeds up naming planets" vitue. :P

Toriz said...

LMAO!!! Who is Lucy indeed! Too funny!