Showing posts with label Robogear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Robogear. Show all posts

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Robots...FAAAHSANDS of 'em!!!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I was looking through one of my hobby cupboards and I was finally convinced that I needed to assemble and paint these:

Click the Pic!

They are Ayame Battlesuits from Critical Mass Games and are meant for 15mm but will work fine for 28mm robots. I still need to finish the bases but I won't have them done by the end of the day so I thought I'd post these anyway. At this moment in time, I have no plans for these...they are just ticked off and available to add to a future project at some point.

There are a host of these Protolene battlesuits available so they could be used to build a complete army if you wanted...and at around £4-00 each, they are comparable to standard 28mm prices. They come as a resin torso with separate resin legs and metal arms. All of the components are crisply cast but there are some very faint striations where the 3d digital sculpting method has been used. At this sort of size, they aren't too noticeable but they are a particular bugbear of mine.

Lovely little robots though.

I have a few more bits and bobs from Critical Mass Games that will appear at some point...but they will be tied straight into my Grymn forces.

Here is a picture of the Condor with a cardboard 15mm miniature for scale:

Click the Pic!

I would have used a proper miniature but I don't have any 15mm ones so just for Comstar, I made an ickle cardboard one :). I hope this is good enough for your purposes.

This week has been a mixed blessing on E-Bay. I was unfortunate in losing my bidding war for a pair of Warzone Vulkans...but went 'buy it now' for a squad of Space Dwarfs.

The Space Dwarfs are from a Russian Company who used to be called Vellard but due to IP problems, they disappeared. Occasionally, the miniatures turn up on E-Bay and I decided to take a punt and order some. Once they arrive, I'll share the wealth and show off a few pics.

The Condor has stalled a little while I try to decide how I am going to explain some undercarriage...but I am sure something will crop up.

Sculpting has stopped for now...but I have a strong feeling that it won't be for long...

See you from the poop deck, me hearties!

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Angels high!

I was awoken this afternoon with cup of tea and a parcel from Russia (with some nice stamps on it). Sometimes, night-shifts aren't so bad :).

The parcel was a little squashed but inside, was a fully intact model kit of a Condor for the Robogear game. I haven't really had a good look at it but it looks quite chunky and usable so we'll have to see what I come up will need an undercarriage building for it and it will need to be repeatable so it will have to be fairly simple. I will be putting wheels on it (so that it can taxi without having to hover) so I'll need to source some of those...but there is definitely some potential there.

A bit of an edit is the box:

Click the Pic!

...and here is a scale pic with a 28mm Human and a Grymn:

Click the Pic!

O.K. ...I've kept you in suspense about the 15mm I'll put you out of your misery. It is from Critical Mass Games and I will happily say that, for a smaller scaled item, the detail is very crisp and the models themselves will make a perfect addition to a larger scaled army. It is proof that smaller scale doesn't mean less effort in the detail department.

...of course...I'm not saying exactly what I've got until I have decided where they will end up although they may get to be in their own army but will likely fit in with one or two of my other projects. I am quite happy pottering along with them so there will be pix of at least three of them by the weekend.

I am starting to get back to a certain amount of normality. It isn't very often that I get too emotional but over the last couple of weeks I have re-discovered what is important in life so I am awaiting the big sigh that will unwind me. My son is at home and eating like someone possessed! He is still wobbly but his stoic character is returning to him and he is almost back to his former, cheeky self (although he will need to put on a lot more weight to get back to his normal skinny as THAT was!). I am back at work and am on nights for this week so I am a bit done-in and am having to get back into the swing of things.

Life is full of opportunities.

See you over the plains of Mars!