Showing posts with label Jakson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jakson. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mayor's Cup

Jakson played in the
Mayor's Cup this past
weekend. Their first
game was Friday and they
won 3-0
They played again on
Saturday and won because
of a forfeit from the
other team playing
and illegal player.

Their next game was on
Monday.  Molli came
and modeled her new
Utah collar.
Jakson's team won 5-1
which then put them
in the Final game.
They won 1-0 in overtime!
It was a great soccer

While they were waiting
to get their medals,
you could see how fast
your kick was.
This was Jakson's
first kick.  I think
he got a 60 MPH.

Jakson getting his
1st Place medal from
his dad - awwwww!

Here is the team with
their 1st Place
Mayor's Cup medals.

Their team won the
Striker's Cup a few
weeks ago (I know
2 tournament wins
in a row - this has
never happened!) and
they finally got their
medals for that win.
Nice Job Forza!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Last Day of School!

No matter what
this girl is happy
when school
starts and is also
glad when school

I was suppose to be
hurrying to take
her picture,
because you need to
get to school
early to stand
in line to get
your yearbook!

Can't believe she
will be in 9th Grade
next year.

Cue the cricket sounds
here!! Once again
I'm so glad this one made
it through another year
of school.  One more to
go (which is really
kind of sad)!
WOW a Senior in
Let the Summer

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Region 2 Soccer Champs

Viewmont was the
Region 2 Soccer
They had a great
Playoffs start
next Tuesday
against Riverton.
Go Axl!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

HS Soccer

Jakson has had
three games in the
past week.
Last Tuesday was
Varsity won 6-0
and JV tied 0-0

Friday was against
Varsity lost 2-1
JV won 6-1.
Then they played
Kearns last night.
Varsity won 5-1
JV won 7-0
Jakson has been
playing all but about
5-10 minutes in
every game!
Nice job Axl!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


After three tries of making his
yard sign - they finally got
his name right!
Thursday was the first
Region Game of the
Season.  They played
Varsity won 1-0 and
JV won 3-1.
Axl got the full 80
minutes of play!
Nice Job!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Alta Soccer

Thursday's game
 was against
Alta.  They look
like they have a
pretty good team
this year.

Varsity tied 0-0
after 2

JV also tied at 1-1.

At least they haven't
lost a game yet.

This week is against
Davis.  Most of
the kids on his
Competition team
are on that team.

Hopefully they can pull off a win.

Woods Cross Soccer

Jakson had a game on
Tuesday at Woods Cross.
Viewmont lead most of the
time and then Woods
Cross scored.

It ended at 1-1.
Axl got some good playing
 time in again.
Way to go Axl!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cactus Tragedy

Jakson decided in the summer
that he wanted some cactus.
He picked out some plants and
a bowl and has taken care
of them very responsibly.
Some of the cactus even
had some really great flowers
on them in August.
Well - he got a new plant
this past weekend and planted it
and was so excited about it.
Sunday he put it out on the
deck to get some sun because
it was actually nice outside.

Monday morning he was leaving
for school and said "Hey where's
my cactus?"  He forgot to
bring it in the house Sunday night
and it was frozen solid.  Kevin
said it will be fine - cactus live
in the desert and it always
gets really cold in the winter.
The poor thing is all squishy
and all the tall plants have
bent clear over.  Only
the one in the top
right corner might have
made it - not sure yet.
I'm sure there will be a trip
to Home Depot to start
a new cactus garden.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


Tonight was Homecoming.
Jakson was ready an
hour and a half
before she needed
to be picked up.

Last night they went
to the Haunted Hallows
for a little date before

The corsage.

Hannah decided to
get in on the action
and went and put on
one of Mckinsey's
old dresses.

She wanted to know if
Jakson wanted to get in
some dancing tips
before he left for the dance.

Here she is showing us
how the dress was fantastic
on her and that her rubber
bands on her braces matched
exactly.  I said she could use
the dress when she went
to a dance, but she said
no - she had different
taste in dresses than

Here is a picture of both
Jakson and Zoe.
They all were to meet up
at the Bountiful
Tabernacle and one of
his friends sisters was
taking pictures of them.
I think Jakson peed his
pants a little when I showed
up to take a couple of
pictures.  This is the best
one, but as you can see I
cut off their feet and part
of Jakson's head.

Cute!! He looks all
grown up!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Happy 17th Birthday!

Today is Jakson's 17th
Birthday.  We had a little
party last night at our house.
Usually Uncle Weezer gives the
birthday cards that are
a little naughty,  but Mckinsey
and Justin beat him to it
this year.

"The Family" - same picture as
always.  Landon ducking his head,
Mckinsey looking right at the
camera always ready for a
picture, and McKell pretending
not to notice the camera
is pointed at her!!

The Birthday Cake. Jakson
wanted a Chocolate Cake
from Market Street.
Wayyyy too much chocolate
for me.

So I also picked up a few
cupcakes from the Sweet Tooth
Fairy for those not big on
all that chocolate.

Happy 17th Birthday.
It's not a good thing that
today is also
Conferences and you
might not live a day
past your 17th

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sweet 16 (I think??)

Yesterday was Jakson's
16th Birthday!
Lasagna was his
dinner of choice.
Hank showed up for the
present opening.
Here he is receiving one
of his many new
Abercrombie shirts!
The cake was almost full of
candles.  Had a hard time
fitting them all on.
He loves the Mrs. Backer's
Chocolate cake.
He almost blew a
blood vessel in his head
trying to get all the candles
blown out!

He may have spit on 
the cake a little - sorry
to those of you who had some?!
Happy Birthday Jakson!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Learner's Permit

Jakson finally
received his Learners
Permit yesterday.
watch out
and keep your
women and children

School?? but I still have a few weeks!!

This is what Jakson said
last Friday when I told him
school started on Monday.
The kid is clueless when it
comes to time. 
He still thought he had
a few weeks.
This is the only picture he
let me take of him.
He is off to High School.
Jakson has to be at the
bus stop at 7:00 which
is just down the street a little.
I told him the carpool
days were over.

Here is little Miss
Hannah going to
Junior High.
She was estatic to
go to Junior High.
When I picked her up,
the day had been disasterous,
and there were huge
After a few more days,
it's not so bad
and she really
likes it.
Hannah says she
has to walk up against the
wall so she doesn't
get trampled.
She's so little the other 
kids don't see her.
She cracks me up!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Strikers Cup

Jakson's new Forza soccer
team played in the Striker's Cup
last week in Layton.

They did pretty good - considering
that half the team left and went
to other teams.
They took third in their bracket.
They are all looking so big now.
I liked it better
when they got to name
their team. 
"The Speedy Bugs"
was my favorite!
That's because they were
cute and 5 years old!