Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Bees Game

Kevin's work had a Bee's
Baseball Night last night, 
so we all headed out to the
baseball game.
It was only 118 degrees with
the wind blowing!

According to Kevin - 
no game is complete without
a "Chicago Dog"!

After one of the innings, they
had a couple of guys come out
from the audience and try
to hit a tennis ball off from
a tee-ball stand.
The balls wouldn't go very
far, so everyone was getting
a good laugh out of it.

Once again - getting Axl's
picture is redonkulous!!

He is such a mess!

Good thing he is so cute or
I'd have to beat him.

At this point - I think I wanted
to beat him!

Finally - sort of a picture -
but with the "Stink Eye".

His dad is telling him to just
get his picture taken and be
done with it.
What a dork!

Then he took the camera and 
took some pictures of us.
Hannah was born
camera ready!

We gave him the "duck lips"!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Utah Utes Gymnastics Camp

Hannah went to the Utah
Gymnastics Camp this past
week.  She had so much
fun and learned a lot.
Most of her "Besties"
from gym were with her.
Hannah and Kenna.

Hannah and Brittany again!
This looks like the picture I
took last week.
I should have looked closer
at this picture yesterday.
Hannah has the beginning
looks of "I'm not feeling
very well." Her eyes look sickly
and sad.  Something kicked
her butt. She called me from
Lagoon last night and said to
come and get her.
Her throat, neck and head
were hurting.  She's been
in bed all day.  I think
she has finally worn out
from all the months of
working hard!

Tom Farden and some
of the Olympus girls.
The girls are doing the "U" for
Utah and Tom is doing the "O"
for Olympus.
The girls all love this guy!

Hannah got some pictures with
her favorite Utah Gymnasts!
Her first is always MB!

Here is Big H and Little H
from the USA Gymnastics days!

And Fumina!  This girl
is gorgeous.  I talked to her
for a while and she is amazing.
Her mother died last
Thanksgiving from cancer.
She takes care of her younger
sister most of the time.

Hannah and Sage.  Hannah
thought that it was funny that she
could finally bend down to get
her picture taken with Sage.
Usually everyone is bending down
for Hannah.
Sage is also a crack up!
Hannah does a great impression
of her.

Hannah and Kenna with
Greg and Megan Marsden -
holding up their "U's".
That would be Hannah's dream
if she could be a future Ute!
Hannah is secretly saying
"pick me! - pick me!"

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Olympus Recital

Today was Olympus' end of year
recital.  Each level has a dance
choreographed and then they
present it to the other levels and
parents.  This years theme was
"Around the World"
Hannah's country was
After the dances - awards
are given for the competition
Each level is given
"Gymnast of the Year"
"Most Improved Gymnast"
Hannah received
"Most Improved Gymnast" for
Level 10 this year.  Hannah
competed Level 10 for her first
time and made it all the way
to Nationals.
Huge accomplishment -
Nice Job Hannah!!

Here are Hannah, Shireen,
Baylie and Sydney.
Hannah, Shireen, and Baylie
qualified for
Nationals and Sydney for NIT.

Hannah showing us her award.

Hannah and Brittany.

More cute friends.
Brittany, Hannah and Hannah.

Hannah being silly and glad the
recital is over.
 Hopefully I can make it
through 4 more years!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Last Day of School!

No matter what
this girl is happy
when school
starts and is also
glad when school

I was suppose to be
hurrying to take
her picture,
because you need to
get to school
early to stand
in line to get
your yearbook!

Can't believe she
will be in 9th Grade
next year.

Cue the cricket sounds
here!! Once again
I'm so glad this one made
it through another year
of school.  One more to
go (which is really
kind of sad)!
WOW a Senior in
Let the Summer