Our Family |
There is one Mother's Day that I have never forgotten, and it was when my older boys were little boys. We got up that morning and after opening a few gifts and then we made our way out the door to Temple Square. We had such a good morning milling around the grounds and playing hide and seek with the boys. It seems like it was just yesterday. When this was our little family
Our family in May 2006 |
Our Children May 2012 |
Six years later we have been blessed with so much. Our house is bursting at the seams with children running, laughing, screaming, jumping, playing and more. Each one of our children are so different, and yet they all seem to fit together. Each one of them is alarmingly amazing. They each have qualities in life that I daily learn from. I honestly can say I never thought motherhood would require so much energy and perseverance on a daily basis. It is a 24 hour, no vacation, no holiday type of work. I also never realized how blessed I could feel. I am deeply in love with this family. There are no words that could explain how my heart feels.
In just a short month of life this little man has changed our life. He is wonderful to have! Cody has these amazing eyes to look into. He seems so calm, but I just know he has an explosion of energy within him.
I am not sure anymore who he looks like. When I first laid eyes on him, he was a-look-a-like to Carson, but now he is his own person. But I have to say he looks like an Ingles' baby, just in his own way.
There is no schedule in our day or night for that matter. We are still just moving through life with no idea when he will need to eat or sleep. I tell myself enjoy it, the infancy stage passes so quickly and I will miss it!
Cody is currently eating, sleeping whenever he is held, starting to focus when we talk to him, he doesn't seem to mind being passed around, and he doesn't wake up when the kids are screaming and playing extremely loud (in fact he seems to be a peace with the added noise).
We love our Bonus Baby Boy...Cody!!!
Carson 2 yrs. |
I wish I had the words to express how I love 2 year olds...especially this one!!! He is a terrific two year old, with the tendency to be terrible at times.
Carson is sunshine, happiness, laughter and joy all squished into this little man. He has the ability to entertain us for hours. I could spend all day trying to soak up his personality. He loves to play with his siblings. Cole is his buddy, Cutlers is his punching bag, Kiley is his partner in crime, and Cody is the new attraction. He loves Daddy and is thrilled to spend all day with him. He is willing to be carted all over the place from soccer to baseball to dance, and is so happy when he gets to join in when the others are practicing at home.
For being 2 he isn't hard to take places, especially if it is just him. He likes to stay right with Rob or I, and is happy to sit on our laps, stay in the cart, or hold our hand.
He is starting to hold conversations now, and the trick is to understand everything he is telling you. Because when you don't he knows it, and isn't very happy. He is now trying to do everything on his own, which requires a lot of patience on my part.
Well, I have to say he loves Daddy, but he love me just as much. He loves to snuggle with me, give me kisses, he tells me he loves me, and if I am not around he always ask where I am. Like I said he is sunshine!!!
I love these two!!! |
The girls! |

We are out numbered at our house, 2 girls to 5 boys...but no worries I was blessed with a girly girl. Kiley is all girl! She is more than I could ever have hoped for. People tell me not to spoil her, I secretly laugh to myself and think it isn't possible.
When she was born people would ask me if I was enjoying having a girl, and I would respond, "I just can't get enough of her." Well, good for me...I have been since birth and am still soaking up every little bit of her. Since she will be our ONLY girl, I am so glad I have enjoyed the princesses, her makeup obsession, hairbows and hairdos, dollies, dance and so much more.
I can't believe she is almost 5!!! She keeps telling me she will stop growing up at that point, but I know better and it makes me really sad to think she will grow up on me. I am not sure I will be able to stand her going to kindergarten this year.
Kiley loves so many things, and people. She has so many friends, and loves them all. She is very talkative at home and everywhere else. She is full of imagination and creativity. She loves to dance, and love her teacher Miss Mo. She loves her Carson, and Baby Cody, and loves to take care of them. (I love it too! For the most part she is absolutely wonderful with them, and so willing to take care of them.) She loves to dress up, wear make-up, and be beautiful!!!
We love our Kiley!
Cutler is a kid at heart...I know he is a kid, but I am sure he will always have a place for play. He knows how to work hard, and care for others. But one thing this kid is great at doing is reminding us to have a good time. He loves to laugh, smile, and rough house. He can get out of hand in goofing off, and I scold him, but in my heart I really hope that he will remember how to enjoy life.
He has a big sense for adventure. He likes roller coasters, hiking, climbing (on everything, including my walls), riding his bike, scooter, and more. He tells jokes, teases his little brother (which is why Carson thinks it is funny to hit him). He has lots of friends, and most of them are on his favorite sport soccer. Soccer is perfect for him because he gets to run, run, and run some more...which he loves.
Cutler has a contagious smile. I still remember at a baseball game when he was 2 and some stranger said, "now that is one incredible smile." Yep, I would have to agree!
Cutler has just finished 2nd grade, and he did awesome. He is always so good at math, and his reading improved by leaps and bounds. I am also pretty sure that when it came to spelling he rarely missed a word on any of his test.
We just love this kid!
9 years ago this incredible kid changed my life, and my journey as a mother began. I wish I could go back to the very first moments when I held him. I wish I could experience that profound moment when my life would no longer be just about me, but I would forever be responsible in caring for and raising these children.
It was an easy choice for Rob and I to decide to have children, and we were blessed with Cole. When Cole ask what kind of baby he was...I say nope he was by the book. I would read a book about how to care for this or that, and the book would say do this and your baby will respond this way. And Cole did exactly as the book would say. Motherhood seemed pretty easy...until I learned that every baby was different, and I basically tossed the books out the door.
Cole is a great kid to have around. He is very aware of his surrounding, and the need to help others. The other day we were out and about when a boy with down syndrome started talking to him. Cole was so considerate, he treated him no different and responded to all the boy's question.
He is the perfect older brother...he picks on his younger siblings just enough to bug them once in awhile, and then takes care of them whenever there is a need. He is such a help with Carson and Cody.
Cole loves to learn new things...one of his goals for the summer is to learn all the states, and Presidents of the United States. He is very goal oriented, and focused. He wants to be an engineer when he grows up. He is very much like his Dad, in that he wants things to be perfect, and that he is good at figuring out how to fix things, or make them work.
Cole has an amazing testimony in the gospel. He is quiet about it, but if only others could listen to his nightly prayers you would be amazed at the spirit he carries with him.
Cole doing what he does best, being a buddy! |
Thanks again to my family for making it so I could have another unforgettable Mother's Day!