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What Makes a Complete RPG?

 I've seen a lot of 1 page or 4 page RPGs out there.  Some of them are pretty neat.  Most of them I would not consider complete RPGs.  Why?  I started thinking about that.  What makes a complete RPG anyway?  Here are some bullet points to be flushed out later.

  • Complete mechanics: Character creation, character advancement, and action resolution rules.
  • Equipment List
  • Spell List (if applicable)
  • Vehicle/Animal rules,Travel, Encumbrance, Food mechanics.
  • Fiend / Antagonist Folio
  • Samples of how to use all of the above

That is about it.  Note the first bullet point is the core game.  How do I do x?  How do I know if I can do x?   

I'll flush this out later.  But those I think are the core.


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