Monday, June 29, 2009

Sleepless at Six Weeks

For the first time in six weeks, I have been laying in bed for an hour without being able to fall asleep. It may be the pending ultrasound tomorrow and my anxiety surrounding that. Will I get there and they tell me this has all been a sick joke and nothing is growing in my uterus? That is a serious fear. Also, my blogging, or lack there of, is on my mind.

Since I began writing this blog almost a year ago, words have poured from my soul without cease. However, the past few weeks/months, I have been at a loss. It began back at Mel's with the contribution confusion and pain caused in those subsequent days. I've felt such a negative vibe from so many comments since then - a few on my own blog, and several around "town". This is my outlet, my "diary" for the whole wide world to read. Nope, I don't expect people to always agree with my Granny said..."If you can't say something nice, Tara Ann, then don't say it at all." She's been gone over 15 years...and I can still hear those words crystal clear. The negativity has definitely taken its toll on me.

I have also been struggling with how to approach the subject of our recent "success" as I like to think of it. I've been on the receiving end of seemingly unending pregnancy announcements in the past 31 months, it almost makes me feel guilty to finally have one of my own. I've lost a dear friend because she was unable to be reasonable about my infertility and her fertility. No, that is not a one sided view point...she is also a friend who told me when I married before her that we no longer had anything in common. We made it through the wed/unwed years...but I don't think our friendship will survive my infertility. I also realize, while many of my fellow "friends" online are celebrating wonderful news this summer as well, many of my friends are not. Many are suffering through nightmares I cannot even imagine...and it breaks my heart to share my news with them. This has really been on my mind and on my heart. I so know how it feels to read a "BFP" post and instantly make a mental note to mark them on my list as those who have crossed over. While I realize we will never "crossover", this journey has permanently marked my life by struggles I never imagined or thought R and I could endure as a couple, I know some will view me as an "other" now. It saddens me to come to this realization, but it is one I have to reconcile with my heart. I will never believe my miracle is any better than anyone else's. While I may not have gotten tipsy with my spouse and indulged in a lot of fun, mine is no more a miracle than those who were that lucky. Mine may be here after years of struggle, pain, injections, endless doctor visits and thousands of dollars...mine is the same miracle women have experienced as long as this world has existed.

I know this post may be may turn some of you away. I just really needed to unload my heart. This blog has been such a refuge and sense of strength through some of my very darkest days. I will not begin to sugarcoat my true feelings now. I have very real feelings for many of my blog friends...who, some, I will likely never lay eyes on in real life. I pray for these friends, cry with them and hopefully, can celebrate ALL of their successes - be it a BFP, living with infertility, adoption, donor egg or sperm, anything.

I hope others can relate. I am not sure if I'm alone here...

I feel better already. I knew I was carrying a burden on my heart...I just had no idea the weight of it.

Please be kind and think before you speak - not just with me, but with everyone here in the ALI community. We are all dealing with our own struggles and these blogs provide an outlet and should be a place for support...we don't need to be torn down anymore by life than the infertility we are already struggling with. (Note: I realize there is a difference in a healthy disagreement and down right negative speak. Healthy disagreements are like the name implies...healthy.)


Lost in Space said...

Not sure what's been going on, but I've been living under a rock for awhile. (-;

Hugs and all my best tomorrow.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Doesn't it feel good to get your feelings out there? Doesn't your heart now feel a little lighter and a little less burdened by what you're feeling?

Anyone who has EVER been touched by IF will completely understand everything you just wrote in your post. I've had a few sisters in the ALI blogosphere get knocked up recently and every single one of them have said something very similar to what you posted, they didn't know how to announce it, they didn't want to make such an announcement that it would be in other IFer's "faces" and they didn't want their new found "status" to turn long term readers aka friends away from their blog.

Your friends, be it in real life OR in the blogosphere, will be there reading and wishing you well NO MATTER what. If they aren't, then honestly, you don't want them in your life anyway, surround yourself with positivity and people who love you unconditionally.

I'm so happy for you and no matter what you write about, I'm certainly not going anywhere and will continue to read!

Good luck with the ultrasound.....everything WILL be fine!


Just Believing said...

that was so geautiful and i am so sorry any comments that have ever negativly affected you :(

being on the bfn side i have to be honest and say the recent bfp's of blogs i follow have made it a hard week for me i am so happy for ya'll yet still so sad for me ya no?

i will be praying for you and baby and great ultra sound news to come

Anonymous said...

Exactly what you are talking about is the reason that I deleted my blog. The negativity got too much for me and the comments (on others blogs, not mine) just really got me down.

I am so happy for you Tara, you certainly won't be coming off my reader list just because you "crossed over". I hope to be joining you very soon.

Big hugs
and Congratulations again
Sue xxxx

'Murgdan' said... may have made it to my 'pregnant' column in my reader...but you're still in my 'friend' column too. I am so happy for you, Tara.

And about the know I know....and I now brace myself for every possible negative comment that could come of every post--even if I get one negative one for every 200 positive ones.

I'll give you a call later

Anonymous said...

It's been hard making the transition for me as well. I've been afraid I'd lose all these new friendships which is why I've stepped back a bit. I just didn't want to make anyone uncomfortable.

I don't know what happened on Mel's site, but in my mind my blog is for me. And I should write about what I am experiencing. If someone would rather not read about it, that is perfectly fine. I've done the same thing. But when I was ready, I came back.

I think you should just write from your heart like you have always done.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry that people have been unkind in their comments to you.

I'm so happy for you that you are pregnant, even if it hasn't happened for me yet. You deserve this so much. You've worked so hard for this. Try to enjoy every minute of it. Your writings have been a huge source of comfort for me, and I hope you will continue writing.

Suzanne said...

It's not just you - I felt the same way when we found success. I don't think I truly realized how much infertility hurt me and affected me until I didn't have to "deal with it" anymore. We've become so accustomed to the feelings of disappointment and frustration that it's hard to allow ourselves to feel anything else.
If your blog still provides an outlet for YOU, then keep doing it. You didn't start writing for people's comments, you started writing for your self and you should keep doing that. Don't ever apologize for the way you are feeling - you are entitled!

Be sure to post after your U/S!!

ks said...

The scat that the IF journey leaves on all of us is one that may fade but never does really disappear does it!? I am one of the still trying readers, and for some reason the run of BFP's is giving me hope!

I can't wait to hear about the u/s! Hoping you have a great day today!

B and D said...

I wanted to de-lurk to say first off, congratulaitons on your BPF! I look forward to your u/s post.

Second, I'm sorry that you've had negative comments or responses online and IRL. I think that your blog is your space and readers should accept that or just move on. The IRL piece is definitely hard since you count on those old friends to stand by you. But sometimes friendships just evolve to an end or hit a point where maybe you just need to take a little break. It's really sad when that happens (especially now when you have such great news to share and enjoy), but I don't think there is anything you can really do besides keeping in touch and hope that one day it will pick back up again.

Just take care of you and enjoy all that comes with the wonderfulful chapter you're beginning!

Our Infertility Journey said...

I don't know you, and you don't know me, really, but we probably know each other better than we could ever imagine. I am 30 too, and my hubby and I have been trying for a baby for about 4 years now, without any luck. I feel the same way you do much of the time too. I just wanted to say that I found your blog on here, and wanted to say my thoughts and prayers are with you. Much love, and lotsa hugs.

Michelle said...

I completely agree. I am sorry that you have been affected by negative comments. I really hope the good out weighs the bad.

I am so happy for you! It is reading your stories and other stories of ppl that were successful after all this craziness, that gives me hope. I will be reading and cheering you on the whole way!

Shelby said...

The 'left behind syndrome' really sucks when you're the one who is left behind, but I never realized that when you're doing the 'leaving', so to speak, that that has its share of issues, too. I've grappled with the guilt and I won't deny that it has actually stolen some of my joy in this pregnancy (not all of it, thankfully). My advice to you...don't let this happen! Enjoy your little one. I believe this can be done at the same time as still being there for your IF sisters.

AnotherDreamer said...

I'm so sorry if someone has given you negative comments :( I for one plan to keep reading and supporting you.

I know how scary pregnancy after infertility can be. Hang in there hun. Lots of positive thoughts!