Saturday, October 18, 2008

Home at Last

I am finally home after a week on the road. It was a fun week, but it's always so nice to come home.

Chicago was OK - I got away without drinking all night and no one noticed. My meetings were productive and I got in some shopping.

St. Augustine was great! The weather was perfect! High 80's - can you believe it? I even got to lay out in the sun for a while (I was still having to work down there, so, couldn't play as much as I would've liked). I had a good time with my parents and my sister and niece. My niece is 3 and is soooo stinkin' sweet. She heals my heart - even at 5AM when she says, "Morning Tata. Sunshine's out. Wanna go play?" She's so funny. She finally got in bed with me that morning (a twin size - with me and her - comfy :) ) and we went back to sleep for a while.

My blood test is Tuesday. I am both dreading it and anticipating it with a hopeful heart. R and I went and bought a couple of tests tonight - I am hoping to muster the courage to POAS tomorrow morning. I guess if it's negative it will soften the blow on Tuesday. I've been doing the progesterone suppositories, so, any symptoms I would think I had, is probably the progesterone. My breasts are a little tender and I am sleepy - both side effects of elevated progesterone. One thing that seems a little different is that I have been super thirsty. Not sure what that is about. Its sadistic, but, I find it easier to wait on a BFN than to wait on my cycle to start.

I hope to have more grace in the moment this time - with the loving hand of my new friend Zoloft - I definitely think she's helping. Hopefully, I will never regret having taken this medicine - if we ever adopt or it has some crazy long term side effects. Surely, adoption agencies understand this type of stress? It's too much to worry about, but, it does linger in my mind.

R had 2 surprises for me when we got home. First, he programmed my car to open the garage door by pushing a button in the car instead of having the extra garage door remote. I've been trying to get that function to work since we got this car in April!! It's a little thing, but, its fun and I like it. It was sweet of him to take the time to do it. Second, he got our youngest dog's hair cut. I have been feeling like I've neglected a major part of my life in my blog by not mentioning my pets! I think I'll start Mel's Show and Tell this week and introduce you to our "kids".

I've missed blogging this week. I've kept up with you all, though, and am glad to be back!



Welcome home, T!

Sending courage and strength for Tuesday. You are brave to POAS. Hope pleasant surprises await!!

Can your husband come to my house and clean my car?? It needs it! LOL. Sounds like he's a sweetheart. My husband does nice little things like that for me too. He makes coffee for me every morning, which is such a nice treat because mornings are a horror show for me. we are lucky, aren't we?

Looking forward to hearing more about the pooches! I love animals, too!

Bye Buddy!

P.S. And thanks for the support on my blog. It's a big step for me. You were part of the inspiration. Thanks!

Lost in Space said...

So glad you are back although even a little time relaxing in the sun sounds great.

Your niece sounds adorable. My nephews are 7 and 9 and still call me Aunt Nenna. I love "Aunt Tata". Too cute.

WTG, hubby. (: I hope to inspire mine to program our hands free option one of these days.

Thinking of you today and hoping for great results if you decided to test. All my best to you on Tuesday. Everything crossed. (:

Hope2morrow said...

Welcome back. We missed you!

How sweet of your hubby to program the button in your car. Those little things always make me smile.

Good luck Tuesday!