Padre Pio was also known to have the gift of bilocation - the ability to be in more than one place simultaneously. Though he almost never left his monastery, he was seen elsewhere as testified and documented by many witnesses.
Padre Pio describes under obedience the person that bilocates: "He knows what he wants, knows were he goes, but he doesn't know if it's the body or the mind that goes." "There is an urgency, a grave danger, a soul or a body to save".
Padre Pio describes under obedience the person that bilocates: "He knows what he wants, knows were he goes, but he doesn't know if it's the body or the mind that goes." "There is an urgency, a grave danger, a soul or a body to save".
The first known bilocation of Padre Pio:
Marchioness Giovanna Rizzani Boschi, one of the six witnesses who testified at the Process of Beatification, reported coincidences that do not have a rational explanation: She was born January 18, 1905. At that time Padre Pio was 18, and studying philosophy in Sant'Elia a Pianisi.
Padre Pio noted on February 1905: "I found myself in Udine, were a father was dying and a child was being born. And the Virgin Mary said 'I'm entrusting this child to you.' "
Now Giovanna was living in Rome. In the summer of 1922, while in St. Peter's basilica, she confessed to a capuchin friar. In 1923 she heard about Padre Pio and went to see him. "Giovanna I have been waiting for you. The Virgin Mary took me to Udine when you were born to be present at your father's death. Also, last year in St. Peter's I was the capuchin priest." And later: "One day you will be present at my death." Later she described the vision she had of Padre Pio's cell the night he died. She reported every detail of what happened, and described every person that was in the room.
In a conversation with Dr. Delfino:, Padre Pio asked, "What do you doctors think. Can a person do two thing at once?" The doctor replied, "I think two is possible." Padre Pio, said "Well, I can do three." And to Father Mariano and to Father Tarcisio, Padre Pio said, "I can do three thing at once: pray, confess, and go around the world."
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Italian General Luigi Cadorna |
After the war was over, the general, who had never before met Padre Pio, went to visit unannounced the monastery in San Giovanni Rotondo. He immediately recognized Padre Pio as the monk who had appeared in his tent. Padre Pio from afar: "Yeah, general, we had a narrow escape that night!"
On June 25, 1950, Padre Pio was seen attending to the death of a fellow monk in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, without leaving the convent. When asked about it he said, "If Christ multiplied the loaves and fishes, why cannot he multiply me."
Padre Pio seen in the Air
During World War II, some American and English pilots were ordered to bomb the area of San Giovanni Rotondo in Italy. When they were getting ready to drop the bombs, the pilots reported seeing in the air a monk who, in stretching out his wounded hands, prevented them from dropping their bombs.
General Bernardo Rosini of the United Air Command reported that "Each time that the pilots returned from their missions, they spoke of this Friar that appeared in the sky and diverted their airplanes, making them turn back." "Everyone was talking about these incredible stories. But since the episodes kept recurring, the Commanding General of USAF General Nathan F. Twining, who happened to be in Bari, decided to pilot himself a squadron of bombers to destroy a target near San Giovanni Rotondo. When he and his pilots were in the vicinity of the target, they saw the figure of a monk with upraised hands appear in the sky. The bombs got loose from the plains falling in open areas, and the planes made a sharp turn to return to base without the pilots intervening. Back on the ground, everybody asked everybody else about the happening and wanted to know who was that friar. The General was told about Padre Pio and decided to visit him with the pilots in that squadron. The pilots immediately recognized Padre Pio, and he told the general: "So you are the one that wanted to destroy everything." The general become a friend of Padre Pio.
A Presbyterian, Colonel Loyal Bob Curry of Birmingham Alabama served on the 464th Bomb Group of the 15th Air Force at the Base in Spinazzola under commanding general Nathan F. Twining from December 1944 until his plane was shot down and he was imprisoned by the Germans a month later, reported this as well saying, "Everybody was talking about it, both the American servicemen as well as the Italians who took care of the quarters."
Alfonso D'Artega serving at the Air Base of Amendola reported: "One of the pilots said: 'I saw the phantom fly again.' " "Another pilot saw a figure of a monk flying as fast as the plain waving his arms. The pilots and copilots saw it." D'Artega and a pilot went to visit Padre Pio, and the pilot recognized in Padre Pio the monk seen through the clouds.
In another account, Professor Enrico Medi reports that he was driving the narrow road to San Giovanni, thinking that was his daughter's birthday and she was blowing the candles at that time. He missed a narrow bend of the road, and was about to crash in an incoming car. But the cars stopped few inches from each other. That afternoon Padre Pio seeing him said, "You blow the candles, and I drive the car."
Attorney Mario Gentile reports that his car slid on an icy road, went off street, and was totaled. During the accident he felt like somebody was holding him firmly on his seat. He was unharmed. Few days later he went to Padre Pio, who said, "Be careful, because the cars can play funny tricks."
In 1957, Padre Placido Bux di San Marco in Lamis (he had taken the earliest photographs of Padre Pio's wounds) was hospitalized. "I saw Padre Pio at my bedside and he reassured me I would be OK. He left through the window putting his hand on the glass." The news spread and everybody went to see the fingerprint of the hand on the glass. The imprint was washed with soap and water several times. But it was still there.
Padre Alberto D'Apolito was told about it. He first went to see the window and that went straight to Padre Pio, several miles away. "Everyone believes that you went to the hospital of San Severo to visit Padre Placido, and that you left on the window the imprint of you hand." Padre Pio: "Do you have any doubt about it?"
On January 29, 1957 in Alençon, France, Daniel Batonnier was about to die of cerebrospinal meningitis. The mother at 1:30 PM sent a telegram to Padre Pio. At 4:00 PM, the child was fully recovered. The doctors were puzzled. The child, seeing a picture of Padre Pio said, "Mom, I know that friar. He came to see me twice today. He was humming so as not to scare me, and than he left. Mom when I grow up I want to be a friar like him."
A woman went stay with the daughter and son in law in Bologna while waiting to have surgery for a malignant tumor in her arm. She was sitting alone in the living room when a capuchin friar came through the door. "I am Padre Pio da Pietralcina". He exhorted her to have faith in the Madonna and blessed her arm. Than he said good bye and left. The day after she met the doctor to go over the details of the surgical intervention. The surgeon examined the arm. There was no trace of the tumor.
Padre Carmelo, superior of the convent, decided to have meetings with the group of early spiritual daughters at the Ventrella's house to gather first hand information about the beginning of Padre Pio's ministry in San Giovanni Rotondo. The first meeting was held on December 14, 1954, on January 10 and 25,1955, and at later dates. Ten spiritual daughter were present: the Ventrella sisters, the Pompilio sisters, Filomena Fini, Rosinella Gisolfi in Placentino, Rachele Russo, Rachelina Gisolfi and Nina Campanile. Padre Carmelo testified: "During the first meeting, Rachelina Gisolfi told everybody that Padre Pio was present. Back to the convent I didn't have the courage to ask Padre Pio about it. During the second meeting Rachelina said again that Padre Pio was there. Back to the convent I took the courage and asked him. The answer: "Why? You don't want me there? You don't want that I come to those meetings?" After the third meeting, back to the convent: "Yes I was there." After another meeting: "How come you don't ask me anymore if I came to the meeting?"
Padre Michelangelo Bellini reported that his grandma was over eighty years old and in a coma, when he prayed Padre Pio that she could live long enough to see him celebrate his first Mass. By the morning she had made an extraordinary recovery and told him that she had seen like in a dream a monk who had brought her ten more years of life. She lived exactly for ten more years on the day.
Ettore Masone, Padre Pio's only nephew, was not yet thirty when he became gravely ill, fell into a coma, and the family made arrangements for the funeral next day. But all of a sudden he woke up and shouted: "I'm not dying anymore." He recovered completely and instantly. He recalled: "I was at the gates of heaven and saw my sister Giuseppina who died many years ago standing there at the door. Then I also saw Padre Pio. Both wouldn't let me in." That's when he woke up.
In 1952 a woman was about to die during delivery because of an erroneous blood transfusion. She received the Last Rites. When the priest left she saw a monk. "I am Padre Pio and you will not die. Say an 'Our Father' and one day you will come to see me." About a year later, she went to see Padre Pio. He told her: "You got the miracle because the Sacred Heart sent me to save you, since you are devout to him and did the First Fridays of each month."
Francesco Cavicchi and his wife visited Padre Pio in June 1967. He had confessed three days before but wanted to confess to Padre Pio anyway. The rule was at least seven days. He stood in line and when his turn was approaching he got agitated. But Padre Pio calling him from the line said, "Come forward, my son, I have been waiting for you for a long time." He started the confession asking: "How many days has it been since last confession?" Francesco said that he couldn't remember. Padre Pio: "You have a short memory, don't you. But let me ask you this. Do you remember the bombardment in Rimini many yeas back? Do you remember the air raid shelter? Do you remember the trolley bus? But why I'm asking you to go back in time? You cannot even remember what you did less than a week ago!" At that point, Francesco started recollecting that in November 1943, when he was 28 years old, he was riding the trolley bus with about ten other people, including a middle aged monk. Then the bombs started falling, Francesco had difficulty getting off the bombed bus to reach the air-raid shelter and thought he was about to die. The monk helped him. The capuchin monk, once in the shelter, began to recite the rosary and inspired calm and confidence in everyone. After the sirens gave the 'all clear' signal, the capuchin monk was the first to leave. Suddenly Francesco remembered: "Were you the monk?" Padre Pio replied "Well, who do you think it was?"
Padre Domenico reported that early in the morning of September 22, 1968, he went to open the church at Manoppello located more than 200 kilometers away to the north of San Giovanni Rotondo in the province of Abruzzi. Inside the church, he found Padre Pio on his knees, his head in his hands, before the image known as the Holy Face. Padre Pio said to him: "I do not trust myself any more. Pray for me. Goodbye until we meet again in Paradise." Padre Pio died few hours later. The next day, Padre Carmelo went to visit a sick man and was amazed when the man expressed his appreciation for permitting Padre Pio to go visit him the previous evening. Padre Carmelo than understood what had happened.
Joe Spada was hospitalized with terminal cancer in 1975. He, his wife, the nurses, and other people at the hospital were frequently overcome by the beautiful aroma of fresh flowers. One night, he was alone and saw Padre Pio sitting beside him. When his wife, Margie, returned, her eyes fell on a handkerchief that she did not recognize. As she reached for it, Joe said, "That's Padre Pio's handkerchief. He put it there on the stand just before he left." Still today on several occasions, Padre Pio's handkerchief has given off the aroma of fresh flowers.
Padre Pio's last known bilocation:
Padre Umile, friend of Padre Pio, was bedridden in Genova because of a bad fall. On September 22, 1968 at 4:30 PM, Sister Ludovica brought to Padre Umile a cup of tea. In entering the room, she felt and intense perfume of flowers. Padre Umile said: "Padre Pio went to say me the last goodbye." Few hours later Padre Pio died.
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Padre Pio with the American servicemen |
A Presbyterian, Colonel Loyal Bob Curry of Birmingham Alabama served on the 464th Bomb Group of the 15th Air Force at the Base in Spinazzola under commanding general Nathan F. Twining from December 1944 until his plane was shot down and he was imprisoned by the Germans a month later, reported this as well saying, "Everybody was talking about it, both the American servicemen as well as the Italians who took care of the quarters."
Alfonso D'Artega serving at the Air Base of Amendola reported: "One of the pilots said: 'I saw the phantom fly again.' " "Another pilot saw a figure of a monk flying as fast as the plain waving his arms. The pilots and copilots saw it." D'Artega and a pilot went to visit Padre Pio, and the pilot recognized in Padre Pio the monk seen through the clouds.
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Professor Enrico Medi, Physicist and Scientist |
Attorney Mario Gentile reports that his car slid on an icy road, went off street, and was totaled. During the accident he felt like somebody was holding him firmly on his seat. He was unharmed. Few days later he went to Padre Pio, who said, "Be careful, because the cars can play funny tricks."
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Maria Pomplio walking with Padre Pio and a friar |
Maria Pompilio testified that one evening her brother was praying when he began to doze off. Someone slapped him on the cheek and the hand seemed the one of Padre Pio. The day after, he asked Padre Pio if he had slapped him. "That's what happens when you doze off while you are praying."
Pompilio also testified that a man approaching Padre Pio said: " 'Yes, he is the one. I'm not mistaken.' Then, kneeling and in tears said over and over: 'Father thank you for saving my life.' Outside the church he told Pompilio. 'I was captain in the infantry in the battlefield under heavy fire. I saw a monk a short distance away who called me.' "Captain come here by immediately." 'I did, and even before i reached him a grenade exploded were I had been, leaving a hole in the ground. When I turned back the monk was not there anymore.' "
Saint Luigi Orione testified: "I saw Padre Pio in St. Peter's Basilica the day that Saint Therese of the Child Jesus was declared blessed. He came smiling towards me, walking through the crowds. He disappeared when we were few feet away from each other." That happened on April 29,1923.
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Padre Dominic Meyer with Padre Pio |
Padre Dominic Meyer from Belleville, Illinois was sent in 1947 to the Convent to take care of the more than 250 letters Padre Pio receive daily in English and German. He did it for the next thirteen years. He described in September 1949 a bout with "sister fever" in which Padre Pio's temperature was measured by Dr. Sanguinetti with a special thermometer as 114 degrees. Padre Pio visited in bilocation his father on his deathbed in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, as testified by his daughter and son in law, and later confirmed to Padre Dominic that he was saved in Heaven. He gave many details of Christmas 1949 passed close to Padre Pio, and of the daily activities of Padre Pio in his letters to his relatives in Wisconsin and Illinois.
In 1956, Padre Pio was saying the Mass for Cardinal Mindszenty who, at that time, was incarcerated in Budapest. The news spread. Padre Pio was asked: "Did you really talk to him, did you really see him?" He answered, "Certainly, if I have talked to him, I must have seen him." In another occasion, Padre Pio was asked: "Did you visit Cardinal Mindszenty while he was prisoner in Budapest in 1956?" His reply: "Yes. I have seen him and spoken to him."
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Padre Placido Bux di San Marco in Lamis |
Padre Alberto D'Apolito was told about it. He first went to see the window and that went straight to Padre Pio, several miles away. "Everyone believes that you went to the hospital of San Severo to visit Padre Placido, and that you left on the window the imprint of you hand." Padre Pio: "Do you have any doubt about it?"
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Padre Alberto D'Apolito |
A woman went stay with the daughter and son in law in Bologna while waiting to have surgery for a malignant tumor in her arm. She was sitting alone in the living room when a capuchin friar came through the door. "I am Padre Pio da Pietralcina". He exhorted her to have faith in the Madonna and blessed her arm. Than he said good bye and left. The day after she met the doctor to go over the details of the surgical intervention. The surgeon examined the arm. There was no trace of the tumor.
Padre Carmelo, superior of the convent, decided to have meetings with the group of early spiritual daughters at the Ventrella's house to gather first hand information about the beginning of Padre Pio's ministry in San Giovanni Rotondo. The first meeting was held on December 14, 1954, on January 10 and 25,1955, and at later dates. Ten spiritual daughter were present: the Ventrella sisters, the Pompilio sisters, Filomena Fini, Rosinella Gisolfi in Placentino, Rachele Russo, Rachelina Gisolfi and Nina Campanile. Padre Carmelo testified: "During the first meeting, Rachelina Gisolfi told everybody that Padre Pio was present. Back to the convent I didn't have the courage to ask Padre Pio about it. During the second meeting Rachelina said again that Padre Pio was there. Back to the convent I took the courage and asked him. The answer: "Why? You don't want me there? You don't want that I come to those meetings?" After the third meeting, back to the convent: "Yes I was there." After another meeting: "How come you don't ask me anymore if I came to the meeting?"
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Padre Carmelo showing Padre Pio a framed Crucifix |
Ettore Masone, Padre Pio's only nephew, was not yet thirty when he became gravely ill, fell into a coma, and the family made arrangements for the funeral next day. But all of a sudden he woke up and shouted: "I'm not dying anymore." He recovered completely and instantly. He recalled: "I was at the gates of heaven and saw my sister Giuseppina who died many years ago standing there at the door. Then I also saw Padre Pio. Both wouldn't let me in." That's when he woke up.
In 1952 a woman was about to die during delivery because of an erroneous blood transfusion. She received the Last Rites. When the priest left she saw a monk. "I am Padre Pio and you will not die. Say an 'Our Father' and one day you will come to see me." About a year later, she went to see Padre Pio. He told her: "You got the miracle because the Sacred Heart sent me to save you, since you are devout to him and did the First Fridays of each month."
Francesco Cavicchi and his wife visited Padre Pio in June 1967. He had confessed three days before but wanted to confess to Padre Pio anyway. The rule was at least seven days. He stood in line and when his turn was approaching he got agitated. But Padre Pio calling him from the line said, "Come forward, my son, I have been waiting for you for a long time." He started the confession asking: "How many days has it been since last confession?" Francesco said that he couldn't remember. Padre Pio: "You have a short memory, don't you. But let me ask you this. Do you remember the bombardment in Rimini many yeas back? Do you remember the air raid shelter? Do you remember the trolley bus? But why I'm asking you to go back in time? You cannot even remember what you did less than a week ago!" At that point, Francesco started recollecting that in November 1943, when he was 28 years old, he was riding the trolley bus with about ten other people, including a middle aged monk. Then the bombs started falling, Francesco had difficulty getting off the bombed bus to reach the air-raid shelter and thought he was about to die. The monk helped him. The capuchin monk, once in the shelter, began to recite the rosary and inspired calm and confidence in everyone. After the sirens gave the 'all clear' signal, the capuchin monk was the first to leave. Suddenly Francesco remembered: "Were you the monk?" Padre Pio replied "Well, who do you think it was?"
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Padre Domenico da Cese Manoppello |
Joe Spada was hospitalized with terminal cancer in 1975. He, his wife, the nurses, and other people at the hospital were frequently overcome by the beautiful aroma of fresh flowers. One night, he was alone and saw Padre Pio sitting beside him. When his wife, Margie, returned, her eyes fell on a handkerchief that she did not recognize. As she reached for it, Joe said, "That's Padre Pio's handkerchief. He put it there on the stand just before he left." Still today on several occasions, Padre Pio's handkerchief has given off the aroma of fresh flowers.
Padre Pio's last known bilocation:
Padre Umile, friend of Padre Pio, was bedridden in Genova because of a bad fall. On September 22, 1968 at 4:30 PM, Sister Ludovica brought to Padre Umile a cup of tea. In entering the room, she felt and intense perfume of flowers. Padre Umile said: "Padre Pio went to say me the last goodbye." Few hours later Padre Pio died.
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I so wish I could have met this modern day Saint in person!! I believe that I do have a connection with Padre through meditation/prayer and that he did intervene in a very scary fire in my neighbourhood in 2012!! God knows we need to have faith and intervention in this scary place, Planet Earth, much evil and discordance in these trying days!!!
ReplyDeleteI love jesus christ.
ReplyDeleteWe know what a great gift for humanity he was. Trough many trials and unjust accusations he remained obedient to God most of all, to the Church and to his superiors. His humility and faithfulness gave him the victory over the devil allowing him to snatch many souls from the claws of the malign. We can see, even when we do not agree with certain doctrines of the church, such as original sin, celibacy for religious, things not within the teachings of Jesus, still we see that the guidance of the Catholic Church works very well in bringing greatness to the ones the obey and are humble. Thanks millions to God, our father. Amen
ReplyDeleteWe must pray ernestly for more holy priests like Padre Pio.
ReplyDeletewhat...aurora...padre pio supported ALL of the church teachings.....padre pio...would NOT agree with you
ReplyDeleteOne night in Ireland I was suffering from intense anxiety over my tax situation. I prayed to Padre Pio to help me through the difficulty. Instantly I felt a finger touch my heart and the anxiety melted away. Afterwords my tax situation was resolved with no problems. This was in 2013. He is still helping people. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!