Craft stampers, card maker of the year award 2010

Craft stampers, card maker of the year award 2010
Craft stampers, card maker of the year award 2010
Posts tonen met het label dragonfly. Alle posts tonen
Posts tonen met het label dragonfly. Alle posts tonen

dinsdag 2 augustus 2022

#149 Background in focus, the new challenge at lost Coast designs.

Hello everyone, what a nice challenge to expose the background stamps.
LCD has very nice background stamps, which can ease take a leading role in your project.

Now the description of this card.
What did I use:
LCD Background stamp Gears 2 and,
Distress Oxide: Saltwater taffy, Peacock feathers, Bundled sage,
Crackling campfire, Ground espresso
Distressink: Vintage photo, , Antique linen, Walnut stane.
Stazon Timber brown.
Markers or color pencils.
Gold glitter for the wings.
White gel pen. 

And this is how I made the card.
Spread the 3 colors over your craft sheet and spray a little bit of water.
Pass your paper through this.
Let it dry well between colors.
     With Distress oxide Ground espresso we now stamp the background.
We repeat this with Distress oxide Crackled campfire.
Let it dry very well.
And this is what it looks like, as if the gears have rusted.

With these 3 colors you sponge the edges, starting with the lightest.
With some brown paint or ink we make some stains on the background.

Stamp the dragonfly on a clean pice of paper and on to the background.
Color the dragonfly and give the wings a little bit of gold shimmer.
Cut the dragonfly out. 
Gleu only the body on the card and make it look if it fly's away.
Make a banner with the dragonfly text the same way as the card.
Stick on with raised tape, mat the card with brown cardboard.
Now your done, hope you have fun with the card.
Now it's up to you, show your idea with a background stamp.
 Join the challenge and maybe you'll win new stamps. 
You can even enter with other brands. 
Please read the rules to avoid misunderstandings.

dinsdag 16 november 2021

#133 Its a wrap challenge, wrapping paper, gifts and boxes etc

Hello everyone,
Today I have 4 delicious chocolate bars to show you.
Yes unfortunately only to look and not to eat, lol.
They are presents from my granddaughter for her kindergarten teachers.
She is celebrating her birthday,
 and in the Netherlands we give some treets to the teachers and children.
I decided to work with something with wings.
I've only worked with Distress Oxides.
I also used the beautiful stamps from Lost Coast Designs.
The sentiments are from Carmen's Veranda.
The mandalas are masks.

Would you also like to join our challenge?
There is a chance that you will win new rubber stamps.
You can participate with any stamp brand you want,
as long as you use real stamps at work.

These are the stamps I used.
Click on the picture for the webshop.

woensdag 24 februari 2021

Lost coast designs challenge 116, Winged things.

                                                            Hello everybody, Riet here.

How are you all doing. 
Hope you are crafting so you can join our challenge.
For this challenge things with wings, I made this dragonfly.
And this is how I made it.

 This is what I used:
Large florish  
Dragonfly from the More bugs set.
I am a child of the moon
Key lime pie
Haunted shadows
Caribbian blue
Distress Micro glaze
Stazon black
white gellpen
Distress seedless preserves
Markers or pencils (what your preference is)

 How its made.
I really love the glaze resist and use it a lot.
Just love the effect with ink on water base.
And its so easy to use and with great results.
So start with the glaze on your florish stamp.
I stamped it random on the paper.
Then I sprayed the glimmer mist.

It looks so jummie, and the colors blend so well together.
And I love the shimmer of the glimmermist.
Let it dry, I did not use the heattool this time.
The paper was very wet, and I did not want to lose the drops effect.

And how pretty is this and so easy.
Now we stamp the dragonfly on a thin peace of paper.
And color it as you like.
You can take the same colors as the background, 
but it is also pretty when you use different colors.
That way the dragonfly pops more.
I often use a gelpen on my art.
Just love the effect, as specially on the wings of dragonfly's or butterfly's.
It gives it just that little bit special look.
I went along with stamping the Carmen Veranda's child of the moon frase.
Cut it in 4 pieces and hit the edges with the seedles precerves ink.
So you see that you can use a stamp in many different ways.
Now glue every thing on and your done.

Join The challenge
The team and I would love to see what you can make with wings.
Show us please, join the challenge, and than you have a chance to win some rubberstamps.
Read the rules first and join us with this lovely challenge.






zondag 5 april 2020

Lost coast designs challenge "spring has sprung"

 Hello everyone.
Today I want to tell you how I made this art journal card.  First I took a piece of sturdy cardboard and pasted on a page from an old music book.  I kept the music paper a bit smaller than the cardboard so that you can see the edges.After I smeared the paper with Gesso I colored it with Gelato's.
Then I added the diamond's with a stencil and Gelato stick. I drew edges around it with a pencil and scratched it with a knife. I stamped the top edge with Versa magic and the Hearts and Curls Border.  With a brush with water I went over the hearts so that they are a bit lighter in color.
I wrote the text and added the dashes with a Posca marker.
Well that was the background, and then for the beautiful dragonfly stamp from the More Bugz sheet. Take a piece of watercolor paper. Stamp with a waterproof ink.
I colored the dragonfly with Tombo markers, but you can color it with whatever you want. Then here and there some white paint splatters and you're done.

I hope you enjoy this little tutorial.
And join our Spring Has Sprung challenge, its fun.