
Showing posts with label Parties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Parties. Show all posts


When Old Farts Marry

I've been married twice before. Once when I was 18 (which ended with my being widowed eight months later) and once when I was 23 (which ended in divorce after three and a half years). Since 1977 I've shied away from marriage; the cruel realities of it had visited themselves rather harshly on me far too early in life. When I met Lynette marriage just wasn't in the realm of possibility so I never even considered it. I never needed that "piece of paper" to strengthen my commitment to her and our blended family, or to ourselves as a couple and our life together. In 2001 we had a Holy Union ceremony and that was good enough for me. It had to be. Then, earlier this month, Marriage Equality was passed in our state and we decided to take the plunge. We already felt married, but making it legal would grant us all the privileges and protections other couples take for granted as their inherent rights. I know. I did too when I was younger. It wasn't until I realized I'd forfeit my equality that I appreciated all that was wasn't open to me anymore. So two weeks ago we began planning a wedding ceremony to be performed here at Bookends Cottage in the presence of our closest friends and family members.

I don't care what anyone tells you. To plan and prepare an in-home wedding and reception is hard work and it's expensive. Unless you're under 50 and can afford food caterers and a team of people to come in and clean, rearrange furniture, decorate, and then undo everything afterward, my advice is DON'T DO IT. If you can afford a catered affair at a restaurant, a hotel, or some other place, do that instead. But that wasn't practical in our situation. We simply couldn't afford it. Instead, I did all the cleaning, Lynette decorated and did most of the errand-running, and we had a friend who volunteered to help with the food, including the gorgeous cupcakes she and her daughter made. But there was furniture to move, clutter to remove (books, plants, dog toys, etc.), and the house to clean from top to bottom.

On Friday morning we went to the courthouse to get our marriage license and on the way up the sidewalk I tripped and fell flat on my face. I mean, on my actual face. I had scuff marks on my nose and chin, my hands were bloody and I wrenched my right shoulder, but I was damned lucky. Lying face-down on the sidewalk in shock, all I could think was, "Oh, man, I hope I didn't break a hip or something and we'll have to hold the wedding in the hospital..." Lynette helped me up and, fortunately, everything except my dignity seemed to be intact. Makeup covered the scuff marks, some bandage took care of my hands and, later, champagne took care of the rest and everyone had a wonderful time. Until the next morning when I could hardly move and I knew there was no way the house was going to get put back in order anytime soon. Then, while moving the TV into the bedroom and plugging it in, Lynette gave herself a mild concussion. What a pair! She was dizzy all day and I hurt all over. Still, we had a restful, enjoyable day napping, nibbling on leftover party food and drinking champagne. In fact, we spent the entire weekend in bed, but oh, how these things change when age sets in.

The house is somewhat normal now, but moving the furniture back, hauling boxes in and out of the garage, vacuuming, and putting all the gifts away is going to have to wait until my shoulder is better. Honeymoon? What's that? When old farts marry the closest we get to a honeymoon is rubbing Icy Hot on each other while cooing, "Don't worry, sweetheart. We need to conserve our strength for the cleanup."



What a success yesterday's book launch was! Lynette's book sold so well, in fact, that Hastings told her it was best book signing they'd ever had at this store. The reception was every bit as successful as well. Here are some pictures.


A Bit of Promo

Only two days until Lynette's book signing at the Stillwater Hastings. If you are able to come, you are also invited to the private reception immediately following at our house.

I have to pace myself these days with the preparations, cleaning, and food prep. Once upon a time I could have pulled one of these things together in a couple of days, but with back surgery looming and my condition only getting worse each day, it takes me a full week or longer, and even then I nearly kill myself. I'll be glad when this surgery thing is over, but I have no idea right now of when that will be; America's health system is so fucked up. I'm in the process of filing all of the convoluted applications and qualification forms. But I love holding parties. I love all the running around, staging the house, planning the menu, and all that, so I face into the wind and just do it, my happy Hydrocodone bottle in hand...


A Night to Remember

I know I say this a bit, but that was the best party, ever! Friends (Bonnie and Glen) from California whom I hadn't seen in 33 years, new friends (from Facebook), and the usual crowd all made it a very special night. And we had an earthquake, too! I slept through that, however. A 4.7 is a mild tremor to a California native like me. Sorry that the camera flash destroyed the ambiance in these pix. I've added some more pix that Bonnie and Glen took...


How About a Cozy Opium Den?

I don't know why or how these things happen, but they do. Last year I planned a psychedelic 60s party for my birthday. It was a lot of fun, but not nearly as many people came as I would have liked. I'm one of those who really needs to own a huge, rambling country house so that I can have tons of guests for an entire weekend. Anyway, tomorrow night we're celebrating my son Micah's birthday, as well as Dr. Kielbasa's...


A Few Good Winos

A few of us are getting together this evening here at Bookends Cottage for a little wine, food, and laughter. Very impromptu, very casual, not a party, which is my usual M.O. As much as I like hosting parties, it's also nice when my closest friends pop by bearing a bottle and a dish. Very mellow. Bring it on.


No Fools Like Old Fools

Friday's impromptu April Fools Day party was a smashing success... with emphasis on the word smashing. Or maybe smashed better describes it.

Spontaneous get-togethers  are best, don't you think? There's no time for false expectations and, often, people's moods attune to each other much quicker than if they have time to get in the spirit. Our party came complete with silly songs, laughter, jokes, people spending the night sleeping on the couch and under the table, and spending the next day hanging out, napping, and eating leftover party fare.

With that wild hair sufficiently pulled, I can now get back to Book Two and finish the first draft. Thanks to my Bohemites for making the party a genuine schnozzwangler to remember.


If You Pour it, They Will Come

It started with a simple private message. A friend who moved away last year will be in town this weekend and she wanted to get together. Will I call a couple of people...

Because I've lately been missing the Friday nights of younger years, when friends would drop in bearing bottles and munchies, I leapt at the opportunity to open our home to an impromptu get together. I texted a couple of people, then created an event in Facebook.

"BYOB and a munchie to share," I said, and now the little get together has turned into a pretty good-sized party. People are even driving in from out-of-state and spending the night in a hotel.

Although it's gray and drizzly, we're promised 75+ degree weather this weekend (90 on Sunday), so that means we'll be using the front porch for the first time this year.

My friends. I love how bohemian and  spontaneous they all are. This is going to be fun!


Happy New Year

It was a low-key but fun party last night.
(My sons Micah and Joel)


Picasso's Last Words

The last time I had a glass of wine was on my birthday last month. I haven't missed it at all and when the Halloween weekend came along, I had no inclination to imbibe. Not in the least. At my age, you start to weight the pleasant high against the three days of bleagh you feel afterward, and for me, being in such crappy health anyway and coping with chronic pain with nothing stronger than Excedrin, the choice has been easy.

This just happened to be the first Halloween in 25 years that I was invited to two parties. Friday night I made an appearance at Jacey and Kyle's party. Wow, am I old. All of their guests were university students. Do the words, Animal House ring a bell?...


Finally Coming Around

I knew it would happen, you know. I knew that a couple of days after the high of my birthday had passed, I'd be hit with the relative low. It's the balance of things in my life these days. Thanks to menopause (which ended in 2005 after a surgically induced 16-year siege), I'm no longer manic-depressive, but I do have my moods, which I can usually keep in check. The Hashimoto's thing makes it a challenge sometimes, though, especially when I'm tired...


My Birthday Party

The only thing wrong with this picture is the camera flash. If you could see it as it really looked... the only light was blacklight, colored light and candlelight. We had an effin' good time, man. My overall memories:

Led Zeppelin
Led Zeppelin
Jimi Hendrix
Ernie called me!
Lots of cool gifts
Led Zeppelin

Left to right: Me, my sons Joel and Micah, Ville. We sat there on the floor a long time building and maintaining that "fire".

Don't ask...


It's Starting to Look a Bit Like the Sixties

Last night I started decorating for my Sixties birthday party this coming Friday night and I have to admit I've missed the beaded, feathered, funky look of the rooms we lived in back in the day.

My spaces always looked like a cross between an opium den and a bordello, and I still love it. I have a floor lamp, for example, that's from the 1920s. I bought it from an antique store back in 1984 after falling in love with the red satin fringed shade. It's a little tatty these days, but when I put it up last night I realized that it still adds a definite ambiance to whatever room it's in.

Because I've moved on into the second book of my trilogy, which takes place in the Seventies, I'm letting the party serve as my official farewell to the Sixties. This saddens me. I had a better time reliving them and writing about them than I had surviving them. Still, I've made peace with a lot of the unresolved issues I've been carrying around all these years.

I wouldn't count on a Seventies party any time soon, though. The decade really weren't all that much fun in my little world.


It Was Awesome!

Heather chows down on a taco
Heather chows a taco.
Our going away party for Lauren and Dr. Kielbasa was a huge success. There were tons of incredible food, gallons of wine, and lots of laughs and conversation. It's funny how parties change as we gain more maturity get older.

When we were younger, a party was all about how blitzed everyone got, who fell down first, and who woke up in the bath tub with whom. Now it's more about friends just being together for an evening. And I really needed this party. Our circle of friends has been experiencing a few growing pains lately, as all families (chosen or natural) do. So thanks to everyone who made it such a great evening. And thanks for all the food. Everything about it was terrific!

This week I will finish With A Dream. Well, the story, that is, then begins the task of reading it from the top to flesh it out, delete, and clean it up. I have one more chapter to writethe penultimate chapterand then I can actually begin to think about this being a done deal. I'm diving in today, just as soon as I have a second cup of coffee in me.


Weekend Rundown

Okay, I agree with Lynette's last comment. That Fat Bastard entry has to be moved down. Even I found myself avoiding coming here because of it.

You might not see me around here much until after the weekend. This evening Lauren is coming home for a few days and tomorrow night we're hosting, not a fiesta as the new picture implies, but a going away party for her and Dr. Kielbasa. She will be spending a year in Bordeaux and he, as you might recall, earned a Fulbright and will be doing a professor gig at Wroclaw University in Poland for a year. We're going to miss them both, and we thought that Mexican will be the food they'll miss most. I don't know what they eat in Mexico when they get tired of their own cuisine...


"How Squalid Everything Will Be"

I love meeting new people, and I especially love meeting people that condone and agree with my philosophy that Life doesn't imitate Art, Life is Art. In Ventura, I was used to people dressing and carrying themselves like they are a canvas that demonstrates for the world who they are at their creative best. From Lucy-in-the-Sky, a friend who owns a trippy children's hair salon, to Captain Cookie, who owned City Bakery, to Maestro Salazar, who was an expert in the lifestyle, I mingled with colorful characters who believed that whether we are hairdressers, bakers, or classical musicians, we're all artists when it comes to how we live our lives...


How I Spent My New Year's Eves

It's funny how things are in different places. I've spent New Year's Eves in California, New York, Colorado, and London, and if I had my choice of where to spend this year's special night, I'd choose California. Oklahoma people are so darned serious about life. Everything is wrapped around job, family, and church, and friendships are usually rooted in one of those three institutions. People get old fast here, something I fight with all of my strength. Once you're married, fun with friends flies out the window unless it's the occasional barbecue...


Friday Already?

What? I lost a couple of days this week. I know I was here. I have blog entries to prove it, but I just can't believe that it's already the weekend. I think it was Monday and Tuesday that I lost. Oh, well...


A Little of This, a Lot of That and Maybe Too Much of T'other

Man, am I glad that project's in the can! After months of helping Nettl by editing, formatting, and designing the cover as well as the promotional website, her book is finally published and up for sale. We've invested a lot of ourselves in this book, and I think it's worth it. It's titled, So Faithful A Heart - The Love Story of Nancy Storace and Wolfgang Mozart, and is an historical fiction. Check it out!...


I Need a Weekend

This weekend was one of continual work on Nettl's book, which we hope to release within a couple of weeks. It's crunch time and I'm beat!

We relaxed a lot at Ville's annual Halloween party on Saturday night. We all needed a good party, so we got silly and childish, playing a game we called, "Ceiling Fan Ring Toss". It consisted of one spinning ceiling fan and a bunch of those glow-stick necklaces. You figure out the rest. Joel got the night's best "ringer" as the rest of us tried to top him. As I said, we all really needed to get stupid, and we did not disappoint...