Yeah. That's me. Always appreciating life's little ironies.
Today, I was sitting on my bed, packing away all my maternity clothes, and I happened to look over at the box with William's ashes in it. For the first time, I noticed the word there:
Oh, isn't that just the cutest thing you ever heard? Right up there with "Bollywood" and "Mockumentary." How quaint.
And then, I was researching something about stillbirth, and came across this little fact:
"Because many families invest thousands of dollars to prepare for the arrival - then, sadly, the funeral - of their stillborn baby, Governor Janet Napolitano signed into law SB1003, a one-time tax exemption for families who experience stillbirth during the year in which their child was born."
Aren't they soooo lucky in Arizona?
Oh don't mind me... I'm just being "startastic"...
"Startastic"--being a smart-ass celebrity. Yeah, I like it! :)
BTW, because it needed to be said, I wanted to tell you that I'm wishing you all the best and send as much comfort and e-hugs as I can.
Just an FYI...I believe the tax credit is federal. My husband saw it on Turbo Tax when he was filing for last years taxes. Our consolation prize I suppose.
I'm too much in my own pile of dung at the moment to say anything if you wanna come over and wrestle around or get drunk and swear at the universe or something I'm up for that.
I am horrified by the word "cremains."
"Startastic" is awesome, though (and I mean that sincerely).
"Cremains" makes me kinda uncomfortable, too.
I discovered back in 1991 when dealing with the aftermath of my then-mother-in-law's sudden death in Sacramento, that you aren't allowed to ship cremains via the US Mail because they're classed as a biohazard. (I can sorta understand that, but it's still a little strange.) You can, however, send them FedEx, which is what I did: I gave the funeral home my FedEx number--along with the Amex number, which is how I had to pay for the cremation--and a few weeks later, Lucille's ashes showed up at our front door in Seattle. This odd occurrence prompted my then wife to say one of the few funny things about the whole situation: when she saw that the package was from the funeral home in Sacramento, she hollered to me "Mom's here!" Oy.
Oh gee, a federal tax credit for a dead baby. What a lucky break...
And I probably shouldn't have laughed at "Mom's here"... but I did. Out loud. I'll probably be struck by lightning now. Oh wait, too late! :x
I know, I know, it's in ~such~ bad taste and I was even concerned to tell you, but it really was funny.
But, yes, I know, I am so going to hell for things like that. :)
Well, at least hell will be populated by people with a good sense of humor. See you there! :o)
Creamains might just be my LEAST favorite word! OH! by the way.. THERE IS a tax break in Michigan too! (you're from here right?) Get this... 100 DOLLARS! a one time break! You just need a certificate of stillbirth.. which the hospital never even sent.. so you have to actually contact someone in Lansing and file for this document and of course PAY them a fee for them to pull it out and mail it to you! All so you can get that giant tax break! I felt the same way.. pretty damn startastic about the whole deal!
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