When I first started baking egg-free treats I thought I would need to bake and bring for work more often than turned out to be the case. In fact, now I've been here for 2 years and the position is over, so there will be no more group meetings for me to which I have to bring egg-free baked goods. This leaves me with a surplus of ideas, so if I find the time the series will continue on this page.
These rolls are based on a recipe I got from my mother when I first told her I needed egg-free cake recipes. I baked them recently for one of the last work-related occasions: the celebration of the acceptance of my latest paper.
For these rolls I used an almond paste not sold as marzipan[1] but I think marzipan should work quite well also.
- 250 g (8.8 oz) margarine
- 2 dL (4/5 cup) milk
- 50 g (1 3/4 oz) fresh yeast
- 2 tbsp granulated sugar (+ extra for sprinkling)
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 500 g (1.1 lb) flour (+ extra for rolling)
- 250 g (8.8 oz) almond paste[1]
- 1-1.5 dL (2/5-3/5 cup) heavy cream (for brushing)
The margarine was melted over low heat, then milk was poured in and heating on low was continued until the mixture was lukewarm. The milk-margarine mixture was transferred to a bowl and fresh yeast was stirred in followed by sugar, flour (in portions) and salt. This dough was set aside to rise for half an hour.
The risen dough was parted in 4 roughly equal portions, and each of these were rolled to a circle some 24-25 cm (10 inches) in diameter. Each circle was divided into 8 triangular slices. Each triangle was added a thin layer of almond paste and rolled.
The rolls were placed on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and allowed to rise an additional 15 minutes before brushing with heavy cream[2] and sprinkling with granulated sugar.
The rolls were baked 225 C (450 F) until golden (12 minutes) and transferred to a grid to cool.
The rolls were quite popular - more have already been requested...
[1] The almond paste I used is 50% almond, 50% sugar - marzipan is often a different composition (usually less almond and more sugar).
[2] If you are not in need of strictly egg-free rolls, you could certainly brush with a lightly beaten egg in stead of heavy cream.
Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Almond-paste Rolls
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Having not found the time to bake a whole series of Christmas cookies this year, I opted for one cookie that really brings the holiday spirit for me: pebernødder (which would translate as 'pepper-nuts').
Realizing I had never made them myself, I requested my mother's recipe and once I had that I went looking for ingredients. The tricky part turned out to be the ground (dried) bitter orange peel that the recipe called for an ill-defined amount of. This I didn't manage to find before making the dough, so I substituted finely chopped candied orange peel - ironically, I did find it in the local store while the dough I had made was resting in the fridge at home. Which brings up another point: my mother's recipe strongly recommends leaving the dough in the fridge for a day or two before shaping and baking.
- 250 g (~ 1/2 lb) flour
- 125 g (~ 4 oz) unsalted butter
- 125 g (~ 4 oz) granulated sugar
- 1 egg
- 1/2 tsp ground ginger
- 1/2 tsp ground cloves
- 3/4 tsp ground cinnamon
- pinch of white pepper
- zest of 1/2 lemon
- very finely chopped candied orange peel (about the same volume as lemon zest)[1]
The butter was worked into the flour by hand, then all the other ingredients were added and kneaded to an only slightly sticky dough. The dough shaped into a ball, wrapped in film and stored in the fridge for a day before continuing.
Coming right out of the fridge, the dough is fairly hard - but with a little patience you can pry off a chunk and roll it into a rod approximately 1 cm (2/5 inch) thick. As the rod becomes thinner and your hands warm up the dough it becomes progressively easier to work. The rod was sliced into approximately 1 cm (2/5 inch) thick pieces. Each little piece was rolled to a small ball and placed on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
They were baked at 212 C (415 F) for 10 minutes - and should be allowed to cool off completely before eating. I sampled one while they were still warm and was afraid I botched them, but by the time they were old I could taste I had done it right after all.
[1] As mentioned above the original recipe called for "a little ground (dried) bitter orange peel" instead of candied orange peel.
Monday, 15 November 2010
Mint Julep Cake (Round 2)
Remember the Mint Julep Cake? I thought it was delicious, but I still felt that it could be optimised a little bit.
Most importantly I was disappointed that the mint wasn't sufficiently prominent in the ganache. I realise this was my own fault for using mint syrup instead of mint extract. When I tried it a second time I used a LOT more mint syrup than I did the first time, but we still couldn't really taste the mint. That's when I started considering caving in and actually buying mint extract - but then I realised that the mint extract you can buy (at least around these parts) is always peppermint extract. Peppermint is banned in the Throat-Erator household.[1] I realise I could try to make my own mint extract (and maybe one day I shall), but in the interest of having a quick procedure I decided to see what I could squeeze out of some fresh mint...
I bought 2 mint plants at the store, picked all the leaves and mashed them (I used my garlic press for this). The mass of mashed mint leaves didn't volunteer any juice, but when placed in a small fine sieve and pressed I was able to obtain about 1 tsp of a dark liquid with a rather peculiar smell. Now, I know that smell is highly concentration dependent, so the peculiar smell did not concern me - in fact, it encouraged me since I was aiming for a highly concentrated mint extract substitute. I went ahead and used it all - scroll to bottom for the result.
While I was at it, I also adjusted the amounts of both ganache and butter bourbon sauce.
Updated recipe as follows...
Ingredients (day 1):
- 340 g (12 oz) flour
- 400 g (14 oz) sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp vanilla sugar
- 225 g (8 oz) margarine
- 2.5 dL (1 cup) A-fil[2]
- 4 eggs
butter bourbon sauce (day 1):
- 100 g margarine
- 100 g powdered sugar
- 2 tbsp water
- 6 tbsp bourbon (I used Jack Daniels)
minty, white chocolate ganache (day 2):
- 265 g (2/3 of a 14 oz can) sweetened condensed milk
- 200 g (7 oz) white chocolate
- juice squeezed from the fresh leaves of 2 mint plants
In a large bowl, flour was mixed with sugar, salt, baking powder, baking soda and vanilla sugar.
In a separate bowl, softened margarine was whisked together with A-fil and eggs.
The liquid was poured into the dry mix and everything was mixed until a smooth homogeneous batter resulted. The batter was poured into a greased and floured spring form of 22 cm (9 inch) diameter. The cake was baked at 175 C (350 F) for an hour (the difference in baking time since the previous edition is due to the fact that I moved in between - the oven in my new apartment is different).
While the cake was baking, the butter bourbon sauce was prepared: powdered sugar, water and margarine was stirred over medium heat till melted and homogeneous (shouldn't reach boiling). Then it was removed from the heat and stirred for an additional two minutes before the bourbon was stirred in.
While the cake was still hot holes were poked in the top (with a knife) and the butter bourbon sauce was poured over. Then the cake was allowed to stand and cool while absorbing the butter bourbon sauce.
Later, the cake was covered with film and stored in the fridge overnight before making and applying the ganache.
For the ganache I first squeezed the juice out of my mint leaves as described above. Then I melted white chocolate together with sweetened condensed milk over low heat with constant stirring. When homogeneous the heat was turned off and the mint juice was stirred into the mixture.
The ganache was allowed to cool for half an hour before applying it to the cake - after which the cake was immediately put in the fridge in order for the ganache to set (I did check up on it to make sure the ganache didn't flow too much - like the first time I made this cake).
I have to say I was very pleased with the result - the extra bourbon was spot on, as was the amount of ganache. But the best part was that this time we could taste mint!
[1] To quote Mrs. Throat-Erator: "Makes me feel like I'm eating toothpaste!!"
[2] The original recipe called for buttermilk - however, this is not available in Swedish stores as all buttermilk produced is currently delivered directly to bakeries. I decided to opt for A-fil because of it's tangy freshness - for more on A-fil see here.
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Russian Tea Cakes
This is how it happened: We were getting close to the day that it would yet again be my turn to provide some egg-free baked delicacies for a work gathering, when suddenly Mrs. Throat-Erator tugged my sleeve and said: "Please make these so I can bring some to work for my birthday". I checked the recipe .. no eggs required. Then I checked with my boss about the detail of the nut allergy: "I'll survive pecans". And so I decided to make a large batch of cookies.
- 760 g (~24 oz) margarine
- 860 g (~30 oz) flour
- 140 g (~5 oz) powdered sugar + more for rolling
- 3 tsp vanilla sugar
- 3 tbsp water
- 350 g (~12 oz) pecan nuts[1]
The margarine was worked into the flour using the hands - the resulting mixture was quite sticky. The vanilla sugar, powered sugar, water and chopped pecans were worked into the dough - which was still rather sticky.
The dough was rolled into balls of about 2.5 cm (1 inch) diameter - in the end the cookies were a bit on the large side of what I'd expected, so I guess I'll aim for smaller somewhat balls next time, say 1.5-2 cm (3/5 - 4/5 inch) instead. The balls were placed on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and flattened slightly - to about 1 cm (2/5 inch) thickness with the bottom of a drinking glass (this required a little patience and practice since the dough tended to stick to the glass). I got some 80 cookies out of this batch.
The cakes were baked at 162.5 C (325 F) for 25 minutes, then moved to a rack to cool.
The cool cakes were rolled in powdered sugar - and mighty delicious.
Since these go both by the name of Russian tea cakes and Mexican wedding cookies, I don't really know if they are truly Russian (or Mexican) - both seems unrealistic. But I do know that they go very well with tea, and I find them most appropriate since I'm currently drinking mainly Russian tea.
[1] You'll find these cookies made with hazelnuts, walnuts, pecans, almonds, macadamias... you name the nut, basically. I think I'd like to try some other nuts in this recipe one of these days.
Sunday, 1 August 2010
There's chocolate cake and there's chocolate cake - and then there's kladdkaka. I guess it's symptomatic of my level of proficiency in Swedish that until recently I though kladdkaka was simply an abbreviation from chokladkaka, meaning 'chocolate cake' (yes, I assumed wrongly that chocolate in Swedish was spelled chokladd with double 'd') - when in fact it simply means 'goo cake'. The name hints at the fact that when done right, the centre of the cake is in fact quite gooey - soft, viscous and not at all dry.
By now you might be thinking of a good moist brownie - which is essentially what kladdkaka is. Tradition dictates that it is round and that wedges are served with a dollop of whipped cream. This was how I first encountered it, in the cafés in Stockholm where it is one of the staple cakes along with the ubiquitous cinnamon rolls.
I'd been wanting to try my hand at it for a while when a friend directed my attention towards the winning recipe (in Swedish) from the 2009 Swedish championships in kladdkaka (!!) - which I proceed to describe below (with minor modifications). The spiced fudge included in this recipe is pure luxury - the kladdkaka without the fudge is perfectly delicious in it's own right - although I suspect the fudge was part of what set it apart to become the winning entry in the kladdkaka competition.
- 2 eggs
- 340 g (12 oz) sugar
- 90 g (1/5 lb) flour
- 40 g (1.4 oz) powdered cocoa
- 1 tsp vanilla sugar
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 100 g (3.5 oz) unsalted butter, melted
- 1.5 dL (2/3 cup) cream
- 1 tsp honey
- 2 tsp powdered cinnamon
- 2 tsp powdered cardamom
- 200 g (7 oz) milk chocolate
to serve:
- whipped cream
The eggs and the sugar were whipped to a white foamy mass. Separately, the flour was mixed with cocoa, vanilla sugar and salt before stirring it into the sugar-egg mass. Lastly, melted butter was stirred in before pouring the batter into a greased and floured spring form (diameter ~ 22 cm / 8.5 inches). The cake was baked in the bottom of the oven at 175 C (350 F) for 20 minutes.
While the cake was cooling a bit, the fudge was prepared. This is where I deviated from the original recipe: as I don't have a mortar I used powdered cinnamon and cardamom rather than freshly (lightly) crushed cinnamon sticks and cardamom seeds. The original recipe brings the cream, honey and spices to a boil, then lets it stand for minutes to extract flavours from the spices before reheating, filtering off the bulk of the cinnamon sticks and cardamom seeds and mixing with the milk chocolate. Since I used powdered spices, there was no need for filtration, and thus no real reason to let the warm cream stand to extract flavours - I simply let the cream stand long enough to break the milk chocolate to bits before mixing.
The fudge was applied on top of the cake and the whole thing was cooled in the fridge for 1.5 hours before serving with freshly whipped cream - delicious perfection.
It's rather heavy, so I didn't have enough guests to finish it off right away. Leaving it in the fridge overnight, I found that the texture wasn't quite right the next day - at least not when coming straight out of the fridge. Also, I do think less fudge could suffice.
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Pear Pie
When I recently discovered I had never made this pie for my muse I was stunned: I didn't make this pie one single time in the past five years? Really? But I used to make it quite often..
- 150 g (5.3 oz) margarine
- 240 g (8.5 oz) flour
- 125 g (4.4 oz) sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla sugar
- 1/2 tsp ground ginger
- 1 egg
- 1 can of halfed pears in syrup
optionally for serving:
- whipped cream
The margarine was cut in small pieces and worked into the flour by hand before adding sugar, vanilla sugar and ground ginger. The dough was then completed by working the egg into the mixture. The dough was left in the fridge for an hour before parting in two and rolling each piece.
One piece of dough was placed in a buttered and floured pie shell. Pear-halves were arranged on this pie bottom (in this case as many as could be fitted in - there were an excess of pear-halves in the can I used). The other piece of dough was used to form a lid over the pear-halves, and the pie was brushed with the syrup from the can of pears.
The pie was baked at 200 C (400 F) for 40 minutes - is delicious served warm with a dollop of whipped cream, but also works quite well cold.
Tuesday, 23 February 2010
Banana cake (test)
Last time I was baking my banana cake, I realised halfway through that I didn't actually have any baking powder - the packet I thought I had turned out to be baking soda. Now, baking powder is (or at least can be) a mixture of baking soda and an acid, so in order to use baking soda in stead of the baking powder the rest of the ingredients have to be sufficiently acidic. This - as I've understood it - is not merely a question of leavening, but also one of taste. Baking soda in a batter with too little acid might result in a somewhat alkaline taste, which is not desirable in any cake I'm familiar with.
For these reasons it's not given that baking soda can be substituted for baking powder, but then a friend of mine pointed out that bananas are in fact somewhat acidic (as per this list) and therefore the banana cake might work out just fine with baking soda..
Naturally, such an idea had to be tested: are bananas sufficiently acidic to make banana cake using baking soda?
- 100g (3.5 oz) margarine
- 140 g (5 oz) flour
- 2/3 tsp baking soda
- 200 g (7 oz) sugar
- 2 tsp vanilla sugar
- 3 eggs
- 2 well-ripened bananas
- 100 g (3.5 oz) dark chocolate
While the margarine was melted in a small pot, the other ingredients were prepared in 3 separate bowls: the bananas was mashed with a fork, the flour was mixed with the baking soda, and the sugar, vanilla and eggs were whipped to a pale foamy viscous mass. The flour-mix and the melted margarine (which should be too hot) was stirred into the egg-foam and finally the mashed bananas were stirred into the batter as well.
The batter was poured into a greased and floured bread pan and baked at 175 C (350 F) for 52 minutes. After cooling in the bread pan, the cake was moved to a large plate and covered with melted dark chocolate.
After standing for several hours to let the chocolate harden, the cake was tested: it tasted just fine - so, bananas are sufficiently acidic...
Sunday, 7 February 2010
Cinnamon Rolls (Egg-free)
Now that I'm living in Sweden I partake in 'fika' on a regular basis - to fika is to sit down with friends/colleagues/whoever and have some coffee and cake (although in my case it's tea and cake as I don't drink coffee). The majority of my fika experiences take place at work, and a substantial part of them occur at our weekly group meetings, for which we take turns at bringing bread and/or cake. It's sort of an unwritten rule that it should be home-baked, but that should be doable for someone like me.
Then my new colleagues told me about the tricky bit: our boss is allergic not only to nuts, but also to eggs. Off the top of my head I couldn't think of a single cake recipe in my repertoire that didn't include eggs - although after thinking a bit more about it I came up with one. Naturally, I felt compelled to overcome this challenge. Upon researching the subject, I found that there are in fact lots of recipes for baking without eggs on the internet. Never-the-less, I will post about here about my experiences with it.
For the first round, I chose the perhaps most quintessentially Danish/Swedish cake: the cinnamon roll. These are ubiquitous (if in somewhat different versions) in both Sweden and Denmark.
- 50 g (2 oz) fresh yeast
- 5 dL (2 cups) milk
- 125 g (4.4 oz) margarine
- ½ tsp salt
- 125 g (4.4 oz) sugar
- 5 tsp cardamom
- at least 900 g (2 lbs) flour
- 150 g (1/3 lb) margarine
- 12 tbsp dark brown sugar
- 6 tbsp cinnamon
The milk and the margarine was mixed in a small pot and heated on low heat until the margarine was melted. The lukewarm mixture (let it cool for a little while if too warm) was poured over crumbled fresh yeast before adding sugar, cardamom, salt, and flour. The dough was kneaded for some minutes until smooth. The dough was covered and left to rise for a couple of hours (this was definitely plenty of time - if allowed to stand until the volume has doubled it should be sufficient).
While the dough was rising, the filling was made by mixing all the ingredients on low heat and then cooling the mixture to get a dark brown paste - if it's too runny it will cause problems later.
The risen dough was rolled out using a little little extra flour. The filling was spread evenly on the dough and then it was rolled into a log. The log was sliced and the slices were placed on a sheet of baking paper.
Tip: to prevent the rolls from uncoiling the outer end was stretched slightly and placed under the roll.
They were baked at 200 C (400 F) for 13-15 minutes.
Served warm - they can easily be frozen and re-heated in the oven. For the luxury version, they can be decorated with a frosting made from water and powdered sugar.
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Yggenyk Cookies
When I was a child one of the stories I really enjoyed was the story about the yggenyks (which are three-legged birds) stealing the round tower in Copenhagen. The yggenyks then demanded a ransom of yggenyk cookies for returning the popular tower. The book even had the recipe for authentic yggenyk cookies - complete with a warning not to leave the window open when baking them since yggenyk might get attracted by the lovely scent. I, of course, loved these cookies as a child too.
Earlier this year, I felt like making yggenyk cookies myself and googled the subject. This is when things got complicated. Spellings varied 'yggenyk', 'yggenyg', 'ykkenyk' and I suddenly had three fairly different recipes all claiming to be the recipe for authentic yggenyk cookies. The three recipes were quite similar except for a few key issues: one didn't include eggs (seemed at the very least unusual), another didn't include any obvious leavening agent, while the last one called for both eggs and hartshorn.[1]
It seemed the confusion stemmed at least partly from the fact that the author had in fact given two different recipes for authentic yggenyk cookies - one in the book I remembered, and another one in the book in which the yggenyks steal the queen's palace in Copenhagen demanding a cookie ransom (yes, a fairly similar plot).
After discussing the matter with my external consultant[2] I opted for the recipe including both eggs and hartshorn... and was somewhat disappointed with the resulting cookies. They were not as hard as I remembered them, and in hindsight I guess I used too much hartshorn (the recipe calls for 'a pinch'[3]). Some time went by and I tried again - the result was better, but still not quite to my satisfaction. On the third attempt I was finally learning to use sufficiently little hartshorn for the cookies not to rise too much.
- 250 g (9 oz) granulated sugar
- 250 g (9 oz) margarine, chunks
- 100 g (3.5 oz) dark chocolate chopped
- 3 eggs
- pinch of salt
- pinch of hartshorn
- 500 g (18 oz) flour
optional coating:
- 130 g (4.5 oz) milk chocolate
The margarine was cut in chunks and worked into the sugar using a ladle.[4] The eggs were stirred in one by one, and then the chopped dark chocolate. Salt and hartshorn were added and lastly the flour was stirred in in three portions.
The dough was rolled into 50 balls which were placed on two baking sheets and baked sequentially on the top rack at 200 C (400 F) for 16 minutes each. Once out of the oven the cookies were transferred to a rack to cool.
The cooled cookies were flipped upside down and the bottoms were coated with melted milk chocolate (melted with three 20 second pulses in the microwave oven). The milk chocolate was allowed to harden before storing in cookie tins.
The resulting cookies were much like I remembered them (if still less hard), although the grown-up me has to concede it's basically just a chocolate chip cookie. I'm not sure I'd bother with the milk chocolate bottom coating next time - it didn't add that much to the overall result.
[1] Hartshorn = Ammonium bicarbonate (aka 'powdered baking ammonia').
[2] i.e. my mom.
[3] In Danish 'a pinch' is 'en knivspids' - i.e. "as much as lies on the tip of a knife".
[4] This part is clearly easier if the margarine is allowed to warm to room temperature first.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Mint Julep Cake (Round 1)
I happened upon this concept one day as I was searching for ways to use the rest of a can of sweetened condensed milk - I didn't go for it on that day as I lacked several other key ingredients, but it wasn't long before I returned... that it ended up being a project which took me several days to complete, is then another matter.
- 340 g (12 oz) flour
- 400 g (14 oz) sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp vanilla sugar
- 225 g (8 oz) margarine
- 2.5 dL (1 cup) A-fil[1]
- 4 eggs
butter bourbon sauce:
- 75 g (2.6 oz) margarine
- 85 g (3 oz) powdered sugar
- 3 tbsp water
- 2 tsp bourbon (I used Jack Daniels)
white chocolate ganache:
- 1 can (397 g / 14 oz) sweetened condensed milk
- 300 g (10.6 oz) white chocolate
- 6 tbsp mint syrup
In a large bowl was stirred together flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, baking soda, and vanilla sugar - this dry mixture was then left with a crater in the middle.
In a separate bowl was whisked together margarine, a-fil, and eggs (hand-hell mixer on low setting). This wet mixture was then then whisked into the dry mixture (above) - at first on low speed to merely mix the two, and then 3 minutes on medium speed to create a homogeneous batter.
The batter was poured into a buttered and floured 9 inch spring form and baked at 175 C (350 F). It took an hour and 10 minutes before the cake was sufficiently done (knife inserted at the middle came out clean) - obviously a bundt cake or a sheet cake would require different baking times.
While the cake was baking the butter bourbon sauce was prepared: powdered sugar, water and margarine was stirred over medium heat till melted and homogeneous (shouldn't reach boiling). Then it was removed from the heat and stirred for an additional two minutes before the bourbon was stirred in.
While the cake was still hot holes were poked in the top (with a knife) and the butter bourbon sauce was poured over. Then the cake was allowed to stand and cool while absorbing the butter bourbon sauce.
Later, the cake was covered with film and stored in the fridge for a couple of days before I could continue.
The ganache was prepared by heating condensed milk and white chocolate on low heat with constant stirring until the chocolate melted and the mixture became homogeneous. Then mint syrup was stirred in (again till homogeneous) and the ganache was allowed to cool for 10 minutes before trying to apply it to the cake.
At this point the ganache was far too runny and only about half was applied. Then the cake was placed in the fridge for 15 minutes to let the applied ganache set (and let the rest of the ganache cool down further). Then more of the ganache was applied, but it was still a bit too runny - after cooling the cake in the fridge for an additional 20 minutes the rest of the ganache could finally be applied.
The cake was served with a few leaves of fresh mint - very delicious. However, next time, I think I'll try more bourbon in the butter bourbon sauce, as well as more mint in the ganache - and quite possibly less ganache and of course more cooling before applying it.
Update: For an updated version of this recipe see here.
[1] The original recipe called for buttermilk - however, this is not available in Swedish stores as all buttermilk produced is currently delivered directly to bakeries. I decided to opt for A-fil because of it's tangy freshness - for more on A-fil see here.
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Chocolate Porter Layer Cake
After reading about a chocolate stout layer cake in bon appetit the Mrs. wanted to try it out, and since I'm all for cooking with beer I was most supportive of the idea and went myself to systemet to procure a good porter. After buying all the ingredients, we thought the amount of frosting suggested in the original recipe sounded a little over the top (1 lb of chocolate and 2 cups cream) and decided to go for only half the amount of frosting.
- 280 g (10 oz) flour
- 85 g (3 oz) 90% chocolate
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 200 g (7 oz) margarine
- 250 g (8.8 oz) + 3 tbsp sugar
- 3 eggs, separated
- 1 7/8 dL (0.8 cups) Carnegie Porter
- 1 2/3 dL (0.7 cups) freshly brewed coffee
- 250 g (8.8 oz) 57% chocolate
- 2.5 dL (1 cup) cream
- 1 tsp powdered instant coffee
First some coffee was brewed, the egg yolks were separated from the whites, and the 90% chocolate was melted over hot water. Meanwhile the salt, baking powder and baking soda was stirred into the flour in a mixing bowl.
In a separate bowl, the margarine was beaten (using an electric mixer) together with the large portion of sugar until fluffy. The egg yolks were added to the margarine-sugar mixture and beaten well into it. Subsequently, the melted chocolate, porter and freshly brewed coffee were beaten into the mixture one after the other. Finally the flour mixture was beaten into the dough.
In a separate bowl (and with clean beaters) the small portion of sugar was beaten with the egg whites until stiff. This egg-white foam was gently mixed (not beaten) into the dough, which was baked in two portions in baking paper lined baking pans (vertical sides, 22 cm (9 inch) diameter) at 175 C (350 F) for 25-30 minutes (until a knife inserted into the centre came out clean).
The two cake pieces were allowed to cool 20-30 minutes in the pans before taking them out and letting them cool completely.
For the frosting, the cream was heated in a small pot together with the coffee powder with occasional stirring - once it reached simmering, it was poured over the 57% chocolate (broken into large squares). After letting it stand for a minute, it was easily stirred into a homogeneous mixture. The frosting was covered and chilled in the fridge - with occasional stirring - until it had thickened sufficiently for easy assembly of the cake: some 2-3 hours.
One cake piece was placed upside-down on a large plate and approximately half the frosting was spread on it in an even layer before placing the other cake piece on top (upside-up) and spreading the rest of the frosting evenly over the entire cake.
We had the first piece of it the same day but although it's not as heavy as certain other chocolate cakes, we still had to save some for later. Interestingly, the notes of coffee and porter were much more notable on the first day - which could be good or bad depending on your point of view. Personally I liked it that way and was a little disappointed that it was 'merely' a very good chocolate cake the following days as we ate the rest.
And no, we never thought there was too little frosting on it...
Update: I have since made this cake again a couple of times and note the following improvements to the procedure: (1) Rather than melting the dark chocolate separately, it can simply be dissolved in the freshly brewed coffee. (2) The electric mixer is only really good for beating the egg whites with sugar to a white foam - for everything else, I find it's preferable to just mix using a ladle. (3) With a spring form that is 5 cm (2 inches) tall all the batter can be baked in one pan (takes about 60-70 minutes at 175 C (350 F)) - once cooled it is reasonable easy to cut the cake in two and assemble the layers as above.
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Coconut Macaroons
I had most of a can of sweetened condensed milk left over and wondered what to do with it, so I started browsing for inspiration. I got a few ideas, some of which were much more complicated than what I was looking for (not least for requiring ingredients I couldn't get at the time). When I happened upon the notion of coconut macaroons I knew I had something doable - I even had some grated coconut lying about.
240 g (8.5 oz) sweetened condensed milk
150 g (5.3 oz) grated coconut
8 g vanilla-sugar [1]
The ingredients were stirred together, then loosely shaped with a tea spoon into 20 balls which were placed on baking paper and flattened slightly. They were baked at 175 C (350 F) for 12 minutes, at which point they were browning at the edges. After removing from the oven they were transferred to a grid to cool (and they were loosened from the paper before cooling completely). Tasted great while still warm - those left-over were kept in a paper lined cookie tin.
[1] Aiming for the equivalent of 1-2 tsp vanilla extract.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Lemon Poppy Seed Cake
We have a large bag of poppy seeds .. and we're moving relatively soon. We've been talking about making lemon poppy seed muffins, but without muffin forms that's a little less fun. Mrs. Erator opted instead for this lemon poppy seed cake..
- 320 g (11 1/4 oz) flour
- 225 g (8 oz) + 100 g (3.5 oz) sugar
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 lemons (juice AND zest)
- 40 g (1.4 oz) poppy seeds
- 300 g (10.5 oz) margarine
- 5 eggs
The larger portion of the sugar was mixed with the flour, salt, lemon zest, poppy seeds and margarine. The eggs were whipped into the dough one at the time. The dough was poured into a previously buttered-and-floured bread pan and baked for 1 hour at 175 C (350 F).
Once out of the oven, holes were pricked in the top of the cake, and a solution of the smaller portion of sugar dissolved in the lemon juice was poured over the cake. After standing for 10-15 minutes to absorb this lemon syrup, the cake was taken out of the bread pan, allowed to cool to room temperature and wrapped in film.
After resting overnight, it was sort of OK - very lemony and the taste wasn't quite like the lemon poppy seed muffins I had in mind. However, on the third day (after resting wrapped in film in the fridge) it was much better: The lemon note was less overpowering and the taste was much more like I remember lemon poppy seed muffins.
Tuesday, 23 December 2008
'Palestinian' Cookies ver.1
One of the cookies traditionally served in Denmark around the Yuletide is Jødekager ('Jew cookies'),[1] and I remember a few years ago overhearing that these had fallen a bit from grace due to their name. I recently learned that in a effort to make the Christmas cookie-jar more politically acceptable these Palæstinenserkager ('Palestinian cookies') had been invented. Like other cookies presented here the actual Palestinian character of the cookies is somewhat doubtful.
Actually this didn't pan out quite as expected, but more on that below.
- 140 g (5 oz) sugar
- zest of 1 lemon, grated
- 7 tbsp water
- 225 g (8 oz) unsalted butter, cut in chunks
- 400 g (14 oz) flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 tbsp aniseed
- 100 g (3.5 oz) cane sugar
- 2 tbsp caraway seeds
- 1 tbsp ground cardamom
- 2 tbsp ground coriander
- 2 tbsp sesame seeds
Sugar, lemon zest, water and butter was mixed till homogeneous using a hand-held mixer (this took a little while). In a separate bowl flour, salt, and baking powder was mixed and then stirred into the butter mixture. The somewhat sticky dough was shaped into a log, about 30 cm (12 inches) long, 5 cm (2 inches) thick, wrapped in film and stored in the fridge for 4 h to make it firm.
Half of the log was cut in 0.5 cm (1/5 inch) slices, the other half was cut in 0.2 cm (1/12 inch) slices. All were placed on baking sheets and sprinkled with the pre-mixed toppings. The thicker kind was baked at 180 C (360 F) for 15 minutes while the thinner kind was baked at the same temperature for 12 minutes.
The result wasn't bad - cookies with a rather different taste from the typical arsenal of Danish cookies. And there isn't really an interesting difference between the thicker and thinner kinds. However, in order to get a dough of a texture I could actually roll into a log I had to use a lot more flour than the recipe called for (like 33% extra) - and I think the less sticky dough obtained this way is then less than ideal for making the topping stick. I think I should try again, either making the dough as the original recipe and shaping them in different way than done here or simply brush the cookies with a little beaten egg before sprinkling with the topping.
[1] And I will not be making Jew cookies this year, as some are being kindly donated by Mrs. Throat-Erator's mother.
Monday, 22 December 2008
Pistachio Shortbreads
Mrs. Throat-Erator has made these cookies for me a few times, but this is the first time I have a go at them myself.
- 250 g (0.55 lb) flour
- 100 g (3.5 oz) powdered sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla sugar
- 175 g (6 oz) unsalted butter, cut in chunks
- 1 egg yolk
- 3 dL (1 1/4 cup) roasted, salted pistachios [1], shelled and chopped coarsely to give 80 g (2.8 oz) pistachio pieces
The flour, sugar, and vanilla sugar was mixed, then the butter was worked into the dough using hands. Then egg yolk and the pistachio pieces were worked into the dough. The slightly moist ball of dough was parted in two, each rolled into a log about 20 cm (8 inches) long, 2.5 cm (1 inch) thick. The logs were wrapped in film and stored in the fridge 4 hours to make it firm.
The logs were cut in 0.6 cm (1/4 inch) slices and placed on a baking sheet. Baked in the oven at 160 C (325 F) for 20 minutes (until light golden).
[1] The original recipe called for unsalted pistachios but added salt to the dough - I figured the end result would be similar...
Saturday, 19 April 2008
I never really thought about making my own meringue - I just settled for the stuff you can buy in stores (well, it's not something I've been eating a lot either). But when my muse mentioned this would be an obvious way to use the three left over egg whites we had I learned that the result was quite interesting.
- 3 egg whites
- 150 g (1/3 lb) sugar
The egg whites were whipped stiff (i.e. not going anywhere when turning the bowl upside down), then the sugar was added and the mixture was whipped for an additional 3 minutes. The mixture was placed as small circles on a baking sheet and put in the oven at 150 C (300 F). The recipe we read recommended baking them till dry and golden, approximately 20 minutes, but we thought they started looking golden somewhat faster (maybe just 10-12 minutes) and pulled them from the oven for fear of burning them. The result was very interesting - they were probably not baked as thoroughly as is normally intended, but I actually liked them better this way: crisp on the edge, but somewhat gooey-soft too.
Sunday, 3 February 2008
Fastelavnsboller (Shrovetide Buns)
"Fastelavn" is related to Carnival, but in Denmark celebrated in a way that resembles in many ways Halloween - i.e. kids dress up and go pestering other people for sweets. Falling 7 weeks before Easter it comes pretty early this year. One the sweets traditionally eaten this time of year are glazed buns with custard or jam filling. We decided to make a few - although only for ourselves as no kids are likely to come knocking on our door this week around here.
- 1 dL (2/5 cup) milk
- 14 g (1/2 oz, 2 packs) dry yeast[1]
- 125 g (4 1/2 oz) shortening
- 1 egg
- 4 tbsp sugar
- (at least) 375 g (13 oz) flour
- 1 egg
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 2 dL (4/5 cup) milk
- 1 1/2 tbsp flour
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 100 g (3 1/2 oz) powdered sugar
- 2 tbsp water
First the dough was prepared: The milk was heated to body temperature, then added the dry yeast and let stand for 30 minutes before mixing in sugar, flour, egg and shortening. After kneading to a homogeneous dough, it was covered and let stand to rise for an hour.
The custard was made by whipping all the ingredients in a small heavy (preferentially rounded) pan, then bringing the mix to a boil on high heat with constant whipping. With continued whipping the custard was boiled on medium heat until thickened (about 5 minutes). NB: DON'T BE LAZY WITH THE WHIPPING - THE CUSTARD WILL EASILY BURN, AND ONCE BURNED THE WHOLE BATCH IS RUINED. The custard was transferred to a bowl and allowed to cool.
The dough was kneaded thoroughly (using extra flour as needed) and rolled to square piece approx. 35 cm x 35 cm (14" x 14") which was cut into 9 squares of equal size. The custard was placed on the middle of each piece of dough and the edges of the squares were folded over the custard to make a closed bun around the custard. Care was taken to close them well, so the custard couldn't run out during baking. The buns were placed on a baking sheet (upside down) and allowed to rise for another 45 minutes before baking at 225 C (450 F) for 10 minutes.
The buns can be eaten warm or cold - best with freshly applied glazing (glazing made by stirring powdered sugar with a small amount of water).
[1] If using fresh yeast, 50 g is a good amount - proceed as follows: melt shortening, then heat milk till lukewarm. Dissolve yeast in lukewarm milk-shortening mixture and add sugar, flour and egg (no waiting required). Otherwise as above.
Sunday, 27 January 2008
As I tasted this treat today I realized I hadn't made this in ages .. and I don't know why. It's fairly simple and it tastes great!
- 3 eggs
- 200 g (7 oz) flour
- 1 tsp sugar
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 4 dL (13.5 oz) milk
- 3 tbsp water
- butter for frying
All the ingredients (except for the butter) were whisked together. In a large pan, a little butter was melted, and a little less than 1 dL (maybe 1/3 cup) of the batter was poured into the pan. The pan was lifted and turned to help the dough form a large round, thin pancake - after a couple of minutes it was sufficiently done to be flipped over on the other side and cooked for a few minutes till done. The cooked pancakes were stacked on a plate till all the dough was used.
This time we served it with sweetened condensed milk, but other option include granulated sugar, jam, and ice cream - and if you make more than you can eat they are very delicious cold with butter and granulated sugar - whatever you use, spread it thinly and roll the pancake. Eat with fingers or utensils as you please.
Ginger Cake
Thinking about having to move in a couple of months we're trying to use up some of our many things in the kitchen - surely we'll never manage with all of them, but each item that we can empty is a small victory in it's own right. Years ago I bought a glass of ground ginger, but it's not something I use too often. Therefore this recipe, which uses it generously was just what would save the day and rid us of our last ground ginger.
- 200 g (7 oz) shortening
- 200 g (7 oz) sugar
- 4 eggs
- 200 g (7 oz) flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 4 tsp ground ginger
- 150 g (5 oz) cream cheese
- 1 tbsp water
- 150 g (5 oz) powdered sugar
- 2 tsp ground ginger
The sugar and the shortening was mixed to homogeneous mixture and the eggs were mixed in 1 at the time. Then the flour, ground ginger, and baking powder was mixed in. The dough was put in a deep round baking pan and in the oven for about 50 minutes at 175 C (350 F).
The frosting was made by stirring the powdered sugar into the cream cheese - water was added to give a little bit smoother texture. Then added ground ginger to taste. The frosting was added as thick layer on top of the cake.
Lemon Cake
Mrs. Throat-erator sometimes makes a lovely lemon cake for us. You'll notice the recipe calls for an organic lemon - normally I'm not very hung up about whether or not my ingredients are organic, but in this case we need not only the juice but also the zest of the lemon, so an organically grown lemon is probably the prudent choice here.
- 1.5 dL (2/3 cups) boiling water
~ 150 g (~ 6 oz) powdered sugar
The boiling water was mixed in quickly and the though was immediately poured into a 25 x 35 cm (10" x 14") baking pan[1] lined with baking paper and baked for 30-40 minutes at 200 C (400 F). The resulting cake should be somewhat moist when removed from the oven.
A glazing was made by stirring lemon juice into powdered sugar - adding lemon juice in small portions until the texture is right. The glazing was put on the cake while it was still hot from the oven.
[1] It takes a relatively large baking pan as the dough rises a lot during baking.