Showing posts with label Haters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Haters. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Thanks for bringing people to our blog!

Dear owner of the MRA blog whose link lovin' has been sending people our way,

I appreciate the new readership. Did you know that a hit on this blog is a hit against the Patriarchy (as Kate once said)? I hope people return here to read more, even if they are finding us on your blog, where your tactics for challenging one of our co-bloggers are (to me) extremely distasteful and do a disservice to the cause you support.

Amelia, who stricly moderates comments according to the Female Impersonator comment policy not because she's a misandrist, but because she believes in tact.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Gunn Is Love - Westboro Baptist Church counter-protest

Over at Shakesville I found this really touching video of Bay Area Gunn High School students who counter-protested a group of Westboro Baptist Church picketers.

It made me smile. I wish my high school had been so awesome.

Check out the Shakesville link for the transcript.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Silly feminist says: It's all good

I have a lot of respect for all people who do feminist blogging. The ideas we present and the topics we discuss are challenging to many people, especially those who fit well into, or are benefited by the current societal structure. I have recently made blogging a top priority of mine, despite trying my best to live an active life outside of the internet, and because I have been posting more frequently, I have been getting more comments. Many of them are anonymous, and often times they are not nice.

Here is an example:

Silly feminist. All you have are straw men and man-blaming. No wonder no one takes you seriously.

This is the last line of a comment that was submitted (and rejected) in regard to this post. This person also accused me of not checking my privilege and of "bragging about a college education" after I commented to explain why I would not respond to their comment (I'm currently taking an overload of undergraduate classes).

This comment wasn't even disheartening, because, to steal a phrase from Edward M. Kennedy, relying on personal attacks unrelated to the topic at hand is merely an admission that one's own ideas and goals cannot prevail on their own merits.

I know I will probably get more hate mail in response to this post, but all it will do is prove to me that my work is necessary and good.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

So much America-Hating goin' on

I like our sitemeter. It provides loads of information, like when the Female Impersonator blog is listed on some-blog-I've-never-heard-of as an "America-Hating Blog to Watch Closely."

Keep it up, Impersonators. I think we should be proud that we have such a diverse set of readers.