Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Food Prices Hit Record High......

One can only hope that the very critical price of Rice ( see Chart & Rice Market Monitor ) will stay well below the last "riot" highs from 2008..... UPDATE: Jim Rogers Rotates From Gold To Rice, Sets Foundation For Next Bubble ZH

Man kann nur hoffen das der alles entscheidende Preis für Reis ( siehe Chart & Rice Market Monitor ) weiterhin deutlich unter dem letzten (Unruhe)Hoch aus dem Jahr 2008 bleiben wird....UPDATE: Jim Rogers Rotates From Gold To Rice, Sets Foundation For Next Bubble ZH

The index doesn't measure domestic retail prices, which can be affected by a wide range of factors, including government subsidies. Instead, the index tracks export prices and can still serve as a barometer of what consumers may pay.

Food prices hit a record high last month, surpassing the levels seen during the 2007-08 crisis, the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organisation said on Wednesday.

The Rome-based organisation said the increase did not constitute a crisis. But Abdolreza Abbassian, senior economist at the FAO, acknowledged that the situation was “alarming”. He added: “It will be foolish to assume this is the peak.”

The jump will increase fears about the repetition of the crisis of 2007-2008. However, poor countries have not so far seen the wave of food riots that rocked countries such as Haiti and Bangladesh two years ago, when prices of agricultural commodities jumped.

The increase in food costs will also hit developed economies, with companies from McDonald's to Kraft raising retail prices.

Higher food prices are also boosting overall inflation, which is above the preferred targets of central banks in Europe.

Compare the food CPI problems of the ECB, BOE & FED with the rest of the world.....

Der Rest der Welt kann über die Nahrungsmittelpreisprobleme der EZB, BOE & Fed wohl nur gequält lächeln.....

Please note that the chart above covers only the first 6 Month in 2010....Looking at the monthy price table it should be clear that the real spike happenend since July.....

Der obige Chart wird noch weniger appetitlich wenn man bedenkt das lediglich der Zeitraum bis einschließlich Juni 2010 berücksichtigt ist....Ein Blick auf den Food Price Index zeigt leider das der Löwenanteil des Anstieges im 2. Halbjahr vollzogen worden ist....

H/T FT Alphaville

Probably not an understatement that at least a "small" part of the increase is related to the wisdom of the central banksters around the world..... I´m very sceptical that without "QE" & with "credible" central bankers ( and politicians ) we would face similar headlines.....UPDATE: Speaking of "credible" people Ben Bernanke and the Price of Oil.....Wouldn´t surprise me if way too many on Wall Street & in the numerous "ivory towers" around the world are calling develompents like this "collataral damage"....

Denke es ist keine Untertreibung zu sagen das zumindest ein "kleiner" Anteil des Preisanstieges der geballten Weisheit der weltweiten Notenbänker geschuldet ist..... Ich kann mir nur sehr schwer vorstellen das wir ohne "QE" und mit "glaubwürdigen und vertrauenserweckenden" handelnden Personen ähnliche Schlagzeilen zu verkraften hätten...UPDATE: Da wir gerade von Glaubwüdigkeit gesprochen haben Ben Bernanke and the Price of Oil...Würde mich ebenfalls stark wundern wenn an Wall Street & in den leider reichlich vorhandenen "Elfenbeintürmen" eine solche Entwicklung nicht als "Kollataralschaden" bezeichnet wird.....

Just in time comes the follwoing chart via FT Germany showing the correleation from REAL US rates ( rhs inverted ) & the commodity complex...... And the FED is not alone.....

Passender hätte der folgende Chart der FT Deutschland nicht sein können.....Mit Ausnahme des fehlenden "QE" Hinweises hätte ich den dazugehörigen Bericht nicht besser formulieren können .... Zu allem übel muß man leider feststellen das die FED in Ihrer Politik nicht allein auf weiter Flur steht.....

Real rates in the Euro area & UK....

Realzinsen unter Aufsicht der EZB und der BOE.......

H/T FT Deutschland

H/T FT Deutschland

Back with then original Story..... Weiter mit dem Eröffnungslink.....

The FAO said its food price index, a basket tracking the wholesale cost of commodities such as wheat, corn, rice, oilseeds, dairy products, sugar and meats, jumped last month of 214.7 points – up almost 4.2 per cent from November.

The FAO is drawing comfort from relatively stable prices for rice, one of the two most important cereals for global food security, which remains far below its record high. Rice is the staple of 3bn people in Asia and Africa.

The FAO food index is at its highest since the measure was first calculated in 1990. During the 2007-08 food crisis, the index reached a peak of 213.5 in June 2008

However, the cost of the other critical staple, wheat, is now rising fast on the back of poor harvests.

“This is a high prices situation,” said Mr Abbassian, although he pointed to the fact the costs of cereals – and particularly rice – were below the peaks set in 2007-08.

“Rice and wheat are, from a global food security perspective, the critical agricultural commodities, not sugar, oilseeds or meat,” he said.

The increasing costs of sugar, whose price recently hit a 30-year high, oilseeds and meat are the main reason behind the rise in the FAO food index


The rise of commodity prices makes it likely that the global food import bill will hit a record high in 2011,after topping $1,000bn last year for only the second time. In November, the FAO raised its 2010 forecast to $1,026bn, up almost 15 per cent from 2009 and within a whisker of a record high of $1,031bn set in 2008 during the food crisis.

At least the "food import bill" will provide incentives to withstand or slow down the "competitive devaluation trend".....UPDATE: Asia Fights Inflation With Stronger Currencies
Wenn man überhaupt etwas positives an der Situation erkennen will dann vielleicht das die bedrohlich steigenden Nahrungsmittelpreise den bisher vorherrschenden "Währungskrieg" mit der klaren Tendenz die eigene Währung künstlich niedrig zu halten, wenn auch nicht aufhalten, so doch zumindest verlangsamen könnte.....UPDATE: Asia Fights Inflation With Stronger Currencies
Agricultural commodities prices have surged following a series of crop failures caused by bad weather. The situation was aggravated when top producers such as Russia and Ukraine imposed export restrictions, prompting importers in the Middle East and North Africa to hoard supplies.

I think it´s a safe bet that around the world subsidies & government involvement ( food stamps, price controls, ban on exports etc ) will not "deflate".....

One uselful "involvement" would be to start with the derivatives complex... ;-)

Sicherlich wird weltweit das Thema Subventionen & "Regierungseinmischungen" ( Essensmarken, Preiskontrollen, Exportbeschränkungen usw. ) in den nächsten Jahren häufiger die Schlageilen dominieren....

Eine der wenigen produktiven "Einmischungen" wäre, wenn man sich dem Thema "Derivate & Terminbörsen" mal etwas genauer widmen würde... ;-)UPDATE:

Food production is down, hunger is up and prices are rising / INFOGRAPHIC The Globe And Mail

U.N. Data Notes Sharp Rise in World Food Prices NYT

Needless to say that the NYT & GAM make no reference when it comes to the relation of prices & "sound money" .... ;-)

Überflüssig festzustellen, das es auch die NYT & GAM versäumen zumindest in einem Nebensatz die nicht unwesentliche Korrelation von Preisen und "verantwortungsvoller Geldpolitik" zu erwähnen.... ;-)

Immerhin wunderschön zu sehen das eine Firma wie Monsanto, die bei diesen Nahrungsmittelpreisen eigentlich durch die Decke gehen müßten, noch immer 50% vom Hoch notiert.....Um meine SCHADENFREUDE zu verstehen, muß man sich zwingend Monsanto - mit Gift und Genen ansehen.... Meiner Meinung nach die beste und wichtigste Doku der letzten Jahre über eine Firma die wahrscheinlich über noch bessere Lobbyisten verfügt(te) als alle Banken der Wall Street zusammen ..... ;-)


Youths riot in Algeria over high food prices Associated Press
Riots over rising food prices and chronic unemployment spiraled out from Algeria's capital on Thursday, with youths torching government buildings and shouting "Bring us Sugar

Wednesday's violence started after evening Muslim prayers. It came after price hikes for milk, sugar and flour in recent days, and amid simmering frustration that Algeria's abundant gas-and-oil resources have not translated into broader prosperity.
Food Riots Commence As The Fed's Loose Money Policy Leads To First Violence Of 2011 Zero Hedge

Mann bei Protest gegen teures Essen erschossen Die Welt

Big Picture Agriculture / Lester Brown via Reformed Broker
In the United States, which harvested 416 million tons of grain in 2009, 119 million tons went to ethanol distilleries to produce fuel for cars. That's enough to feed 350 million people for a year.... The combined effect of these three growing demands is stunning: a doubling in the annual growth in world grain consumption from an average of 21 million tons per year in 1990-2005 to 41 million tons per year in 2005-2010. Most of this huge jump is attributable to the orgy of investment in ethanol distilleries in the United States in 2006-2008.
Bond Vigilanties
The reasons behind the ugly scenes in Tunisia are down to a combination of political and economic factors, but at least part of the discontent stems from rising food and energy prices

The problem these countries face is that food and energy prices are a much bigger percentage of an emerging consumer's shopping basket than for a developed consumer's basket. Food and energy therefore carry a much higher weight in domestic consumer price indices within emerging markets, which is something I discussed last year when going over some of the risks to the emerging market story
To an extent, higher food and energy prices are a result of expansionary economic policy in the US combined with a reluctance of emerging market countries (particularly China) to allow their currencies to appreciate versus the US dollar. Would it not be ironic if the very policies that US authorities have pursued to return the US economy to growth then proceed to be the cause of global economic weakness?
Food Stamp Usage Hits New High Of 43.2 Million ZH

It´s safe to say that without similar programs in the G7 countries we would see similar "riots" like in Algeria etc.....

Man muß kein Prophet sein, um zu erkennen das in den G7 Ländern ohne ähnliche Programme längst "ziviler Ungehorsam" wie momentan in Algerien, und demnächst wohl noch deutlich mehr Ländern, zu sehen sein würden....

The food price vulnerability index Citi via FT Alphaville / Tilt

The index has been created by Citigroup and its based on the idea that a country’s central banks are more likely to have to respond to a food price shock if:

1) the consumer price index is sensitive to changes in good prices.

2) growth is strong — the chances of contagion from food prices to core CPI are strongest when demand pressures are in any case robust.

3) Relatively loose monetary policy– on the grounds
that a country already behind-the-curve might have some nasty catching-up to do if a food price shock leads to a surge in inflationary pressures overall.

And China ticks all those boxes.
Back with a vengeance Economist

Russia Imposes Inflation-Driven Price Controls: Will Use Price Caps On "Socially Important" Commodities
Russia has just announced it would proceed with price caps on a variety of foodstuffs, from buckwheat, to potatoes, assorted fruits and vegetables and all other commodities it deems "socially important" accoding to Russian newspaper
Interactive Map Of Recent Food Riots And Price Hikes ZH

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

SNB Loses 14 Billion Swiss Francs On Euro's Fall

At least they have managed to make a few Hungarian home owners (temporarily) happy.... ;-)

Immerhin hat die SNB es geschafft etlichen ungarischen Immobilienbesitzern ( vorübergehend ) Freude zu bereiten.....;-)


The Swiss National Bank on Wednesday said the sharp rise of the Swiss franc, particularly against the euro, resulted in exchange-rate losses of more than 14 billion Swiss francs ($13.3 billion)in the first half of 2010.

But income from foreign-currency and Swiss franc positions and the steep rise in the price of gold limited the central bank's first-half loss, which is expected to total around 4 billion Swiss francs, the SNB said.

The SNB, which had intervened heavily in an effort to brake the decline of the versus the Swiss franc, said it increased foreign-currency investments by around 132 billion francs in the first half of 2010, with the bulk placed in euro-denominated investments

Swiss National Bank Confirms Massive FX Intervention Losses, As Spike In M3 Reported via ZH

Following such a massive losses for the small country (nearly 2% of GDP) it was only a matter of time before the other 26 Swiss cantons, which share in the profits and losses of the SNB, said enough.

"The SNB said last month it had stopped intervention. Its official reason was because deflationary risks from the surging currency had declined, but most economists ascribed the move to growing concerns about the risks from the massive foreign currency holdings."

The "success" to weaken the Swiss Franc can be clearly be seen in this chart......

Der "Erfolg" den Anstieg des Schweizer Franken zu verhindern wird im nächsten Chart eindrucksvoll veranschaulicht......

If they continue to fight the inevitable the SNB is on track to beat even their ""GOLDen Masterpiece"....

Sollte die SNB weiterhin versuchen das Unvermeidliche durch Interventionen zu verhindern bzw zu verlangsamen bestehen gute Chancen selbst Ihr bisheriges "Meisterstück" in Sachen GOLD noch zu toppen....

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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

"Enron-Esque Characteristics" Hiding An Even More Explosive Credit Growth In China

Ob boy......Looks like the Chinese have learnt quite a bit from their western rivals....;-) All this confirms my "sceptical" view on the sustainability of the recent recovery in China...... Nice to see that this kind of creative accounting is rewarded with a big valuation premium.... You really cannot make this up..... For an up to date inside view on China i highly recommend the blog China Financial Markets from Michael Pettis. A must read.

Sieht so aus als wenn die Chinesen in Sachen Bankenbilanzierung schnell vom Westen gelernt haben.....;-) All das bestätigt mich in meiner "skeptischen" Sichtweise das was momentan in China abgeht nachhaltig ist.... Immerhin ist es nett zu sehen das solch "Kreativität" momentan mit einem gewaltigen Bewertungsaufschlag gehandelt wird..... Paßt hervorragend zum sonstigen Marktgeschehen.... ;-)Wer einen erstklassigen und vor allem zeitnahen Blick auf das Geschehen in China haben möchte für den sollte China Financial Markets von Michael Pettis Pflichtlektüre sein....

Then and now: Banks and their book value Graph FT Alphaville

China Cracks Down on Banks' Loan-Sale Practice WSJ
BEIJING—China's banking regulator has quietly cracked down on banks selling their loans to trust companies, taking aim at a little-understood category of transactions that had fueled concerns about transparency in the banking system.

The transactions at issue had enabled banks to move loans off their balance sheets by temporarily selling them to Chinese trusts, lightly regulated companies that then repackaged the loans into financial instruments for clients.

The banks promised to repurchase the loans any time between a few weeks and a few years later.

The China Banking Regulatory Commission issued a notice banning banks that sell loans to trusts from removing the loans from their balance sheets, said an executive in the risk management department of a Chinese bank who has seen the document. The notice was issue Dec. 24, but wasn't made public.

Banks have been unwilling to discuss the trust deals publicly, but analysts who had studied the transactions say the banks were using them to report lower loan totals at a time when China's government was indicating concern about credit expansion and pushing lenders to increase their capital ratios as a precaution against bad loans.


While no official data on the loan-sale practice is publicly available, Shanghai Benefit Investment Consulting, a research company, estimates that 734 billion yuan ($107.53 billion) of bank loans were packaged into trust products in 2009.

About 80% of that was issued in the second half of the year, as Beijing's concern about loan growth mounted

The volume of new bank loans more than doubled in 2009, as Chinese lenders-almost all of which are majority owned by the state—assisted government efforts to stimulate the economy.

Not all the loans sold to trusts fall into the category barred by the CBRC notice, but the order appears to have nearly halted such transactions. According to Shanghai Benefit, only seven new trust products backed by banks loans have gone on sale this month, compared with 465 for the whole of December.
The regulatory change could add to difficulties for some Chinese banks that were already facing constraints on their lending this year by the declines in their capital-to-loan ratios as a result of last year's credit explosion.

Still, analysts say it's likely to be another banner year for bank lending in China, with many forecasting 2010's new loans will be between seven trillion and eight trillion yuan, down from around 9.5 trillion last year but far above the annual average for previous years.
> To put this number into perspective the loan figure for a booming 2008 was under 5 trillion Yuan......

> Um das in Verhältnis zu setzen muß man wissen das im Boomjahr 2008 unter unter 5 Billion Yuan an Krediten vergeben worden sind....


> Looks like they have already "achieved" almost 8% percent of their 2010 lending target ( 12% of the 2008 loans....) within the first week.... Second UPDATE: Chinese Banks Already Lend Out 20% Percent Of Targeted Loan Growth For 2010 Withing The First Two Weeks Of January & Visualizing "Froth" In China....... Hey, but "Don´t Call It A Bubble"...... ;-)

> Sieht ganz so aus als wenn die chinesischen Banken bereits knapp 8% der für 2010 ( oder 12% der im Jahr 2008 ausgegebenen Kredite ) "vorgesehenen" Kreditvergaben in der ersten Januarwoche ausgekehrt hätten......"Don´t Call It A Bubble"...... ;-) Zweites UPDATE Chinese Banks Already Lend Out 20% Percent Of Targeted Loan Growth For 2010 Withing The First Two Weeks Of January & Visualizing "Froth" In China....... ....Bernanke würde jetzt sagen "Don´t Call It A Bubble"......

Between January 4 and 8, commercial banks issued loans worth 600 billion yuan, a new high in years.

It seems that China's commercial banks have slowed the lending pace due to warnings from the People's Bank of China (PBOC) and banking regulator. However, new statistics showed that the pace actually accelerated during the first week of 2010.

New lending by banks reached 600 billion yuan, with the five biggest banks accounting for 280 billion yuan, according data obtained by Caixin Media.

> Let´s hope that at least a small part from the staggering amount is related to the reintegretaion from the "funny" off balance sheet structures.....

> Bleibt nur zu hoffen das zumindest ein kleiner Teil der unglaublichen Summe darauf zurückzuführen ist das einiges wieder in die Bilanz eingegliedert worden ist.....


China Hits Brakes on Economic Stimulus

China, which for more than a year has been pushing its banks to pump out cash to offset the global downturn, abruptly reversed course Tuesday, in the clearest sign yet that Beijing has turned its attention to controlling the repercussions of that credit explosion.

Starting Monday, most Chinese commercial banks will be required to put 16% of their deposits on reserve, an increase of a half percentage point.

The new rate will effectively lock up 300 billion yuan, or around $44 billion, that might otherwise have been lent, according to Tom Orlik, China analyst at Stone & McCarthy Research Associates.

Next to the 40 trillion yuan or more in loans outstanding and a 24 trillion yuan stock market, that is a small amount.

[China Hits Brakes on Stimulus]

> Sweet Babystep... Too little and definitely way too late.....

> Wie niedlich..... Bestenfalls ein Anfang und definitv erheblich zu spät.....

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Tuesday, January 05, 2010

"Power To The People" Iceland Edition......

I expect that hand in hand with a rising Sovereign Misery Index the times for bailing out anyone without ( hopefully non violent ) brewing tensions & extreme political backlash are at least getting tougher (outside the US ;-) ..... Needless to say that i largely agree with the following quote from Mish... Iceland has a good chance to nagotiate a much better deal after the referendum......

Ich denke das Hand in Hand mit einem steigenden Sovereign Misery Index die Zeiten der "bedenkenlosen" Bailouts ( Ausnahme selbstredend die USA ;-) ohne "größeren" öffentlichen Widerstand ( hoffentlich weiterhin gewaltfrei ) nicht mehr ohne weiteres ohne politische Folgen durchgewunken werden können... Überflüssig zu erwähnen das ich größtenteils mit dem nachfolgenden Fazit von Mish übereinstimme..... Ich jedenfalls wäre ebenfalls erbost für Kunden, die wegen eines minimalen Zinsvorteiles oftmals mit gewaltigen Summen zu Kaupthing & Co gewechselt sind, jetzt die Zeche zu zahlen...... Gehe jede Wette ein das Island nachdem das Referendum stattgefunden hat einen deutlich besseren Deal aushandeln kann und wird......

Iceland's President Effectively Tells UK "Go To Hell" - Hooray For Iceland Mish

Congratulations to Iceland for figuring out that it is better to suffer a credit rating downgrade than to torture its citizens for a decade or longer Iceland may have other problems but at least that one was resolved (hopefully), the quick and painless way.

And that should have been the model for US banks as well. The stockholders and bondholders should be the first ones wiped out.

Instead Bush started and Obama continued with a policy to punish the innocent to bail out the wealthy, leaving the average taxpayer deep in the hole, against the clear will of the majority.

Photo Gallery: Iceland's Deeply Unpopular Payback Der Spiegel

WSJ Iceland's president vetoed a bill to reimburse the U.K. and the Netherlands for bailing out depositors of a failed Icelandic bank, throwing into question the international plan to rescue the island nation's banks and casting doubts on its bid to join the European Union.

President Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson on Tuesday cited massive public opposition in his decision to reject the bill, which was approved in late December by the Icelandic parliament after months of wrangling.

Iceland's president is the head of state, but rarely wields real executive power.

The veto was only the second time since Iceland's independence from Denmark in 1944 that a president used that authority.

Under Iceland's constitution, the bill -- which calls for nearly $6 billion in repayment ( The money represents 40 per cent of the country's gross domestic product via Times Online, see also Wikipedia ) over 15 years, plus interest -- will be put to a public referendum.

Opinion polls suggest it has little chance. ( 70% against )

But without the payback, Iceland may lose or delay access to badly needed bailout money from the International Monetary Fund and Nordic neighbors. The IMF has approved $2.1 billion in

British and Dutch authorities were stern. The U.K. Treasury said Britain "expects Iceland to live up to its obligations."

"We are very disappointed about the decision," said a Dutch finance ministry spokesman. "Iceland has the obligation to pay back the money."

Almost since the onset of the financial-system collapse in October 2008, Icelanders have blamed a cadre of greedy bankers for turning a prosperous nation into an international economic pariah.

There is strong resistance to piling debt on ordinary citizens to undo the bankers' mess. The bill would have seen Iceland repay the U.K. £2.35 billion ($3.79 billion) and the Netherlands [euro €1.32 billion ($1.89 billion) over 15 years.

That amounts to nearly $20,000 for each of the 300,000 Icelanders.

The October 2008 collapse of one bank, Landsbanki Islands, triggered the trouble.

Hundreds of thousands of British and Dutch depositors, wooed by high interest rates, had placed money with Landsbanki through an Internet arm operating in those countries called Icesave

Under European financial rules, Iceland was required to maintain deposit insurance for those customers, but the collapse of all three of the island's big banks swamped the tiny insurance program. Britain and the Netherlands stepped in to cover their own citizens, and then demanded the money back from Iceland.

Eiríkur Svavarsson, a spokesman for InDefence, a group of Icelanders that organized the petition, said the country would honor its debts but would do so "in line with its economic strength."

It isn't clear how badly Mr. Grímsson's veto will disrupt the international aid on which Iceland depends. The IMF has said its funding isn't directly tied to an Icesave resolution, but notes that other lenders have made that condition, and it is reluctant to put money forward if others don't.

After the veto, Fitch Ratings cut Iceland's long-term foreign-currency credit rating to junk and said the future outlook was negative. Fitch also cut the long-term local-currency rating to BBB-plus.


But the presidential rebuke is being described as a momentous decision for Iceland. It also highlights a widening rift between European governments — pressed by bond investors, ratings agencies and the International Monetary Fund to cut budgets and shrink deficits — and their recession-battered citizenry.
Late last month, the constitutional court in Latvia vetoed a move by the government there to cut pensions in line with an I.M.F.-sponsored austerity package. That development threatens the I.M.F. agreement and the country’s ties with foreign creditors.

Governments in Ireland, Greece and even Britain are also finding it difficult to satisfy both bond investors and voters

> I highly recommend to read the official declaration..... Well said!

> Empfehle sich die offizielle Deklaration im Wortlaut durchzulesen..... Klasse und einleuchtend logisch!

Ice Land Declaration

> Here a very good clip how from 2008 how Iceland got into deep deep troubles.....

> Hier ein sehenswerter Clip aus dem Jahr 2008 der schön aufzeigt wie Island in den Abgrund stürzen konnte.....

> I just couldn´t resist to post this Kaupthing Bank commercial..... You cannot make this up...... Enjoy if you are not an Icelander.....

> Kann mir nicht verkneifen nochmal die inzwischen berühmte Werbung der Kaupthing Bank zu bringen..... Tragisch genial! Für alle die nicht Isländer sicher ein Vergnügen......

H/T Ultimi Barbarorum

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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Trade Tensions Are Brewing........

Juts what the doctor ordered...... As i´ve feared last week the "conditions" for world trade are not getting better...... Lets all hope that the tensions don´t escalate....... Just in China to request WTO consultations with US over tyre dispute - Commerce Ministry China says: - US tyre decision violates WTO rules. - Wants dialogue with US on tyre tariffs.Source: RTRS

Würde noch zum perfektem Sturm fehlen...... Wie bereits letzte Woche befürchtet verbessen die die "Rahmenbedingungen" für den immer noch in der Reha befindlichen Welthandel nicht wirklich. Die Spannungen zwischen einzelnen Ländern und der Ruf nach Protektionismus wird doch deutlich vernehmbarer. Bleibt nur zu hoffen das diese nicht wirklich eskalieren....... Update: China to request WTO consultations with US over tyre dispute - Commerce Ministry China says: - US tyre decision violates WTO rules. - Wants dialogue with US on tyre tariffs.Source: RTRS )

A Tale of Two Depressions VOX

The downward spiral in global trade volumes has abated, and the most recent month for which we have data (June) shows a modest uptick. Nonetheless, the collapse of global trade, even now, remains dramatic by the standards of the Great Depression.

Volume of world trade, now vs then

China Probes ‘Unfair Trade’ in U.S. Chicken and Auto Products

Sept. 14 (Bloomberg) -- China announced dumping and subsidy probes of chicken and auto products from the U.S., two days after President Barack Obama imposed tariffs on tires from the Asian nation.
Chinese industries complain that they’re being hurt by “unfair trade practices,” the nation’s Ministry of Commerce said on its Web site yesterday. The dumping investigation relates to poultry alone, a spokesman said in Beijing today. The ministry didn’t specify the value of imports of the products.

Rising protectionism may hamper world trade and undermine the global economy’s recovery from recession, the European Central Bank ( see end of the post for details )said last week.

The U.S. placed tariffs starting at 35 percent on $1.8 billion of tire imports from China, backing a United Steelworkers union complaint against the second-largest U.S. trading partner.

China Reacts Quickly and Badly to Tire Tariffs Naked Capitalism

It would be better if we were not proven correct on this one, but when the US imposed stiff tariffs on imported tires from China late on Friday, we noted, “This could get interesting in a bad way.” The Chinese responded quickly over the weekend to announce they were investigating US auto parts and chicken, which together account for roughly as much as the disputed tires ($1.2 billion versus $1.3 billion for tires).

But protectionism is driven by the desire to protect jobs. Unemployment has not peaked in the US, and some analysts suggest that China’s job losses are far worse than the 20 million often bandied about, more on the order of 30 to 50 million. So political pressure is set to intensify.

The New York Times treats the Chinese reaction as a surprise. But the tire tariffs relied upon a special provision in the WTO agreement for China’s entry that set a lower bar for trade violations than the normal anti-dumping sort. This is the first time that rule has been used as the basis for an action against China, and China may feel it important to fight that precedent.

Obama Risks Global Trade War With Misguided Tariffs Mish

Not a single job will return to the US as a result of these tariffs. Imports from China will drop but imports from elsewhere will rise.Thus, the unfortunate tragedy in this mess is that Obama's kowtowing to the unions is going to cost union jobs. The ultimate irony is misguided unions are cheering every step of the way.To date, Obama is repeating the same mistakes Roosevelt and Hoover made during the Great Depression

Now, Obama's tire and steel tariffs will strongly encourage more unions and labor groups to seek relief under "Section 421" of U.S. trade law. That misguided law does not require petitioners to prove unfair trade practices.

If Obama keeps this foolishness up, which right now seems highly likely, he risks a global trade war similar to the global trade crash kicked off by the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act signed by President Hoover in the early stages of Great Depression.

China Strikes Back on Trade WSJ

Citing a jump in Chinese imports, the Obama administration said Friday it would impose stiff tariffs on Chinese-made tires for the next three years, invoking a section of trade law that China agreed to as a condition for its joining the World Trade Organization in 2001. The move essentially would cut off the source of nearly 17% of all tires sold in the U.S. last year and hit cost-conscious consumers particularly hard, as retailers will have to find alternative sources for the lower-end tires that make up much of what China sends to the U.S.

Beijing responded quickly. Sunday, its Ministry of Commerce said it was starting antidumping procedures against U.S. exporters into China of chicken and auto products. It said it had received complaints from local producers that the U.S. products were being dumped in China at below-market prices. The ministry denied that the move, which could lead to sanctions, was protectionist.

Both chicken and auto products have been part of a battle between China and the U.S. in which both sides have already instituted trade-restricting measures. China has already effectively blocked U.S. exports of poultry products in retaliation for a similar U.S. block of Chinese poultry. And earlier this year, China raised tariffs on imported auto parts.

Foreign businesses operating in China have also argued that China is itself engaging in protectionism. The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China recently released a catalog of business complaints chronicling a deteriorating atmosphere for foreign enterprises operating in China. The country's recent stimulus package, for example, in some cases favored domestic manufacturers, the EU Chamber said.

Chinese President Hu Jintao is set to meet Mr. Obama this month at an economic summit in Pittsburgh. Mr. Obama is to visit China in mid-November.

Chinese officials "are definitely going to do something to express their dissatisfaction, but it won't be serious," Mr. Yan said. "The two sides need each other."

Michael Pettis / China Financial Markets

A few months ago I wrote about an HKMA paper that suggested that the implicit interest-rate subsidy to SOEs ( State Owned Enterprises)– not relative to the “right” interest rate in China (whatever that may be but which is certainly many percentage points higher than the official lending rates) but relative to the borrowing cost of large Chinese private corporations – accounted for 100% of SOE profitability. If China had reasonable interest rates, in other words, (and in fact there were negative real rates for much of the recent past), SOEs would on average be value destroyers.

Most of the press focus is on US-China disputes, and the truth is that these matter a lot because this is the most important trade relationship, but trade-surplus countries are in disputes almost everywhere. This, in my opinion, is only likely to continue. I suspect that we will make a concerted effort to coordinate the adjustment process only after things have gotten much worse for everybody.

>Here is the comment from the ECB.....

>Hier der oben angesprochene Kommentar der EZB......

Protektionismus : EZB sieht "Spirale der Vergeltung" FTD

The ECB is pointing to a study that after the G-20 Summit in November 2008 17 of the 20 states have been implementing protectionist measures.... This is in stark contrast to what they have promised ( my translation )

Sie verweist auf eine Studie, nach der nach dem G-20-Gipfel im November 2008 17 der 20 Staaten protektionistische Maßnahmen angekündigt hatten - obwohl sich die Staats- und Regierungschefs dort klar gegen jeden Protektionismus ausgesprochen hatten

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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Competitive Devaluation "Israel Edition"

With exports making up about 45% of the country's economy it is no wonder the Bank of Israel is intervening massively.....More countries will follow the Swiss, Israel & China......Will be interesting to see when Japan will voice "their concern" about the recent Yen strength.....This are not good news for global trade......I expect the € to be the main target of the intervetions.... More significant "headwinds" for European exporters.......

Da Exporte knapp 45% der Wirtschaftsleistung ausmachen ist es wenig verwunderlich das die Bank of Israel diesen für alle Tradingpartner ungünstigen Weg gewählt hat gegen den Shekel zu intervenieren......Denke das auf Sicht sich immer mehr Länder der Schweiz, Israel und China ( die USA kommen ja schon seit geraumer Zeit ohne Interventionen aus... ;-) anschließen werden.... Bin gespannt wann Japan in den Ring steigt und sein "Unbehagen" über die jüngste Yen Stärke zum Ausdruck bringt......Unschwer zu erkennsen das dies auf Dauer für den globalen Handel wenig förderlich ist..... Da der Großteil der Anpassungen zu Lasten des € geht sind das alles in allem keine guten Nachrichten für die europäischen Exporteure......

Israel's Fischer Wins Kudos for Central Bank Role Amid Crisis WSJ
From May 2008 through the end of last month, Mr. Fischer spent $28.4 billion, or about 14% of Israel's gross domestic product, buying foreign currency. While the central bank never said it was acting to weaken the Israeli shekel, the purchases did just that, helping to keep Israeli exports competitively priced.

> If you consider that since the intervetion the Shekel has devalued even against the Greenback you know how "succsessful" they have been.....You can watch the effects on the exchange rate here ( switch to the 1 year chart )

> Man muß eigentlich nur erwähnen das der Shekel seit der Intervention sogar gegenüber dem USD abgewertet hat..... Einen besseren "Erfolgsnachweis" kann es nicht geben......Den Effekt der Anwertung kann hier ( bitte die Jahrescharts Einstellung wählen ) "bewundert" werden


US Fires Opening Salvo In Trade Wars With China Mish

Trade Tensions With China Quietly Escalating Naked Capitalism

Protektionismus : EZB sieht "Spirale der Vergeltung" FTD

Sie verweist auf eine Studie, nach der nach dem G-20-Gipfel im November 2008 17 der 20 Staaten protektionistische Maßnahmen angekündigt hatten - obwohl sich die Staats- und Regierungschefs dort klar gegen jeden Protektionismus ausgesprochen hatten

The ECB is pointing to a study that after the G-20 Summit in November 2008 17 of the 20 states have been implementing protectionist measures.... This is in stark contrast to what they have promised ( my translation )

A Tale of Two Depressions VOX

The downward spiral in global trade volumes has abated, and the most recent month for which we have data (June) shows a modest uptick. Nonetheless, the collapse of global trade, even now, remains dramatic by the standards of the Great Depression.

Volume of world trade, now vs then

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

When Monetizing 12% Percent Of GDP Isn´t Enough.......

Not quite an "Exit Strategy"....... This Cartoon on "Green Shoots" is spot on..... :-) As long as the pound & gilts are not crashing this will continue.....I´m pretty sure Bernanke is watching the market reaction very closely UPDATE: Fed’s Kohn on Lessons From Buying Government Bonds… in Britain .... Especially with the Fed running low on ammo..... Read A 300-year-old example of quantitative easing.... John Law, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke... via The Mess That Greenspan Made as a reminder what can happen.......

Das ist wohl das Gegenteil der dank der tagtäglichen "Green Shoots Visionen" diskutierten Exitstrategie der Notenbanken......Die Lage muß wirklich KLASSE sein......Dieser Cartoon trifft den Nagel auf den Kopf...... Aber solange das Pfund & Gilts nicht crashen wird dieses in der Vergangenheit mehrmals massiv fehlgeschlagenes "Experiment" ( siehe A 300-year-old example of quantitative easing...... John Law, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke... ) weitergehen...... Bernanke dürfte die Marktreaktion sehr genau verfolgen UPDATE: Fed’s Kohn on Lessons From Buying Government Bonds… in Britain ..... Das gilt umso mehr als die Programme der Fed auf "Reserve" ( siehe Running low on ammo via R.Winkler ) laufen......

The governor’s insatiable appetite for QE FT Alphaville
The Governor invited the Committee to vote on the proposition that:

Bank Rate should be maintained at 0.5%;

The Bank of England should finance a further £50 billion of asset purchases by the creation of central bank reserves, implying a total quantity of £175 billion of such asset purchases. The Bank should seek to complete the additional purchases within the next three months.

Six members of the Committee (Charles Bean, Paul Tucker, Kate Barker, Spencer Dale, Paul Fisher and Andrew Sentance) voted in favour of the proposition. Three members of the Committee (the Governor, Tim Besley and David Miles) voted against, preferring to increase the size of the asset purchase programme by £75 billion to a total of £200 billion.

Yep, Mervyn King, together with Besley and Miles wanted the rate of monetary stimulus increasing, not just extending at the current rate of £50bn-a-quarter. That was good for half a cent off sterling versus the dollar and a third of a cent v the euro on Wednesday morning. Gilts, of course, spiked higher.

Somebody stop me Alice Cook from the great blog UK Bubble

The extraordinary thing about UK monetary policy today is how close it is shadowing fiscal policy. This year, the Bank of England printing presses will produce roughly the same amount of new money as this year's fiscal deficit. Or to put it more bluntly, the private sector have, on a net basis, stopped lending money to the government.

The Casey Report

> The estimated issuance is based on this "optimitic" forecast.... Especially compared to the IMF, OECD, Bloomberg etc..... No surprise to see the BOE also out of touch....... Good to know that at least this leads to a "review" of the AAA rating.... Hallelujah! :-) After watching this & this chart it should be clear to anybody not working at an rating agency that an AAA is more or less history.....

> Die o.g. Emission der Gilts basierd auf der unten aufgeführten "wenig konservativen" BSP Prognose...... Vergleicht diese mal mit denen von IMF, OECD, Bloomberg..... Überflüssig zu erwähnen das die BOE ebenfalls jenseits aller Realität prognostiziert..... Immerhin wird "gedroht" das AAA Rating einer ernsthaften Prüfung zu unterziehen..... Was wären wir nur ohne die Ratingagenturen....... Spätestens nachdem man sich diesen & diesen Chart vor Augen führt dürfte jedem der nicht gerade für eine Ratingagentur arbeitet klar sein das ein AAA wohl auf Jahre hinaus nicht mehr als ein feuchter Traum von Brown & Co sein wird.....

FT Alphaville

The Chancellor has forecast that the economy will contract by 3.5% in 2009, followed by GDP growth of 1.25% in 2010 and 3.5% in 2011. He sees long-term trend growth at 2.75%

UK GDP forecasts - RBC (amended)

> While i´m still in the deflation camp for some time to come but i´m pretty sure down the road the central banks will once more cause massive inflation ( read Inflation: What the heck is it? from Mish). If you want to know the details why i think this will happen i would like to refer to the podcast with Chris Martenson. Couldn´t have said it better.....H/T Pension Pulse.... One of many reason why i´m a "Goldbug" ( regardless of the timing - H/T Zero Hedge). The best "insurance"( relatively speaking ) you can buy to protect yourself from the "wisdom" of King, Bernanke & Co.. :-)

> Obwohl ich die nächsten Jahre noch dem Deflationscamp zuzuordnen bin steht zu befürchten das die Notenbänker Ihr Ziel einer stark "erhöhten" Inflation nicht verfehlen wird. Wichtig zu wissen das ich mit der Definition von Mish ( siehe Inflation: What the heck is it?.) übereinstimme die mit den Veränderungen der Konsumentenpreisen nur sehr indirekt etwas zu tun haben. Für alle die die Logik hinter dieser Einschätzung erfahren möchten die verweise ich gerne auf den erstklassigen Podcast mit Chris Martenson. Kann es beser nicht formulieren..... Dank an Pension Pulse..... Einer von vielen Gründen warum ich ein Freund des Goldes bin ( und das unabhängig vom timing / Dank an Zero Hedge ) Auf Dauer gesehen die zumindest relativ beste Absicherung gegen die "Weisheit" von Bernanke, King & Co .....

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Protectionism On The Rise....."China Edition"

First the US and now China ( the country with the biggest surplusses ) ...... Just what the doctor ordered...... Now combine this with the following chart ( for more more "depressing" charts see A Tale of Two Depressions & World Trade Shrinks ) and we all can only hope that this kind of "cancer" isn´t spreading.... But i have some serious doubts.....

Nachdem die USA ja bereits trotz einmal mehr großer Worte von Obama die "Buy American" Klausel in Ihrem Konjunkturpaket haben festschreiben lassen kommt jetzt der nächste Tiefschlag...... Wenn die Weltkonjunktur eines nicht gebrauchen kann dann ist es eine Ausuferung des Protektionismus. Der Welthandel ist eh im freien Fall ( siehe klasse Chart via WSJ World Trade Shrinks )..... Das jetzt ausgerechnet China ( das Land mit den größten Handelsüberschüssen ) genau in diese Richtung marschiert ist mehr als bedenklich und läßt einem bei dem nachfolgenden Chart ( mehr depressive Charts via A Tale of Two Depressions ) noch pessimistischer in die Zukunft blicken.......

‘Buy China’ policy set to raise tensions FT

China has introduced an explicit “Buy Chinese” policy as part of its economic stimulus programme in a move that will amplify tensions with trade partners and increase the likelihood of protectionism around the world.
In an edict released jointly by nine government departments, Beijing said government procurement must use only Chinese products or services unless they were not available within the country or could not be bought on reasonable commercial or legal terms.

The government also said it was launching an investigation in response to complaints from domestic industry associations which accuse local governments of favouring foreign suppliers in procurement related to the country’s Rmb4,000bn ($585bn, €421bn, £356bn) economic stimulus package.
Just a few months ago Beijing was raging against a proposed “Buy American” clause included in the US economic rescue package.

“Some countries raised clauses to prioritise the purchase of products of their own countries in their economic stimulus packages,” Yao Jian, a Chinese commerce ministry spokesman, told reporters in February. “We express deep concern about these [measures] ... under the current financial crisis, measures issued by all countries should not cause negative impacts, and especially they should not send out wrong messages.”

Most economists agree China’s economy is starting to recover as a result of its aggressive stimulus package but the country is still struggling with unemployment and fears widespread layoffs could lead to serious social unrest.

The edict was issued jointly by the legislative office of the State Council,China’s cabinet, the national development and reform commission (the country’s powerful state planning agency) and the ministries of industry and information, supervision, housing, transport, railways, water resources and commerce.
The new edict bans local governments and departments from discriminating against domestic suppliers in their procurement. Foreign companies operating in China argue that the opposite is in fact true and that they have been largely cut out of procurement related to the government’s stimulus package.

> More evidence via Michael Pettis that the potential for trade conflicts are rising......

> Hier ein anderes Beispiel das verdeutlich das sich Risiko von Handelskonflikten sich merklich erhöht hat.....

Trade tensions are not improving. Last week I had dinner with a very senior China manager at a large German company and he told me expected anti-dumping suits to surge in the first quarter of next year. As if to beat him to the punch yesterday’s Financial Times came up with this story (“China accused of predatory pricing practices”)
“We are puzzled by this discussion, especially since most European companies operating in China are locally incorporated and have not benefited directly from the government’s stimulus package,” said Joerg Wuttke, president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China.

“Requiring government procurement to favour Chinese goods and services certainly won’t help to address China’s trade surplus of €170bn.”
UPDATE: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

China risks trade suicide Beijing is playing with fire by issuing a `Buy China' edict for its stimulus package.

Beijing risks making the same catastrophic error as the US Congress when it passed the US Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act in 1930. America was then the rising surplus power, like China today. It was the chief beneficiary of an open global system.

By imposing tariffs, Washington triggered massive retaliation. While nobody escaped the Great Depression that ensued, the effects were unequal. The US suffered a far steeper decline in output than the rest of the world. Britain muddled through relatively well in a trade bloc behind Imperial Preference.

China’s action is extremely disturbing. It confirms what we have long feared, that the Chinese government is sufficiently worried about rising unemployment to adopt suicidal measures. Nor does this episode instill confidence in the `China recovery story’.

China kennt die Kraft der Illusion FTD
Das Land will nur noch chinesisch kaufen, frisiert volkswirtschaftliche Statistiken und hängt weiter vom Ausland ab. Ganz schön merikanisch geworden

Die bisher größte Verwunderung löste Peking mit dem für das vierte und das erste Quartal gemeldeten BIP-Wachstum aus - 6,8 und 6,1 Prozent im Jahresvergleich sollen es gewesen sein. Das erstaunt, wo doch die Stromproduktion seit dem vierten Quartal zwischen einem und zehn Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr rückläufig war. In China entfallen 80 Prozent des Stromverbrauchs auf die Industrie.

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Failed Korean Debt Sale

With tsunamis of sovereign debt being issued around the globe i think news like this will pop up on a regularly basis ( especially for those countries mentioned in So Begin The (Serious) Sovereign Downgrades…? ). This also raises the question what will happen to spreads on corporate bonds ( see Death of Corporate Bonds Is Worth Investigating from William Pesek/ Bloomberg ) .... It will be interesting to see if some countries will be forced to issue debt in foreign currencies if even higher yields are failing to attract enough investors.....And lets all hope that the central banks are resisting the call to be the buyer of last resort ( monetize the debt )..... This would almost definitely lead to trouble down the road......

Mit der nicht enden wollenden Flut an neuen Staatsschulden rund um den Globus dürften vergleichbare Meldungen bald öfter über die Ticker laufen ( verweise in diesem Zusammenhang auch besonders auf die Staaten die in dem folgenden Link angesprochen werden So Begin The (Serious) Sovereign Downgrades…? ). Desweitern muß man sich fragen was solche Ereignisse für Unternehmensanleihen bedeuten ( sieheDeath of Corporate Bonds Is Worth Investigating from William Pesek / Bloomberg ) ..... Entscheidend wird sein ob bestimmte Staaten gezwungen werden einen Teil Ihrer Verbindlichkeiten in Fremdwährungen zu begeben wenn selbst steigende Renditen nicht mehr ausreichen um genügend Investoren anzuziehen..... Bin gespannt ob auch dann die Notenbanken sich dem Druck widersetzen und nicht als Käufer auftreten ( sprich die Notenpresse anzuwerfen )......... Das dürfte eher früher als später zu großen Problemen führen.....

Korea Fails to Meet Target in Bond Sale for 2nd Month

South Korea failed to meet its target at an auction of 10-year bonds for a second consecutive month on concern that the nation will increase debt sales to fund stimulus spending.

The government raised 584 billion won ($415 million) at today’s sale, less than the 800 billion won targeted, after investors offered to buy 604 billion won, the finance ministry said on its Web site. The securities were sold at an average yield of 5.2 percent, higher than the 5.1 percent the market expected, said Kim Do Sung, a futures trader with PB Futures Co. in Seoul.

“The market has shown little interest in longer-dated debt,” Kim said. “The trend may continue for a while as concern about oversupply lingers.”

Investors including Pacific Investment Management Co., which runs the world’s biggest bond fund, and DBS Asset Management Ltd., are avoiding long-term securities as governments fund extra spending by increasing debt sales. Asian nations have pledged an additional $685 billion over the next five years to support growth after recessions in the U.S., Europe and Japan caused exports in the region to collapse.

In a Jan. 19 auction, the Korean government sold 426 billion won of similar-maturity debt, failing to raise a planned 800 billion won. Malaysia attracted bids for 1.46 times the 3.5 billion ringgit ($967 million) of five-year notes sold on Jan. 22, the weakest bid-to-cover ratio since May 2008. The Philippines rejected all bids from investors for 7 billion pesos ($148 million) of treasury bills at an auction on Feb. 9 in Manila.

Curve Steepens

The extra yield that investors are asking to hold 10-year Korean bonds over those maturing in three years widened to 1.63 percentage points last week, the most since November 2001. The spread was 81 basis points at the end of 2008.

Asian local-currency government bonds have handed investors a 4.3 percent loss this year, after rallying 9.7 percent in December, when interest-rate cuts by central banks drove down yields, according to indexes compiled by HSBC Holdings Plc.

Borrowing costs will climb in the region this month as policy makers increase spending to revive their economies, Mirae Asset Investment Management Co. and CIMB-Principal Asset Management said.

India, the Philippines, Thailand, Korea and Malaysia were scheduled to sell at least $3.8 billion of local-currency bonds maturing in 10 to 30 years in February.

“The deeper the recession, the more the stimulus and the more the bond supply,” Kim Sung Jin, head of debt investment at Mirae, South Korea’s biggest asset manager with the equivalent of $43 billion under management, said last week. “The long-end maturities are the most vulnerable.”

Yields Rise
South Korea has already allocated 51 trillion won in tax cuts and infrastructure projects to shore up the economy, and the government needs to increase its budget spending to revive growth, Deputy Finance Minister Noh Dae Lae said on Feb. 12.

The yield on Korea’s 10-year government debt rose one basis point, or 0.01 percentage point, to 5.20 percent today compared with 4.22 percent on Dec. 31, according to Korea Securities Dealers Association. The rate averaged 5.15 percent over the past five years, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

“Asian local-currency yield curves have bear-steepened so far this year on supply concerns, but more steepening lies ahead as 10-year yields remain below their long-term averages,” said Jens Lauschke, a fixed-income strategist at DBS Group Holdings Ltd. in Singapore.

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