Sunday, October 3, 2010

Lindsey Ryan Stoker


Bubba Jean
Bubba Jeaney
Lindsey Lou
Baby Nancy (that's what it sounds like when Whitney says her name..HA!)


Renee said...

She is a doll. Love those eyes! We drove up your way tonight as a family to show our kids where the fire was. I think we found your house....beautiful!!! So sad to see everything so black...and you could still smell the ash. Looks like you guys were super lucky to have your house survive. Thanks for posting your thoughts on the experience. it was very touching to read. Hang in there!

Stephanie said...

I love my Bubba Jean!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stalker sarah said...

Oh my CUTENESS!!!! She is precious! :) Love the photo and the nicknames! :) And LOVE YOU!!!

Shauna B. said...

What a doll!

Linda said...

She is so cute!

Jenn said...

She is so very cute! I think she does look like Whitney.