Feel free to pass your comments, feedback, advices or recipe requests / suggestions through comments of this blog or email to illatharasi@gmail.com. All your suggestions are welcome!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Egg Pie / Tart

My first experiment on PIE's :) in an Oven Toaster. I just followed Ivy's Pie/Tart's recipe. Except I used small muffins plates to do it.
Made the filling as below:

Boiled eggs - 3
Onions - 1 big sized, finely chopped
French beans - 5-6, finely chopped
Ginger garlic paste - 1 tablespoon
Fennel seeds - 1/2 teaspoon, powdered coarsely
Coriander leaves - few chopped
Salt to taste
Oil - 1 tablespoon

Heat oil in a pan. Add onions and saute until they are golden brown.

Add ginger garlic paste, fennel seeds, beans, salt to taste and fry until beans are cooked.

Garnish with coriander leaves and mix well.

Keep a spoonful of this filling into the pie shell with half of boiled egg.

Bake for 10 minutes and serve hot.

I used oven toaster so it was not perfect, but tasted good. So try this out in proper oven and enjoy!

Sending this Egg Pie Recipe to Ivy's Savoury Pie Event

and the picture to Jugalbandi's Click of the month - Crusts Event

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

CLICK - Coffee/Tea Event & Mentha (Mint/Puthina) Rice (Microwave cooking)

July's concept is Coffee and Tea for the CLICK event, hosted by Jugalbandi.

My entry for the event :

Now over to today's recipe, Mentha Rice ...........

Mint is a wonderful herb, with a pleasant odour. It is widely used in cooking, chewing gums, breath freshners, drinks, medicines, toothpastes, insectisides, etc. If it is taken with warm water, it completely cools the body and improves digestion.

I was browsing for Mint recipes, and found this in
Pachakam.com. After minor changes, I prepared this recipe.

Rice - 2 cups
Mint leaves - 2 cups
Onions - 2, cut into pieces, lengthwise
Green chillies - 4-5
Grated coconut - 1/2 cup
Cumin seeds - 1 teaspoon
Cashew nuts - 10
Mustard seeds - 1 teaspoon
Black gram (Urad Dal / Uzhunthu) - 1/2 tablespoon
Split chickpeas (Kadalai paruppu/Channa dal) - 1/2 tablespoon
Curry leaves - few
Tamarind - a small lemon size
Ghee - 1 tablespoon
Oil - 2 tablespoon
Salt to taste

Soak tamarind in 1/4 cup of water and extract juice. Wash mint leaves and drain water.

Heat pan, add 1 tablespoon of oil. Once it is hot, add mint leaves and green chillies and fry until raw smell goes off. Switch off the flame and allow it cool.

Once it is cool, grind it with coconut, cumin seeds, tamarind extract to a fine paste. Sprinkle little water if needed.

Heat ghee in a pan. Fry cashew nuts in it and keep aside. Add remaining oil to it. Once it is hot, add mustard seeds and allow it splitter.

Add urad dal, split chickpeas, curry leaves and onions and fry for few minutes, until onions turn pale.

Meanwhile, wash rice and transfer it to microwave container. Add fried onions, grinded mint paste, salt to taste and 4 cups of water.

Mix well and cook it in microwave for 20 minutes.

Once it is done, garnish with cashew nuts and serve hot.

Cooking time : 30 minutes
Serves 3-4 persons

Sending this recipe to Herb Mania - Mint event hosted by Ammaluskitchen.


And, reposting Mango Milkshake & Fruit Stiks recipes for WYF Juices and Icecreams event hosted by Easycrafts.

Click here for Mango Milkshake recipe.

Click here for Fruit Stiks recipe.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Click for BRI! & Foodies Meet!

Lakshmi (who intiated Foodies meet), Priyanka, Priya, Sowmya and myself, we had a meet this saturday @ Toastbox, Vivocity. There was no specific agenda since this was our first meeting. After our personal introduction, we dicussed on how to make our blogs more attractive, events happening in the blogger world, plagarism, etc etc. Click here for more details.

And, we decided to contribute for Ms.Briana Brownlow for her treatment and pray God to give her all the strength she needs. We collected the money and contributed today.

Also, I wanted to participate in CLICK YELLOW for Bri, conducted by Jugalbandi. This was specially dedicated to Ms.Briana.

YELLOW is the happiest colour in the spectrum and it signifies hope and enlightenment. So my entry is Yellow Pepper

Continue reading below to know more about CLICK YELLOW for Bri.

This is an appeal on behalf of a group of food bloggers who are friends of Briana Brownlow @ Figs With Bri.

Bri was diagnosed with breast cancer two and half years ago. A mastectomy, chemotherapy and two years of relatively good health later, the cancer is back. It has metastasized to other parts of her body. At the age of 15, Bri lost her 41-year old mother to the disease. Now, she’s waging her own war against breast cancer. More about it here.

She is going through intensive chemo and other treatments and needs to focus single-mindedly on healing and finding what treatment works best for her. Her health insurance, unfortunately, does not cover holistic alternatives which she would like to try. Bri and her husband Marc have enough on their plates right now in addition to worrying about her medical bills.

The team organising the JUNE edition of CLICK at Jugalbandi has organised a fundraiser to help Bri and her family meet her out-of-pocket medical costs for ONE YEAR.

CLICK is a monthly theme-based photography contest hosted by Jugalbandi. This month’s theme is: YELLOW for Bri

Yellow is the colour of hope. Through the work of the LiveStrong Foundation, it has also come to signify the fight against cancer.

The entries can be viewed HERE. The deadline for entries is June 30, 2008. The fundraiser will extend until July 15, 2008.

The target amount is 12,000 U.S. dollars. We appeal to our fellow bloggers and readers to help us achieve this. Bri deserves a chance to explore all options, even if her insurance company thinks otherwise.

There’s a raffle with exciting prizes on offer. After viewing the list, you may make your donation HERE or at the Chip-In button on any participating site.

Your donation can be made securely through credit card or Pay Pal and goes directly to Bri’s account.

This month’s photo contest also has some prizes. Details HERE.

You can support this campaign by donating to the fundraiser, by participating in CLICK: the photo event, and by publicising this campaign. =============================================

Sunday, June 15, 2008

PIT Photo Contest - ஜூன் 2008

PIT புகைப்படப் போட்டி- ஜூன் 2008
Theme : A Day at Work
போட்டிக்கான படம்:
மற்ற படங்கள்:

Thursday, May 15, 2008

PIT Photo Contest - மே 2008

PIT புகைப்படப் போட்டி- மே 2008
Theme : ஜோடி

போட்டிக்கான படம்:

மற்ற ஜோடிகள்:

Monday, April 14, 2008

PIT Photo Contest - April 2008

PIT புகைப்படப் போட்டி- ஏப்ரல் 2008
Theme : தனிமை (Lonliness)

போட்டிக்கான படம்:
வெள்ளை புலி, தனிமையை முகத்தில் கொண்டிருக்கிறது!!!

இரவு வந்தாலே தனிமை!!!

தனியாக தவழ்ந்து வரும் நிலவு!!!

ஜோடி இல்லாமல் கருப்பு புறா!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

PIT Photo Contest - March 2008

Theme: Reflections (பிரதிபலிப்புக்கள்)

These are posted for the online photo contest at Photography In Tamil Blog.

Friday, February 8, 2008

PIT Photo Contest - February 2008

Theme: Circles (வட்டம்)

Soap Bubble
(தன் வாழ்க்கை சில வினாடிகளே ஆனாலும் எவ்வளவு சந்தோஷமாக உயர பறக்கும் சோப்பின் நுரை...)
Spiral Binding
(என்னதான் வளைந்து நெளிந்து இருந்தாலும், இது தான் இந்த புத்தகத்தின் முதுகெலும்பு!)

These are posted for the online photo contest at Photography In Tamil Blog.