A little knowledge is a dangerous thing! Well as far as computers go!!!! Yesterday I had a day long full of problems and thought I'd solve everything, but I should have burnt the midnight oil and finished my work because this morning I'm back to square one, AND discovered that the little I know is not enough!
Thanks to all who tried to help - it's a good feeling to know that I'm not alone. I had already installed Chrome and it seemed to make matters worse so I uninstalled and then this morning I have re-installed and at the moment I'm IN! BUT, I've somehow managed to get into the new blogger template and I can't find my way out!
Yesterday I had a message from Twiglet asking if I had any suggestions for an elongated heart die. I have this one from Marianne Creatables which cuts nicely in both the Bug and the JT.
If you know of any others please leave a comment here for Twiglet.
Also, Twiglet is looking for a plain flower die. Well there are lots of flower dies about and if you want a large size the Nesties are worth looking at. I would suggest looking at the main Spellbinder site for the complete range. If it's a smaller type of flower, Marianne again to a nice range but I like these.....
They are Crealies and you get four dies on a small plate - they cut both paper and a good quality card with no problems and also layer well. I know that CB sell them and I'm sure there will be offer available on ebay.
Well back to trying out CHROME! Hope to be back soonish!