Showing posts with label family activities. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family activities. Show all posts

Friday, April 8, 2016

Life is beautiful

Have not been updating my blog for a long time. 

Last year, the elder 2 passed their grade 8 piano exam, while the youngest passed her grade 5 and is now pursuing grade 6 while learning cello at the same time. I am glad music is part of their lives and they enjoy it.

The eldest is having a stressful year preparing for his A level exam while the middle kid will be sitting for her O level. The youngest will switch to an international school in September. I am glad they are serious about their studies and I am thankful all of them have healthy hobbies that help to release some of their study pressure. 

As for me, I am still enjoying my work and my family. Apart from preparing dinners, I have started making bread since last year. I am glad I am still passionate about life.

Glad that I managed to churn out 2 drawings too.

Even my hubby has picked up cooking as a hobby! 

I am glad the house is constantly filled with the smell of home cooked food, the music from different musical instruments, happy laughters & sometimes healthy arguments, and good conversation across the dinner table. 

Life is beautiful. I live the life I have imagined. I count my blessings and wish to be a blessing to others.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

How time flies!

Time flies... my last update was so many months ago.

Had a great 2014.


I organised a halloween party for my girl & her friends. She ended her primary school life on a high note.


My older daughter baking red velvet cupcake

And she made her own dress and blouse

We set up Christmas Tree in our home for the first time

Welcoming 2015 with all my buddies in my BFF's house. They gave me a sweet birthday surprise!

I am thankful for a great 2014.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

尋根之旅 Ancestral Home & Food

A few more photos of my ancestral home...

Big compound

There is a staircase leading to the balcony that offers a scenic view.

A view from the ancestral house is facing 
a mountain 太平山 & a river. 
Good Feng Shui indeed :-)

These's a couplet on both sides of the main door saying:

Intricate wood carving. 

The meaningful words on the mirror in the main hall:

书田菽栗多真味, 心地芝兰有异香

The first part is about the benefit of reading, and the second part is about noble character.

My brother told me 芝兰 is iris / orchid that symbolizes noble character / true friendship.

I'm sure it was my great grandpa's wish that all his descendants possess such good habit and character!

A corner of the interior. That house was badly flooded many years ago.

Curious to have a look at the pigsty.

My dad standing in front of the Chinese New Year couplet written by my cousin's son whom has won many calligraphy awards. Did I mention my great grandpa wrote good calligraphy...and my dad has beautiful handwriting too?

The dining area.

Getting ready for a feast. Red is the favorite color for Chinese family. Feeling like CNY reunion :-)

Yummy Hakka delicacies that included Soon Ban 笋粄, Ngiong Tew Fu 釀豆腐, Meatball Soup, Foo Chook, Lou Su Ban 老鼠粄 etc. There're also chicken, very fresh mushroom & vegetable.

Besides Chinese tea, we're served with the very tasty homemade wine - Niang Jiu 娘酒. 
I turned lobster red after a few cups...but i just couldn't resist it! What to do... I'm a Hakka Mui 客家妹!

The delicious Lou Su Ban 老鼠粄

Very clean underground water.

Bidding farewell. 

One thing for sure, this is a fruitful & meaningful trip that we shall always remember...

- 印度诗人泰戈尔 

I can't seem to find the above in English (by Rabindranath Tagore). 
So I loosely translate it. 
"At sunset, no matter how long the shadow of tree stretches, 
it'll always link to the root / begin at the root"

Saturday, June 16, 2012

尋根 Finding Root (A trip to China) Part 1

During the recent school holidays, my family had a private tour to China. It was such a meaningful trip, with family members of 3 generations ( my dad & his 2 brothers plus spouses, my cousin sister & son, my brothers' families, me and my youngest daughter).

We reached 廈門 Xiamen on 26 May.

My cousin & sister-in-law share the same birth date. We wanted to get 2 sets of candles but was told by the shopkeeper that it was common to use 12 candles in China regardless of age.

Celebrating birthdays far away from home, but with close family members.

Day 2 we visited 鼓浪嶼 Gu Lang Yu 。I like the Piano Musuem the most. It has an impressive collection of antique pianos. Back in the hotel that evening, my dad and uncles told us stories of our grandpa. It was such an unforgettable night!

Day 3 was the main highlight of the trip. We were accompanied by relatives in China to visit our ancestral home in 大埔 (Da Pu). That house was built about 80 years ago for my great grandfather by my grandfather and his brothers who worked in Malaya at that time.

A road which was built much later (1992). It was named after one of my grand uncles.

Another road which was built in 2002. It was named after another of my grand uncle and his son. That grand uncle lived for more than a century and contributed heavily to the development of his homeland.

I could see how happy the 3 brothers were! (It was the first trip for my dad and his eldest brother)

Entering our ancestral's home...It was claimed to be the most beautiful house in that area many yeas ago. The words on the right hand side shows the middle name of 4 generations (初,開,育,秀). My great grandpa's name is 陳初軔。

A photo with our China relatives (my cousin and his mother).

Stepping into the main hall.

I was so excited to see my great grandparents' photos in the main hall. Those were similar to photos in my childhood home. My great grandparents left China and were reunited with his children in Malaya. He passed away in the foreign land.

Savouring some authentic fruits.

The kids had a great time chasing after the chicks. What do you expect? There's no ipad to entertain them.

It was fun for the kids...but not so fun for the poor little chick.


I wonder what the kids' great great grandpa is going to say if he were still there... 

開枝散葉I'm sure it would be the greatest day of his life :-)

p/s: more photos in my next post!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

"Painball" or "Paintball"?

We spent 2 nights at Swiss Garden Damai Laut recently. My son was so excited when he heard that paintball is available in that resort. He played it once in KL and loves that game very much.

Initially I was not keen to play because none of us brought our long sleeve shirts and long pants. Furthermore, I was scared of being hit by the ball (I could imagine the pain). However, I later gained enough courage to have a game with my hubby and 2 elder kids.

Do not underestimate the power of this tiny ball.

Loading the gun. Each of us paid RM65 for 100 bullets.

Team 1: Mom & Dad
Team 2" Son & Daughter

Started off with target shooting

The battle field ... Kids vs Parents!!!

Parents fighting a losing hubby was "mercilessly" shot by our son in a few places.
We called it "The Son's Revenge"

I was quite painful when the ball hit me. My delicate skin bruised for a few days.

I must admit it was fun and exciting. However, on the following day, my hubby and I refused to play with our son again (it is expensive and why pay to get hit??). So we let him join 3 boys that he just met for the game.

Putting down the signature...playing at your own risk.

That 3 brothers were all first timers. My son shared some techniques with them. it possible to be 1 against 3?

Initially my son was confident to play against all the 3 of them.

It is not easy to be a lone ranger no matter how good you are.

That 3 boys learned fast. The next round, my son requested one of them to join his team.

Besides having good fun & making new friends, the boys had learned the importance of teamwork.