Boosh Music
"Come with us now, on a journey through time and space, to the world of The Mighty Boosh!"
The Mighty Boosh is a show I discovered through their music - specifically the "Eels Song". It only ran 3 seasons (2004-2007) which was crazy since it was a hillarious and popular. Adult SWIM ran the series in the U.S. This is the soundtrack from the TV series (which I highly reccomend if you've never seen it). The "Spirit of Jazz" is one of their classic episodes - among many spoofing various music styles and icons including Funk, Hendrix, Mods, Punk...01 Mod Wolves02 Ape of Death
03 The Shamen
04 The Tundra Rap
05 Mutants
06 Charlie
07 Electro
08 The Hitcher
09 Yeti Magic
10 Searching for the New Sound
11 Rudy's Quest
12 Spider Lovin'
13 El Sondio Nuevo
14 Nanageddon
15 The Chosen One
16 Soup Song
17 Love Games
18 Sea Funk
19 Isolation
20 Milkie Joe & the Coconuts
21 Eels
22 I Did a Shit on Your Mum
23 Future Sailors
24 Looking Backwards
25 The Crimp
26 A Higher Place
27 Bouncey Bouncey
28 Sammy the Crab
29 It's What's Inside That Counts
And for the context and fun of it, here's the whole "Eel's" episode speeded up to fit on YouTube. Enjoy!