Secret Sister Gifts

As I mentioned before, this past month we had our girls camp.  It was a lot of fun; we got by on very little sleep, ate great (thanks to Larene), tried to stay dry and warm in the rain, went for a hike, did lots of crafts and oh yeah, saw three baby bears!  I kid you not, three little cubs got stuck in the dumpster and the camp missionaries let us come down and watch as they released them.  It was so cool and something I don't think the girls will ever forget.  I know I will not.

Anyway, I wanted to share some little gifts I made for my secret sister.  I just used things I had around the house so they were pretty inexpensive but a total hit. (and a lot of fun to put together also.)

For Day 1 I used chocolate.  I had these cute little boxes just laying around.  (I think a Friend and I ordered them in bulk a few years ago and these just happened to be left- you know that stash you have that you don't want to throw away because "someday" you might use it?)
I bought some Hersey Treasures candy and wrapped each piece in a scrap of printed paper.  (You will have to be sure to secure it well- I used red tacky tape.) Because the candies didn't fit in the box perfectly (do they ever?) I crumpled up some tissue paper to place around the side.
Next I wrapped a band of printed paper around the outside and then used a boarder punch to make the lacy white band. 
I made a little paper roset, punched a scalloped circle and stamped a circle tag, then glued it all together and added a button.  To finish the gift, I added a little tag that I was able to write the girls name on once we got to camp.
It really wasnt' as complicated as it sounds and she loved it.

Day 2 was even easier.  My son drinks Jones Sodas like crazy.  I simply washed out a bottle and let it dry really well.  I spray painted the lid white.  Using the same tools and supplies as I already had, I wrapped the bottle and made a little card to go over the top.
The bottle is filled with the little fruit shaped candies (can't remember what they are called right now)
It does take a lot of candies but they are so yummy!

Day 3 was the easiest of them all.  I simply put a bottle of yummy smelling lotion in a cello bag, made a card using leftover scraps of paper and tied a few strings of ribbon to it. 
What fun and inexpensive gifts.  I hope this will inspire you to give a little something to someone special this week!

Tracy Rushton

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  1. I was looking for gifts for this years camp and saw this. I am in this ward and Larene (the cook) is my mom. It was a super fun camp

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