Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snow. Show all posts

Saturday, October 10, 2009


It's October 10th and there's snow? Are you serious!?! This past summer has been unseasonably cool, and now we're getting the earliest snow fall in recorded history.
Poor Debbie, she didn't know what happened...We go out for first turn out and there is half an inch of snow.
She was wearing her sweatshirt and Leroy (my Weim) decided he had to mark on her right as she was peeing/marking; and she ended up getting sprayed on her shirt and right thigh.
She wanted back in.
Debbie: come on mom, lets go in, my toes are chilly!

After a washcloth bath, clean jammies and breakfast, we went back out and by then the snow lost its novelty so she was willing to walk around and take her time...nothing really fazes Debbie.