Showing posts with label Frosty Paws. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frosty Paws. Show all posts

Saturday, September 12, 2009

NLGA Picnic

Hello All,
Debbie here to tell you about my fun filled day! Foster Mom and I went to the NLGA Picnic. It was packed with greyhounds of all sizes and colors; I was the bestest looking hound there :) Enjoy my pics!

There was lots of shopping to do

I was loved on by so many people! Here is a little 3 year old hugging me.

It was a hot day so I cooled off in the pool

Gilley Girls performed for us!

Foster mom bought me a Frosty Paws, yummy!

This is pretty Zinnia, she's available for adoption.

This is handsome Half-Time, he's up for adoption too.

It was a hot and fun afternoon...Me back a home...zzzzzz