And Just Like That star Sara Ramirez was spotted carrying a trans rights flag as they joined thousands of protesters at a 'free Palestine' rally in Brooklyn on Saturday.To be sure, many such practitioners are aware of that, and their reasons for taking LGBT lifestyle is more for the purpose of destroying western society as a 5th column. That's quite possibly the explanation for why these scum are willing to sell their souls to the Religion of Peace's antisemitic agendas. By contrast, look at what happened abroad:
The 48-year-old non-binary actor wore a keffiyeh - a monochrome patterned scarf which is a patriotic symbol of Palestinian identity - with a black North Face jacket, cap and dark sunglasses as they marched through the Bay Ridge neighborhood.
The use of LGBT paraphernalia at pro-Palestine protests has baffled many, since the Islamic Middle Eastern state follows sharia law, and as noted by Amnesty International, it is not safe for the queer community.
A march in London on the same day saw what appeared to be a group bearing the Palestinian flag tear down an LGBT flag, sparking a conflict.If they're alluding to the PLO, of course they wouldn't. What does one expect from an autocracy? But shame on the UK Mail for sticking with the position there's such a thing as an Arab/Islamic state by the name of "palestine" when that's not the case. Though admittedly, it's not a surprise in Britain this kind of propaganda could still prevail. Also disgraceful is the use of the word "patriotic", which the PLO symbols most definitely are not.
Palestine is not an LGBT-friendly nation. An Amnesty report last year highlighted how 'authorities failed to prevent and investigate homophobic and transphobic threats and attacks' in the country.
Outlining an example of homophobia in the nation, the report said: 'On 9 July (2022) security forces stood by and watched as a mob beat youths and children participating in a parade organized by Ashtar Theatre in Ramallah that included rainbow flags.
'The attack came amid a wave of incitement to violence and hate speech against LGBTI people and feminists that the authorities failed to investigate.'
And that somebody who's presumably a woman disrespecting her own gender would be involved so blatantly in an antisemitic march is just the tip of the iceberg, because And Just Like That, the sequel to Sex and the City, builds on some alarming antisemitic stereotypes itself:
“Sex and the City” (SATC) fans appropriately expressed outrage after SATC’s reboot “And Just Like That” (AJLT) made an offensive joke about the Holocaust on Holocaust Remembrance Day. They further charged that the show was permeated with overdone “woke-ism.”And that's just the beginning. The show turns out to be stunningly politicized, maybe even more than the original TV series was. Although, if the following alludes to the original series, something very disturbing turned up there too:
But other deeply disturbing things about AJLT received little to no notice. First, AJLT repeatedly promoted the dangerous George Soros-funded Israel-bashing propaganda organization Human Rights Watch (HRW). This became even worse in the just-aired AJLT Season 2, which also displays giant HRW signs in numerous scenes.
The show also included a joke portraying Israel’s Mossad as random assassins; propagated the false “Muslim ban” myth; disparaged Jews’ physical appearance and behavior; and mocked concerns about kosher food. It thus compounded the negative, antisemitic portrayals of Jews and Israel in the series “Suits,” “Quantico” and too many other shows.
This is extremely harmful to Jews in an era of skyrocketing antisemitism, which is often manifested as Israel-hatred.
SATC portrayed the Jewish character Harry Goldenblatt as so physically unattractive that, during the early part of his relationship with the gorgeous character Charlotte York, Charlotte is repulsed and embarrassed to be seen in public with Harry.I guess if the homosexual character is Jewish, it's okay to depict somebody like that as ugly too, huh? Not to mention that depicting a Jewish man as gay is also an insult to Jewish manhood. Wow, this makes me glad I never saw it. I do recall reading some movie reviews of the 2 film expansions in the late 2000s, where it was told there were some crude jokes made to boot, and have to wonder what anybody sees in a TV show where the women were reportedly meant to be absurd metaphors for homosexual men?!? All this does is make clear Hollywood really is a repulsive place to be - and regrettably has been for a long time. And now, SATC and its sequel have a cast member who's going miles out of her way to align with antisemitic movements. When the TV show is as horrific as the above makes clear, you can't be shocked if any of its contributors are by extension. Let's also not forget one of the original series' actors, Chris Noth, was accused of sex offenses a few years ago, which only tarnishes the TV program even more. We can only hope more people will be willing to boycott AJLT now that it's been exposed as the atrocity it sadly is.
Related episodes focused on Harry’s hairy back, Harry sloppily eating and then spitting out a bagel into his hand and Harry leaving skid marks on the sofa from sitting on it naked. Even after Charlotte falls in love with Harry’s humor, warmth, compassion (and sexual ability), and converts to Judaism so he will marry her, Charlotte yells at Harry: “Do you know how lucky you are to have me? Do you know how we look? Do you know what people out there think when they see us together? Do you?”
Harry leaves after that outburst, and Charlotte is then set up with two other Jewish men, described as “a meeskite and a faigela”—Yiddish terms for an ugly man and a gay man. Charlotte then attends a Jewish synagogue singles event populated with unattractive singles and only one good-looking Jewish man. The good-looking man leaves the event after Charlotte rejects him, and the other women then lament that “all that’s left is the fatties and the baldies.”
The other significant Jewish character, Carrie’s gay friend Stanford Blatch, is short, bald and portrayed as unattractive.
By contrast, virtually every non-Jewish SATC event attendee and date is good-looking—often extraordinarily so. Years ago, I saw SATC taping an outdoor scene in New York City’s Bryant Park. Even the extras were remarkably attractive.
AJLT continues SATC’s habit of disparaging Jewish character Harry Goldenblatt’s looks. In AJLT’s season one, episode one, Harry asks, “What? Bike helmet not a good look on a 58-year-old Jew?”
Harry’s physical abilities are also disparaged in stereotypical fashion. After Charlotte knocks Harry over during a tennis game, Harry says: “I’m OK, I’m OK. Just an old Jewish guy tryin’ to play sports.”
Update: here's another example of a LGBT advocate who was arrested at one of Jewish Voice for Peace's anti-Israeli rallies in Florida.