Saturday, October 29, 2011


It is October 29th and it has been snowing here most of the day.  Something I heard on TV this morning said this is the earliest snow in our area since the 1700s.  We have a couple of trees in the backyard that do not look good.  Since they still have leaves on them the snow has really been so heavy they are all bent over.  I am talking about 60' plus maple trees.  We are afraid they are going to crack right down the middle.Bob and I ran around doing errands this morning.  Yes we were a little crazy and went out in the stuff.  Bob is a good driver and he had no problems at all.  After lunch I sat down and finished stitching a PS Christmas ornament and started beading a JBW Christmas ornament I finished stitching earlier in the week.  Hopefully tomorrow I will finish the beading on the JBW ornament and be able to finish the 4 ornaments I have stitched.  One of these is a Thanksgiving ornament I want for my ornament tree.  My sister called a couple of hours ago and they have no electricity or phone service.  Her husband walked up to the road and a tree is down and knocked down all the wires.  I can imagine that it is going to take a long time for that to be taken care of.  Luckily they have a generator but they didn't want to turn it on until they absolutely had to so the house would be warmer tonight.

Hopefully later in the week I will be posting pictures of 3 of my ornament finished.  The 4th ornament is for an exchange I am in so I can't post that one until my partner receives it.  I hope to send it out right before Thanksgiving.

Yeah Penn State won, just barely but a win is a win.

Hope you have a great weekend.

1 comment:

blueladie said...

SNOW... ewww. Sorry to hear your sister doesn't have electricity. Hope they can get it fixed sooner rather than later. Hope your trees stay in tact. Can't wait to see all of your ornaments, Iris, especially the beaded ones. :) Cathryn