Sunday, May 10, 2009

Moving to LA

So i can finally announce it, IM MOVING TO LA!

Its been a long work in process, but my wife and i have finally made the right moves, and decided to make the move to LA. This has been a dream of ours since our wedding day, we have always felt a connection to LA, and with its art scene, and the opportunities that it represents for the both of us, we finally got enough things to fall in place to make it happen.

As far as settling in i need to take time to thank from the bottom of my heart Sean Galloway and Lesean Thomas for their willingness to help make this transition easier for me, and really pulling me under their wings, and helping me with so much. I look up to these guys artistically and personally for so many things, and this is just another reason why i owe them so much. They have and are continuing to help me with the move, and getting me connected with the LA vibe, so i thank them sincerely.

Now as good as this news is, its also stressful because the move is happening so fast, we are leaving Chicago July 28th of this year, so we have mad packing to do, and tons of going away parties to attend, lol. What this also means is that with the transition, i wont be able to make it to Wizard World Chicago this year either, with all the transition taking place, it would be too much to try to come back right as we are settling in, so we decided that it would be best for me pass it up.

My table in Artist alley will still be occupied by my "INTRODUCING" family, with none other than sitting in my place. and my brother will also be there too. SO! Thats whats been up, i will be releasing more information on my current projects as soon as i can, but know that Chicago is always home, i will miss it dearly, and in fact am creating a painting series dedicated to this beautiful Nirvana that has for so long allowed me to soak up its culture, and help define me as the person i am today. For the people here, i dedicate this move to you all, and know that my goal is to brighten the marquee with all that this city and its people have given me.

My family and i are super excited, and cant wait to share more with you guys. HOLLA...and stay tuned, PEACE!


Tom said...

Congrats and good luck! With good friends there to welcome you and your awesome talent I am sure it will be a good experience.

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris. It was good to meet you and I'm glad you're coming out to LA. You got some serious skills! I'm sure I'll see you soon over here at WB!