February 29, 2012

Groundhog Day

Do you celebrate Groundhog day? I never really have. Florida doesn't have seasons so six weeks of more/less winter doesn't make much of a difference. In Rexburg it was a life saver to think the winter might be over sooner rather than later, but in my heart I knew it would go on until at least May! In England however, there is hope for spring before summer! Unfortunately they don't celebrate Groundhog day. Rats! Big furry rats...or should I say groundhogs!

Well, no real reason to celebrate except that while we were on our trip to Belgium (post to come) our neighbor emailed us to tell us they found our long lost Christmas package! We were so excited to have MORE presents to open. So since we picked it up on Groundhog day, we decided that Groundhog day presents were just as good!

I received a beautiful pair of pearl studs and the kids got toys that are just perfect for church! You know the kind...the quiet kind! With me playing the piano in Sacrament Meeting every week, Ian needs all the reinforcements he can get keeping the kids quiet.

Thanks for the Groundhog Day presents Grandma! They came just in time!







1 comment:

Kayleen said...

hahaha! I love the pic of holly hugging her reindeer!! We totally missed groundhogs day and didn't celebrate at all. In fact... I don't even know when it was. Oh well. miss you guys as usual.