So for the first time, Ian and I hosted our very own Thanksgiving. We were really excited to have everyone join us because we weren't really able to go anywhere because of Atley. We had 14 people (plus Atley) to eat with us on Thanksgiving Day including, My parents, ALL of my 5 sisters, Ian's Mom, Grandma, and Great Grandma, and my Grandma and Uncle.
Here are the pictures I was able to take while they were here. Enjoy!

This was Mom's first time holding Atley. She was really excited to meet him and he was VERY grateful to be held almost non-stop.

Here is Atley with his Great-Great Grandma Cressi. She'd been waiting a long time to hold him, and she was so excited when she finally got the chance.

The food was amazing and these pictures prove it!

I'm pretty sure Atley was Maria's new favorite baby by the time she went back to Provo. I bet he likes her a lot too.

"It's TRADITION! You HAVE to put olives on your fingers at Thanksgiving." At least, that's what I was told...

I was so thrilled to have everyone there to enjoy the baby and the food. Maria was kind enough to do the thumbs up for me.

5 generations...WOW!

Atley wore his special turkey bib for the occasion. How cute!

Not 5 generations, but there's all my sisters plus the Mom. It has been 2 years since we were altogether. It was sure great to see them.

Erin was such a great help while she was here. She a lot of time caring for Atley and I think got really attached to him.

Darien and Dad arrived on Saturday and she was so excited to finally hold the baby she'd seen so many pictures of! Atley kind of looks like a doll here though.

One special thing that we were able to anticipate was the arrival of Atley's crib. Here's Grandpa Sorense, Taran, and Ian setting it up in his room.

This is our beautiful, hand-made, one of a kind crib. He even added a little touch with this purple heart wood. No, it's not painted, it's actually that color! Cool, huh?

This holiday, Ian and I had a lot to be grateful for. Our families were all here to celebrate the birth of our first baby and we enjoyed every minute of it. Since they've left things have been a lot quieter.
grat⋅i⋅tude: the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful.Here are some things that I've been very grateful for this holiday season.
1. The gospel
2. My marriage
3. My baby
4. Family
I hope that everyone was able to find something they've been grateful for and express that appreciation. As President Brigham Young says "I do not know of any, excepting the unpardonable sin, that is greater than the sin of ingratitude." (
Teachings: Brigham Young, 177.)
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