I Wanna Talk About Me

My photo
Savannah, Georgia, United States
As you can see, I am still just me. 27 years old, born and raised in Savannah, Georgia. Almost 9 years into a relationship with the man I gave my heart to. We are the proud parents of 3 dogs and 2 cats. You will see them all here, a lot. I lost my mother November 18, 2008. I am now struggling to live life without her, but I have an amazing boyfriend and fantastic friends to help me through. Oh, and Duct Tape is the best invention. EVER.

Monday, March 22, 2010

I don't even know where to start...

I am such a damn slacker. I have had sooooooooooooo many things to write about but just don't get to the computer in time and then I forget my brilliant (and hilarious) topic.


The most recent event was St. Patrick's Day in Savannah with Jess and Co. But you can go here and read about all of our shenanigans.

Although, I did take a few pictures for Captain Dumbass....

If I remember correctly, he kinda has a thing for storm troopers. We were all walking back to the car to refill our beers and I happened across this wonder...

Mad props to whoever did that. I giggled my ass off. Such detail. Such creativity.

I have approximately 267 MORE pictures from the St. Pat's parade and the drunken debauchery that went on late in the evening. But I won't make you look at them.

Other than that, I haven't really been up to much of anything. Still unemployed. Still watching CSI reruns on Spike.

Anywho, I just felt the need to share those few amazing pictures with you. Oh, and this one.

Just to leave you with a wee bit of cuteness for your ass.


  1. Oh you did remember to write one!

    And that is HILARIOUS how they all tried to squeeeeze on that there small couch!

  2. You are a double scoop of awesomeness.

  3. Jess - Yes. Yes, I did.

    Captain - Why thank you sir.
