So guess what? Actually it's one of the hardest questions for me to answer. It even took me a bit longer to answer the question. Well, actually, it is easy to say any subjects, but what took me was that I was thinking on how I can defend my answer. After 5 seconds of thinking, I realized that it should not be taking me that long, so I answered...math! LOL. A very cliche answer.
Up until now, I haven't received any updates from that company and I know I was rejected. Haha. If only I got to defend all my answers clearly, I think they probably calling me now already. But, the heck! I even told the interviewer that I did not perform well in that subject. It's like I was saying them that..hey, I am not good in math, do not hire me! LOL. Yeah, considering that they are from IT Company. Yeah, boy, what a bad move. Well, at least I learned. If only I knew this Online tutoring and Math Help, I would have given a better answer to my interviewer. Oh, man, I should have tried this online Algebra Tutoring and Algebra Help before. Try it people! Who knows you'll be answering the same question as well. So better be ready. Hehe.