
Showing posts with label ERF 5AG. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ERF 5AG. Show all posts

Sunday, 19 March 2023

1973 ERF 5AG

This was one of the participants in the Greater Manchester Transport Society's Trans Lancs Historic Vehicle Rally at Heaton Park, Manchester in September 1993.
It's a 1973 ERF 5AG with Gardner 100 diesel engine and described in the 1996 Rally as an ERF LAG. I understand that the '100' refers to the bhp of the engine, in which case it would seem to be a 6LW 102hp 6-cylinder 8,370cc engine. The programme of the rally said this about the vehicle:

ERF 5AG 1973                                                                                                         RTS457
Entered by G. Dawson, Old Glossop
New to Scottish haulier Joseph Grant Ltd of Broughty Ferry and restored by the owner to their livery.