Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The best gift a mother can get...

when her children are small...is sleep.

Paisli is my little sweetheart. She has been sleeping through the night since 2 months old! At almost 4 months old now, she sleeps from around 8 or 9 pm to anywhere from 7:30 to 9 am. 12 hours straight is not uncommon for her. She NEVER wakes up at night anymore. Well, occassionally she'll stir and fuss for a few seconds, but I don't even budge anymore because I know she'll be asleep again in a matter of seconds. We usually have to wake her up in the mornings to put her in the shower with me so we can go to work.

Hyatt also slept through the night starting at 2 months, and so far, Paisli looks and acts the most like Hyatt. I've discovered that it may be the fact that I moved Hyatt and Paisli out of my room at 2 months old that they started sleeping through the night so young (though Paisli moved back in after a few weeks). I didn't do that with Tilly and Kiersa, and neither of them slept through the night until 9 months old or older.

She's beginning to try to hold her own bottle.

Hmmm. Is she embarrassed of us, concentrating extremely hard, or just dead tired?

Look at her chub! I don't know how much she weighs (I'll find out on the 18th), but she's got the horrible inner thigh curse that Kiersa has, which was passed down from me. Sorry girls.


The Lanyons said...

What a good girl. You deserve it though. I can't imagine what you'd do if she was demanding and difficult!

Our Pratt Pack said...

What a chunk so cute!

The Not-a-hoes said...

oh man 12 hours? i thought 7 was great!

Karin Stephens said...

Isabelle is getting so close and I hope she goes straight through the night soon.