Showing posts with label Marge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marge. Show all posts

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sis Sez Sunday - 77

Well, guys, Sis Sez Sunday comes to an end today as this is the last Sis Sez that Ruth Plumly Thompson and Marge wrote.

In the future I might be able to bring you a few more as I am missing several issues of King Comics from my collection. I'll see what I can do.

I think Thompson's verse has been much better in these last few episodes. I suspect that Marge was just getting too busy to illustrate a Thompson short story and draw two Sis Sez pages every month. Marge didn't even finish illustrating all of Thompson's Wizard of Way-Up serialization in King Comics - another artist filled in for a few issues.

So what's going to replace Sis Sez Sunday, you ask? Well, starting next weekend we'll delve into Thompson's The Perhappsy Chaps. The internet should prove an ideal medium for this rare Thompson book as the lovely full-color illustrations are half the fun!

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 61, in May 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sis Sez Sunday - 76

Poor Sis is in quite a lather this week! I think this might be one of Thompson's better Sis Sez poems - but it looks to me like Marge drew Sis wearing the bathing cap she's lamenting the loss of.

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 61, in May 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sis Sez Sunday - 75

Nice to see Sis's grandma has so much spunk!

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 60, in April 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Sis Sez Sunday - 74

If there was ever an advantage to being the rear end of a horse it's when one is skating on thin ice!

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 60, in April 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sis Sez Sunday - 73

All Sis needs is Mickey Rooney and she could be in Strike Up the Band!

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 59, in March 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sis Sez Sunday - 72

I think Sis's boyfriend Bill is kind of a jerk. Keep writing, Sis -  freckles and all!

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 59, in March 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Sis Sez Sunday - 71

That is no way to spend New Year's Day, Sis! Besides, I think the cop saw you!

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 58, in February 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sis Sez Sunday - 70

You tell 'em, Sis!

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 58, in February 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sis Sez Sunday - 69

Well,  these days Sis would be welcome to join up. But from a purely historical perspective it's interesting to consider what's going on in Europe in January of 1940 and what's coming down the pike  twenty-three months later.

That said, please don't try jumping off the roof with an umbrella!

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 57, in January 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Sis Sez Sunday - 68

Happy Holidays and best winter wishes from Sis and the gang!

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 57, in January 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sis Sez Sunday - 67

Sis was pretty ahead of the times to be this down on smoking in 1940! Somehow I thought Ruth Plumly Thompson smoked, too.

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 56, in December 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sis Sez Sunday - 66

Sis just doesn't seem to have a lot of luck with boys - but I suspect this one is gonna get the hot seat if he's not careful!

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 56, in December 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sis Sez Sunday - 65

Sis and her horsey friend are having a lot more fun this Sunday than they did on last Sunday!

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 55, in November 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sis Sez Sunday - 64

Poor Sis - Last week she fell off the hay wagon and this week Mr. Paul tears her down. What's a girl to do?

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 55, in November 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sis Sez Sunday - 63

I'm not familiar with the custom of wishing on the first load of hay. But after seeing Sis's luck, I don't think I'm gonna start anytime soon!

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 54, in October 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sis Sez Sunday - 62

So true, Sis - so true!

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 54, in October 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sis Sez Sunday - 61

When Sis goes out on the town the men are in black and white but she's blue all over!

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 53, in September 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sis Sez Sunday - 60

Sis has kind of had it with house guests, and this one has been hanging around since 1940!

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 53, in September 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sis Sez Sunday - 59

Poor Sis is gonna need a vacation after her vacation!

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 51, in July 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sis Sez Sunday - 58

Well, Sis is out in the wilderness on a camping trip and I'm here typing out blog post 300. Time sure does fly! Thanks to all of you who read the blog and get some enjoyment from our tiger-striped antics. Now on to this week's Sis Sez. This is actually one of my favorites.

This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 51, in July 1940. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!

Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.