I have been collecting foreign translations of the Oz books since I was about fifteen.
I recently found one I have wanted for a very long time - the 1933 Le Petit Roi d'Ohz - a French translation of L. Frank Baum's Marvelous Land of Oz. In fact this is the second earliest translation of any Baum or Oz book, preceded only by the 1932 companion translation of The Wizard of Oz called Le Magicien d'Ohz.
The book was published by Les Éditions Denoël et Steele in Paris. The translation is by Marcelle Gauwin. The French title translates as The Little King of Oz. The titular character is in fact the Scarecrow - the "little king" who is deposed by Jinjur.
This is a full translation of Baum's text, and the book contains many of John R. Neill's original illustrations. But the translator has made a number of subtle changes.
Tip becomes Cadet and he lives with an old witch named Malencontre (also a French noun meaning bad luck or misfortune). Cadet builds a creature to frighten her which he names Thomas Lampion (Jack Pumpkinhead). The Sawhorse is aptly named the Cheval de Bois. Jellia Jamb becomes Bergamotte. General Jinjur becomes General Fine Aiguille, named for a fine needle. The Wogglebug becomes Baron Puceron, H. D. M. A puceron is essentially an aphid or plant louse. They all escape in the Cerf-Volant (the Gump) and travel to Glinda who is named Argine. All ends happily when Princesse Papi (Ozma) is restored to the throne.
There are at least a few subtle changes in the story, too. Instead of Mombi turning into a gryphon, Malencontre turns into a Kangaroo!
I am very happy to have found this edition at long last. It will be fun to read as I'm working on improving my French!
À plus tard, mes amis!
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
One Hundred and Fifty BLOGS!
Well, Boys and Girls - this is the 150th blog post on Hungry Tiger Talk. I hope you have been enjoying it.
While I have enjoyed sharing interesting and rare items from my collection, telling tales of my Ozzy exploits, and serving as an all-things-Oz news hub, on some basic level this blog was created for mercenary purposes. It was meant to promote Hungry Tiger Press and, more specifically, our on-line store. And frankly, the blog hasn't done diddly-squat for sales.
I know full well the economy is still in bad shape. The blog isn't gonna disappear, and I don't think Hungry Tiger Press is going to disappear either. But Hungry Tiger Press needs sales to pick up. Have you been thinking about buying a book and putting it off? Well, now is a great time to order it!
Most of you seem to have a fondness for L. Frank Baum's writings. Have you tried any of his non-Oz books? The two Flying Girl books are among the finest books he ever wrote!
We have both collected editions of Eric Shanower and Skottie Young's Oz graphic novels for sale.If you order them from us, Eric Shanower will be delighted to sign them for you! We have three very inexpensive graphic novels reprinting Walt Spouse's very rare 1930s Oz comic strip! Seriously, come check them out!
We have the most beautiful edition of L. Frank Baum's 1906 fairytale, John Dough and the Cherub, available. The drawings are better reproduced than they were in the first edition and it has a wonderful foreword by Oz scholar J. L. Bell.
And we have published several really terrific and beautiful traditional Oz titles: Edward Einhorn's superb Living House of Oz, Eric Shanower's Salt Sorcerer of Oz, and Eloise Jarvis McGraw's The Rundelstone of Oz.
We also have a beautiful edition of Ruth Plumly Thompson's Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz available, as well as the only complete edition of Thompson's rare first novel, The Wish Express.
There is so much else as well. Come look around the store! Do you really have everything? If so, how about getting an Oz or Baum book for a kid you know?
Lastly, please spread the word about the TIGER TALK blog and Hungry Tiger Press, if you can. And here's to the next 150 blogs!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Jack Skellington in Oz
Today's blog features a drawing by Eric Shanower showing Tim Burton's Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas. The artwork was done for a friend - not publication. Jack Pumpkinhead in the background looks on as if he thinks he might be related to Mr. Skellington. I wonder if Scraps might think the same thing about Sally, the rag doll? Enjoy!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

A few weeks ago I posted about meeting Fairuza Balk at a screening of Return to Oz in Santa Monica.
That got me into a Fairuza mood and I immediately ordered her new Limited Edition CD single, Stormwinds, by her group Armed Love Militia. My CD just arrived! The four and a half minute song was written by Fairuza, and she provides the vocals and plays guitar on it as well.
The single is very enjoyable, well produced, and Fairuza sounds great. One can imagine the title Stormwinds might refer to Dorothy's Kansas tornado but there is nothing in the lyrics to indicate such.
The album's cover art (above) is from a painting by Fairuza in her "Rust" series. The CD came with a signed print of the painting as well. The CD single was limited to only 500 copies and is nearly sold-out at this point.
However, you can also get a download of the song: just check out Fairuza's website.
So, congratulations, Fairuza on a great CD debut!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Life Among the Macaronis
Our Free Tiger Tale this month is a one panel cartoon by Oz illustrator John R. Neill.
This episode of the Macaronis series is called "A Scandal in High Life," and was originally published in The Sunday Magazine, February 21, 1904.
You can click on the image to view it larger or click on this link to read it on the Tiger Tales page where you can also read the latest news from Ruth Plumly Thompson's Forgetful Poet.
If you aren't familiar with our free monthly Tiger Tales you can check out a full listing of them by clicking here. There's a lot of great stuff!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Sis Sez Sunday - 26
In this weeks post Sis thinks it's better to be a Bride's Maid than a Bride! I wonder if Ruth Plumly Thompson felt the same way?
This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 28, in July 1938. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!
Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Merry Christmas, Kiddo!
To celebrate this Christmas Eve here's a holiday greeting from me, Eric Shanower, and Percy - the Personality Kid! This was Eric's and my Christmas card in 1992 when Eric was illustrating The Wicked Witch of Oz by Rachel Cosgrove Payes. So, as Percy would say, "Happy Holidays, Kiddo!"
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Reindeer Prints
When I was blogging about Royal Historian of Oz Eloise Jarvis McGraw earlier this month I mentioned that she was trained as a fine artist as well as being a writer of books.
In the last decades of her life she was very interested in print-making of all kinds, and most years she made her own Christmas cards. One of the first I got from her was the Christmas card (at left) from 1982. It's a wood block print showing the Three Magi. Eloise designed the card, carved the two wood blocks (one for each color), and then hand printed the cards. This card is more detailed than most she produced. As you might imagine, Eloise was a big fan of Barry Moser.
This one (at right) from 1984 was one of my favorites. It reminded me a bit of the cover of L. Frank Baum's Life and Adventures of Santa Claus. I especially liked all the fanciful objects serving as snowflakes falling from the sky.
Below is the card from 1985. Eloise wrote in it:
"Dear David - the title of this card should be Christmas Clichés. Ah well, I'll do a better one next year."
I think she did just fine! Happy Holidays!
As always you can click on any of the images to enlarge them and see them a little better.
In the last decades of her life she was very interested in print-making of all kinds, and most years she made her own Christmas cards. One of the first I got from her was the Christmas card (at left) from 1982. It's a wood block print showing the Three Magi. Eloise designed the card, carved the two wood blocks (one for each color), and then hand printed the cards. This card is more detailed than most she produced. As you might imagine, Eloise was a big fan of Barry Moser.
This one (at right) from 1984 was one of my favorites. It reminded me a bit of the cover of L. Frank Baum's Life and Adventures of Santa Claus. I especially liked all the fanciful objects serving as snowflakes falling from the sky.
Below is the card from 1985. Eloise wrote in it:
"Dear David - the title of this card should be Christmas Clichés. Ah well, I'll do a better one next year."
I think she did just fine! Happy Holidays!
As always you can click on any of the images to enlarge them and see them a little better.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Sis Sez Sunday - 25
Well, it's Christmas a week early at Sis's house! And golly gee, if the shoe fits, then why not?
Happy Holidays from Ruth Plumly Thompson, Marge, and all the gang in Sis Sez!
This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 21, in December 1937. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!
Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Fables Fans Face Front
The popular comic book series Fables, published by DC Comics's Vertigo imprint has featured Oz characters since the very first issue. But the Oz characters have long remained in Fables's background, letting other characters from fairy tales, folklore, and nursery rhyme take prominence. Recently two Oz characters moved much closer to center stage since the Fables business office in Manhattan was destroyed by the Dark Man: Ozma and Bufkin the winged (now wingless since the showdown with Baba Yaga) monkey.
If you're an Oz fan and you haven't been reading the award-winning Fables, a perfect time to start is approaching fast. The very next issue of Fables, #101, features some characters you might possibly recognize. And if the style they're drawn in looks familiar, that's because the guest penciler for issue #101 is longtime Oz illustrator Eric Shanower. To the right is a sneak peek at some of his pencil art for Fables.
Fair warning - the multi-issue story arc that begins in Fables #101 will be one that Oz fans will want to read. So don't get left behind!
Fables #101 is written by Bill Willingham.
Pencils are by Eric Shanower.
Inks are by Rich Friend and Andrew Pepoy.
Color is by Lee Loughridge.
Editing is by Shelly Bond.
And here's the cover by Joao Ruas, featuring Bufkin the (formerly) winged monkey.

Fair warning - the multi-issue story arc that begins in Fables #101 will be one that Oz fans will want to read. So don't get left behind!
Fables #101 is written by Bill Willingham.
Pencils are by Eric Shanower.
Inks are by Rich Friend and Andrew Pepoy.
Color is by Lee Loughridge.
Editing is by Shelly Bond.
And here's the cover by Joao Ruas, featuring Bufkin the (formerly) winged monkey.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Ozma - Iconic and Odd
Marvel Comics' Ozma of Oz hardcover is now available at our Hungry Tiger Press on-line store. All copies of the Marvel Oz books sold thru Hungry Tiger Press will be autographed by writer Eric Shanower!
If you'd like your book personalized, just let us know how you'd like your book signed, and to whom, when you "check out." Of course we have copies of Marvel's Wonderful Wizard of Oz and The Marvelous Land of Oz, too! If you'd like them signed just let us know.
The Oz books are not celebrated for the consistency among their stories. Debating and trying to reconcile the many inconsistencies in the Oz books is a pastime that many Oz enthusiasts enjoy. In fact, an Oz book just doesn't seem really Ozzy unless it has an inconsistency or two.
John R. Neill, illustrator of most of the Oz books, was no more consistent in his Oz character design than L. Frank Baum, Ruth Plumly Thompson, and Neill himself were in their Oz stories--yet another quality that made Neill a perfect illustrator for the Oz books. A case in point is Ozma, the royal and rightful ruler of the Land of Oz. Let's contrast and compare the many different versions of Ozma. We'll just stick to Neill's depictions of Ozma this time. Another time we'll look at many of the countless other ways Ozma has been portrayed through the years.
(And remember, you can click on any of these pictures to view a larger version.)
Here's the very first of Neill's illustrations of Ozma in an Oz book, The Marvelous Land of Oz (1904). If you don't know why this little boy is a picture of Ozma, then you don't know the story. Go read Baum's book, then come join us for the rest of this blog. We'll wait for you.
Later in the same book, this Neill illustration of Ozma follows Baum's description "of a young girl, fresh and beautiful as a May morning" with "tresses of ruddy gold." Get a good look at those tresses while you can. They won't last long.
In the very next Oz book, Ozma of Oz (1907), Ozma's hair has become dark, as you can see here in one of the most iconic illustrations Neill drew of the character. Commentators have tried to explain Ozma's sudden change of hair color as Neill contrasting Ozma with his version of Dorothy, who's blond. But since this book is the first time Neill drew Dorothy, he could have given little Miss Gale any hair color he wanted. So that explanation doesn't hold much water.
Here's another of Neill's iconic images of Ozma from Ozma of Oz. Ozma crossing the Deadly Desert is Dorothy's first glimpse of the girl who would soon become her BFF - that's Best Friend Forever for those of you behind the times - a relationship exemplified by the illustration below from Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz (1908).
By The Road to Oz (1909) their relationship is pretty warm.
How old is Ozma? No one can really say, least of all Neill. He drew her sometimes as a child, sometimes as an adult, and sometimes in between - often in the same book. In The Road to Oz Ozma looks decidedly more mature than we've seen her in previous books.
Ozma's a bit small in this illustration of her birthday banquet from The Road to Oz. But it's too nice an illustration not to share.
A lovely portrait of Ozma here in the endpaper from The Emerald City of Oz (1910). This is another of those iconic illustrations that defines the character as much as Baum's text ever did.
The Land of Oz had a telephone system early on, obvious in this illustration from Emerald City. Ozma's more mature again here. There's a reason for that. Neill was never one to throw away an illustration that didn't work for one assignment if he could use it elsewhere. Many illustrations for the Oz books show evidence of being originally intended for other uses, including this one. Originally this was likely an illustration for a woman's magazine, perhaps Ladies Home Journal or McCall's, both of which Neill did work for over the years. Neill seems to have turned a generic American woman - inhabiting an up-to-date household complete with telephone - into Ozma of Oz.
And now - from the same book - Ozma's a little girl again in this glorious color illustration that's one of the Ozziest images ever created.
John R. Neill gets the credit for giving Ozma her poppies, her tall thin crown, and her tiara featuring the Oz symbol, another of Neill's creations. But Ozma doesn't always sport these trademark features - sometimes she varies her headgear, as in this illustration from The Patchwork Girl of Oz (1913), where the tiara and crown are missing.
Later in the same book the tiara is back, but now Ozma's exchanged her crown for some sort of feathered knob.
It's hard to even accept the character in this illustration from Tik-tok of Oz (1914) as Ozma. The blond hair is back, and that dress and hairstyle don't look so Ozzy on close inspection. It looks like another case of Neill adding Ozzy elements to an illustration of an American woman of the time. In fact, she looks suspiciously like the actress Margaret Carroll who would soon be married to John R. Neill. But the tiara with the Oz symbol is there, so we'll agree that it's Ozma and say no more about it.
In The Lost Princess of Oz (1916), Ozma's back to full traditional headgear in another iconic Ozma illustration.
Then for most of Glinda of Oz (1920), the poppies and tiara are nowhere in sight. Ozma wears only her crown, now attached to a small skull cap. How Ozma manages the rest of the time to keep that crown firmly sitting on top of her head without the skull cap is anyone's guess.
This illustration of Ozma from The Royal Book of Oz (1921) - Ruth Plumly Thompson's first Oz book - re-opens the question of Ozma's hair color. We've been so used to seeing it dark that this version of Ozma can easily be read as having dark hair, but considered objectively, she could be a blonde again.
Ozma's choice of clothes changes more than most readers are aware. Here's a rather unique robe from the cover of The Lost King of Oz (1925).
And do you remember the time Ozma wore pants? No? Well, here it is from The Yellow Knight of Oz (1930).
Once more Ozma is decidedly a mature young woman in this cover for a reprint of Ozma of Oz that Neill drew about 1929. Among circles of Oz fandom this illustration is known as "slinky Ozma."
This cover for a reprint of The Emerald City of Oz was done about the same time. It bears a striking resemblance to the illustration of Ozma in pants. Oz enthusiasts have nicknamed this one "cheesecake Ozma."
Neill's style evolved through the years, always retaining its spark of life and humor. This illustration of Ozma was drawn very late in his career, for the first of the Oz books Neill wrote himself, The Wonder City of Oz (1940). Ozma has outgrown the girlish demeanor that she displayed early in her reign. Perhaps she's become more sophisticated over the years that she's borne the responsibility of ruling Oz. She's no longer as "young" and "fresh" as she once was, but she's still "as beautiful as a May morning."
So choose the version of Ozma you prefer. As you can see, there are plenty of versions to go around.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sis Sez Sunday - 24
Happy Holidays from Ruth Plumly Thompson, Marge, and all the gang in Sis Sez!
This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 21, in December 1937. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!
Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Happy Birthday, Eloise!
Today, December 9th is Eloise Jarvis McGraw's birthday. She would have been 95. She was the author of three Oz books: Merry Go Round in Oz (1963) The Forbidden Fountain of Oz (1980) and The Rundelstone of Oz (2001).
I first wrote to Eloise Jarvis McGraw in 1979 when I was in my mid-teens. Her Oz book Merry Go Round in Oz was almost impossible to find and, on a long-shot, I sent her a note asking if she had any copies. I had also recently acquired a few of her non-Oz books and I asked if she'd be willing to sign them for me if I mailed them to her with return postage. She quickly wrote back and explained that her "author's copies" of Merry Go Round were long gone but that she'd be happy to sign the other books. I packed them up and sent them. In no time they were winging their way back to me. I was very excited! I'd made a connection with an actual Royal Historian of Oz!
I wrote her a thank you letter, she wrote back, I wrote her, and somehow we became pen pals. At first I assumed she was just being friendly to a non-adult "fan". But there seemed to be more going on than that. By the time we'd exchanged half a dozen letters some of hers were getting to be four typed pages - single spaced!
She was writing me about projects she was doing, her upcoming trip to Europe, messing about the house, her print-making (she was trained as a fine artist before she ever started writing). I lapped it all up! It sounded so great! I wrote her about my life, too, but somehow I didn't know exactly what to tell her because my life was a chaotic mess. My parents had divorced two years earlier, we'd had a terrible house fire the month my parents' divorce was finalized. I was overly shy, somewhat chubby, and very inhibited.
A year later we finally met face-to-face at the 1980 Ozmopolitan Convention. Eloise and I talked a lot, and my mom, sister and I drove her to the airport at the end of the convention. Bad traffic and bad directions caused us to get to the airport just in time for Eloise to miss her flight. I was mortified! I was also still overly shy, somewhat chubby, and very inhibited. We continued our correspondence though. I sent her stories I'd written, and told her about my gourmet cooking class in high school. Eloise was a gourmet cook in case you hadn't heard.
In 1983 I was going to go to the Winkie Convention in California by myself for the first time. My family and I lived in Minneapolis at the time so this would be my first major trip without a parent. Eloise was going to be attending too, with her daughter (co-author of their two Oz books) Lauren Lynn McGraw. Eloise wrote and suggested that if I could fly into Sacramento the day before the con we could stay at a motel in Sacramento, have dinner, and drive into Yosemite Valley for the Winkie Con together. Of course I accepted.
I landed in Sacramento in the afternoon and took a shuttle to our motel. About 4:00 Eloise and Lynn arrived. Eloise came to my door and said they wanted to clean up for a bit and that I should meet them at the bar in the hotel for a drink at five o'clock. The drinking age was eighteen in 1983 Hooray! [Apparently not! See comments] I wandered over to the bar and Eloise was already there. Lynn joined us a few minutes later. I ordered a Vodka Tonic.I must have been copying either Eloise or Lynn's drink order because I'm fairly certain I didn't even know what Tonic Water was! We went out for dinner to a Chinese restaurant that was a favorite of Eloise's. We had a relaxed and leisurely "grown-up" dinner with a bottle of good wine.
The next day we met for breakfast. Eloise showed me the distinct way she ate waffles. She ate the center first, leaving the outer ring for last. Then we drove into Yosemite Valley for the Oz convention. We got there fairly early and the Oz club's president, Peter Hanff, asked if I wanted to help greet the conventioneers at the registration table. I'd never been asked to help like that before.
The 1983 Winkie Con was great; and it had a huge impact on my life. It was while sitting at the Registration Desk that I met Eric Shanower for the first time. I was convinced he and I should become the best of friends. But apparently I was a little full of myself (I had just arrived at the con in the Royal Historian entourage in Eloise's white Mercedes) and Eric found my gloating to be a bit much. He eventually got over it and we've been together for over twenty years now. But that's another blog post! The whole con was great! Especially the Saturday night party (click here for a report).
Mid-day Sunday, the convention was over and Eloise, Lynn, and I headed back for another night in Sacramento. The next morning they departed for Portland and I flew home to Minneapolis. It had been a wonderful trip! But I couldn't bear one more wasted second of being overly shy, somewhat chubby, and very inhibited - and I determined to change my life.
Story continued here . . .
I first wrote to Eloise Jarvis McGraw in 1979 when I was in my mid-teens. Her Oz book Merry Go Round in Oz was almost impossible to find and, on a long-shot, I sent her a note asking if she had any copies. I had also recently acquired a few of her non-Oz books and I asked if she'd be willing to sign them for me if I mailed them to her with return postage. She quickly wrote back and explained that her "author's copies" of Merry Go Round were long gone but that she'd be happy to sign the other books. I packed them up and sent them. In no time they were winging their way back to me. I was very excited! I'd made a connection with an actual Royal Historian of Oz!
I wrote her a thank you letter, she wrote back, I wrote her, and somehow we became pen pals. At first I assumed she was just being friendly to a non-adult "fan". But there seemed to be more going on than that. By the time we'd exchanged half a dozen letters some of hers were getting to be four typed pages - single spaced!
She was writing me about projects she was doing, her upcoming trip to Europe, messing about the house, her print-making (she was trained as a fine artist before she ever started writing). I lapped it all up! It sounded so great! I wrote her about my life, too, but somehow I didn't know exactly what to tell her because my life was a chaotic mess. My parents had divorced two years earlier, we'd had a terrible house fire the month my parents' divorce was finalized. I was overly shy, somewhat chubby, and very inhibited.
A year later we finally met face-to-face at the 1980 Ozmopolitan Convention. Eloise and I talked a lot, and my mom, sister and I drove her to the airport at the end of the convention. Bad traffic and bad directions caused us to get to the airport just in time for Eloise to miss her flight. I was mortified! I was also still overly shy, somewhat chubby, and very inhibited. We continued our correspondence though. I sent her stories I'd written, and told her about my gourmet cooking class in high school. Eloise was a gourmet cook in case you hadn't heard.
In 1983 I was going to go to the Winkie Convention in California by myself for the first time. My family and I lived in Minneapolis at the time so this would be my first major trip without a parent. Eloise was going to be attending too, with her daughter (co-author of their two Oz books) Lauren Lynn McGraw. Eloise wrote and suggested that if I could fly into Sacramento the day before the con we could stay at a motel in Sacramento, have dinner, and drive into Yosemite Valley for the Winkie Con together. Of course I accepted.
I landed in Sacramento in the afternoon and took a shuttle to our motel. About 4:00 Eloise and Lynn arrived. Eloise came to my door and said they wanted to clean up for a bit and that I should meet them at the bar in the hotel for a drink at five o'clock. The drinking age was eighteen in 1983 Hooray! [Apparently not! See comments] I wandered over to the bar and Eloise was already there. Lynn joined us a few minutes later. I ordered a Vodka Tonic.I must have been copying either Eloise or Lynn's drink order because I'm fairly certain I didn't even know what Tonic Water was! We went out for dinner to a Chinese restaurant that was a favorite of Eloise's. We had a relaxed and leisurely "grown-up" dinner with a bottle of good wine.
The next day we met for breakfast. Eloise showed me the distinct way she ate waffles. She ate the center first, leaving the outer ring for last. Then we drove into Yosemite Valley for the Oz convention. We got there fairly early and the Oz club's president, Peter Hanff, asked if I wanted to help greet the conventioneers at the registration table. I'd never been asked to help like that before.
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David meets Eric for the first time. Peter Hanff at Left. |
Mid-day Sunday, the convention was over and Eloise, Lynn, and I headed back for another night in Sacramento. The next morning they departed for Portland and I flew home to Minneapolis. It had been a wonderful trip! But I couldn't bear one more wasted second of being overly shy, somewhat chubby, and very inhibited - and I determined to change my life.
Story continued here . . .
Oz Connection Connected
Thanks to all of you who submitted answers to this installment of Oz Connection. None of your responses were the connections I had in mind, but that's just fine! There is no single correct way to connect someone to Oz!
I've now posted all of the Connection threads that were sent in - so go back one blog and read the comments section to see how our readers' minds work. Okay, here's how I'm connecting these three gentlemen to Oz.
Christopher Plummer is best known for his starring role in the movie version of The Sound of Music. In the film, Plummer's singing was dubbed by Bill Lee who did a lot of voiceover work, much of it for Walt Disney. Bill Lee provided the singing voice for Woot the Wanderer in Walt Disney's 1970 children's story book recording of The Tin Woodman of Oz. Lee, as Woot, sings a love duet with Polychrome, the Rainbow's Daughter, called, "I Found My True Love." In the Disney recording Woot and Poly get hitched!
I thought F. Scott Fitzgerald might be too easy because of his very direct Oz Connection. He wrote a short-story called "Outside the Cabinet-Makers" in which a father entertains his daughter by making up a fairytale about the people they see on the street. The father describes all sorts of things, including an ogre, who is "transformed like Mombi in The Land of Oz." The story was originally published in the December 1928 issue of The Century Magazine. I reprinted the piece in Oz-story No. 1.
Last but not least, we come to Ludwig van Beethoven. The most direct connection is that the "Ode to Joy," choral section of the Ninth Symphony also served as the tune to The Seekers' 1967 recording "Emerald City." It's a good song and surprisingly unknown among most Oz enthusiasts. The song lyrics were written by Kim Fowley and Keith Potger (under the name of John Martin). You can listen to "Emerald City" from the YouTube link below:
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Bill Lee |
Christopher Plummer is best known for his starring role in the movie version of The Sound of Music. In the film, Plummer's singing was dubbed by Bill Lee who did a lot of voiceover work, much of it for Walt Disney. Bill Lee provided the singing voice for Woot the Wanderer in Walt Disney's 1970 children's story book recording of The Tin Woodman of Oz. Lee, as Woot, sings a love duet with Polychrome, the Rainbow's Daughter, called, "I Found My True Love." In the Disney recording Woot and Poly get hitched!
Last but not least, we come to Ludwig van Beethoven. The most direct connection is that the "Ode to Joy," choral section of the Ninth Symphony also served as the tune to The Seekers' 1967 recording "Emerald City." It's a good song and surprisingly unknown among most Oz enthusiasts. The song lyrics were written by Kim Fowley and Keith Potger (under the name of John Martin). You can listen to "Emerald City" from the YouTube link below:
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Oz Connection Strikes Again!

You look at the three names below and suggest the closest possible Oz connection to each name you can think of. Sometimes you can do it easily! If I say "Sean Connery" you might reply, "Sean Connery starred in the film Zardoz which is a sci-fi movie about a world ruled by an Earth man hiding behind a gigantic head named Zardoz, a contraction of wiZARD of OZ." This is two degrees of Ozzy separation.

Post your answers in the blog's COMMENTS section - not on Facebook. Just click the "comments" link at the bottom of this post.
I will not publish or post any of the proposed Oz Connection answers until Thursday morning. This will give everyone a chance to answer. Remember there is no single answer - there are many different ways you might connect these three to Oz. There is also no prize beyond the fact that it's a great way to show your own obsessive geekiness and superb cultural knowledge! Have fun!
Give me your best Oz Connection for the following three people:
Christopher Plummer
Monday, December 6, 2010
Christmas in Oz
This past weekend Eric Shanower and I had our annual Holiday Party. It always features a nice mix of Oz friends, Comics friends, and Theatre friends. It was a fine evening!
People often bring little gifts, a bottle of this or that, sometimes books, sometimes edibles. But this year our good friend, cartoonist Joe Phillips, made us a wonderful and Ozzy Christmas drawing!
So thank you, Joe, for the wonderful present!
Happy Holidays!
David and Eric
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sis Sez Sunday - 23
Well, Sis is really up a tree this week!
This installment of Marge and Ruth Plumly Thompson's SIS SEZ page first appeared in King Comics, No. 27, in June 1938. If you love Marge's Little Lulu you're sure to get a kick out of Sis!
Please note that if you click on the image it will expand to a full-size version which will make it much easier to read! All of the other blog images will similarly enlarge.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Visiting Forest Lawn
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Eric Shanower at L. Frank Baum's grave. |
The main stone marks the graves of L. Frank and his wife Maud. But all four of their sons and their sons' wives and a few of the grandchildren are buried there, too, each marked by a flat headstone.
I'd seen photographs of the Baum headstone before, but had never seen the back, which has only the name "Baum" on it. I decided to take a photograph of it, and all of a sudden the sunlight broke through the trees and my iPhone turned the shafts of light a pretty lilac color. It seemed very Ozzy. It was a nice visit with the original Royal Historian of Oz.
If you'd like to see the grave on a visit to Forest Lawn, it's in section G. Obtain a map of the grounds from the kiosk at the entrance to find your way to section G. The Baum stone is visible from the roadway, just east of the Great Mausoleum.
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