Friday, December 30, 2011

So What Would You Guys Like to See?

With the holidays over and with my newest Necron list posted I’ve found that I have a bit of a writer’s block. I’m currently working on an article (or series depending on its length) regarding the current state of 40k going into its last year but it’s going to take a bit so I was wondering….

What would you guys like me to write about?

I’m open to ideas and anything 40k related pretty much goes. Feel free to put them in the comments so I can get started with some writing over the weekend J

Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Current 1,850 Necrons

So the holidays have mostly come and gone and I’m home and not ridiculously behind anymore so it’s time to start posting all over again J

I’m going to start with where I’m currently at with my Necrons. I think it’s a solid list though I’m sure it’s going to require a lot of playing to get the feel of as it’ll require careful movement and it’s different than most armies I play. Anywho:

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Codex Creep – The Myth and the Legend #2 (Unit Comparison)

Let me start this by saying I’m not picking on Corrollax. In fact I think his response actually highlights what a lot of people think and feel when they think of “Codex Creep” and so I thought it would be worthwhile to respond in a full article as opposed to a single entry in the comments section. So thanks Corrollax for giving me some more material to work with. We’ll start by quoting his last comment which was given after I asked how it was relevant to compare Incubi and Purifiers:

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Blood Angel Heavy Calvary – 1850

From: Bolter & Chainsword

So here is a list I like. Not 100% sold on it but I think it’s pretty solid. It’s not as well rounded as the GK list I posted here yesterday but it could be fun.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Grey Knight Armored Spearhead - 1850

I’ve been on a bit of a Land Raider kick lately. I’ve been pondering tons of lists featuring 3+ Land Raiders since I think they’d be fun. I blame a fella at a local event this weekend who mentioned the 5 Land Raider Blood Angel list for getting my mind going down this road. Anywho:

Friday, December 9, 2011

Codex Creep – The Myth and the Legend

I know I’ve been a bit quiet lately and part of that is that it’s the slow season for me for 40k with the holidays and lack of general events until February but part of it is also that I’ve been sucked back into WoW a bit and am enjoying some relaxing smiting lately. Anyway I do still read things, generally while I’m at work, and today I noticed Polonius from Dakka put up an article in the DCM section that details his thoughts on Codex Creep as seen by most people around his local store and the internet. It’s an interesting article and if it gets moved out of there eventually I’ll link it here.

Anyway it got me thinking. I sometimes hear even seasoned players stating that certain books break the game or that no Xenos army is ever as good as a Space Marine army. I also hear things along the line of “well obviously it’s going to be broken, they have to make it better than X”. Between those comments and Polonius’s article I thought I’d give my view on “Codex Creep”

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Grey Knights 1850 - Pallies, Henchmen, and Dreads...Oh My!

My attention span lost traction again today and I started playing with army builder looking at 1850 lists that I might consider particularly nasty. This is one I came up with which is pretty gross:

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Little Update

Nothing to crazy. I've just added a page with photos from the armies I play right now. Once Dash gets me some good photos of his armies I'll add them in too. Just something I felt would be a fun addition. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Point Values And Army Building Thoughts

As I'm looking more and more lately at 1,850 lists because 3/4 GT's I'm considering attending between now and June are 1,850 events I thought "Hey, naturally everyone will want to read my thoughts". Also this post got me thinking as well:

I find it interesting that there isn't really a common ground or a basic point level for this game we love. Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating that we set a point value I just felt that it was interesting that none had sprung up.

Scout Bikers – So Sneaky You Never See Them!

I’m taking a small break from my Necron writings because, well, I want to J. I’m still in love with my Necrons and will have them painted in the relative near future and ready to play but I felt like doing another one of my overlooked unit reviews. You might remember:

Well now I’d like to focus on a unit that does not get nearly enough face time with Space Marine or Blood Angel players. The humble Scout Biker. I’ll focus on its overall strengths and drawbacks and then how it applies to both the SM and BA codexes.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Space Wolves 2.0 - 2k

So recently while building and kinda starting to paint my Necrons I've also been looking at my full painted marines and thinking about how I would revamp them for the current environment. Now I haven't really tweaked my SW's list since year before last (outside of building an entirely new Loganwing) and I think I can make it work in the current environment. Here are two lists I'm considering. The first is including Logan and the second is without.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Codex Review: Heavy Support

Here is the next stop on the Necron review train. The heavy support section is much different from the Fast Attack in that it’s not so full of awesome. I find most of the choices in this section a little lackluster but I’ll try present some uses for all the choices even if I don’t see a use for them in my forces. So onto the review.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Necron Boom Boom List – 2k

Well I got excited by my review of Tomb Blades in my Fast Attack review and so I’ve been toying with a list that included them. In fact it’s a list designed around them. I've also got an idea on how I'm going to build them since I'm not a huge fan of the artwork on them. Anyway, here we go:

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Necron Review: Fast Attack

This is by far my favorite category for Necrons. It contains the majority of what I consider fun units and I think it’s probably going to be the most filled area of the force org chart as people really start to settle down into their lists. On to the review!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Necron Review: Troops

We’ll get this started with that little something you’re absolutely required to take to win games and generally in decent number: Troops!

As a Necron player you have exactly two options. There are no force org shenanigans that allow you to have more so you just have two. Personally I don’t mind though I would have like the option to make something else troops. Granted I don’t think anything else would work balance-wise but that doesn’t stop me from wanting more J